
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-06-03 06:06:49


1 . 英文自我介绍范文及常用语句

2 . 很多事先天注定,那是“命”;但你可以可以决定怎么面对,那是“运”!

3 . 肯学习进取。

4 . 忘了一个重要的问题,那就是我的相貌嘛。正所谓那什么(我忘了哈我穿上男生衣服是帅哥(前提是把长发藏好,换上女生衣服是美女(没办法,遗传基因太好了想不靓都难

5 . strong leadership skills。

6 . 为什么你想到这里来工作――这是所有应征者必先遇到的问题,以积极正面的答案回答,除说明公司的待遇福利等条件吸引人之外,可进一步说明此工作可活用自己的专长。

7 . I have lots of interest, such as singing, dancing, drawing and so on

8 . Besides, I have attended several sports meetings held in Beijing I am also the volunteers of China Tennis Open, Chinese Badminton Masters…… Through these I have a deeply understanding of my major—sports training

9 . Work well with a multi-cultural and diverse work force。

10 . practice, inherit and carry forward the spirit of arduous struggle, also participated in the school&#;s literature and calligraphy Association , Eiching the after-school life, in all its aspects have been improved accordingly


1 . Problem solver 解决问题能手

2 . To introduce myself(介绍我自己)

3 . 先生们,女士们下午好。

4 . 自我认识

5 . 面试时,我们会面对形形色色的问题,而最令人哑口无言的,往往是一些最简单和最常见的题目,比如"请你自我介绍一下"。大多数应征者的反应是--我应该如何作答呢?

6 . 在人生的道路上,谁都会遇到困难和挫折,就看你能不能战胜它。战胜了,你就是英雄,就是生活的强者。

7 . 如果我们只是纯粹想追求个人的快乐,这个愿望很容易达成;但如果我们希望比别人快乐,就太难了,因为我们总认为别人比我们快乐。

8 . Highly-motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality。上进心强又可靠者,并且身体健康性格开朗。

9 . ()自我介绍是应以面试的测评为导向。

10 . 自我介绍的时间


1 . Good morning, my name is jack, it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview, i would like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today, eventually eoll in this prestigious university in september

2 . 谁曾经给你最大的影响

3 . 老师们,同学们晚上好。

4 . Strong leadership skills。

5 . 随后,着手回答第二个问题:你将来要干什么?如果你申请的是一份举足轻重的工作,雇主肯定很关注你对未来的自我设计。你的回答要具体,合理,并符合你现在的身份,要有一个更别致的风格。

6 . 投其所好

7 . 一般人赞许的往往是平庸人。对于平庸人,人们很乐于济助;对于有才智的人,人们以有所剥夺为快。后者成为忌妒的对象,人们对他毫不原谅;可是为了前者利益,人们不惜一切给以支援,他受人们虚荣心的拥护。——孟德斯鸠

8 . good presentation skills。

9 . 避免说一些与职业无关的事,例如:你有一只狗,这并不能为你争取到工作 Try to sound natural

10 . 有极强的系统管理能力。


1 . 你将在这家公司呆多久

2 . Excellent ability of systematical management。

3 . Iamtwentyyearsofage,andhavebeenemployedforthelasttwoyearsbytheGreenTreesCo,intehgeneralclericalworkoftheoffice

4 . Ability to work independenty,mature and resourcefu

5 . 应聘者须勇于挑重担。

6 . 两年前,自从离校后,在格兰酒店担任出纳员。

7 . You&#;ll have a better chance of impressing the interviewer if you think about this question before the interview

8 . Here are some final things to think about when answering the question "Tell me about yourself"

9 . 本人自入学以为,一直遵守学校的各项规章制度,具有良好的思想道 德品质,各方面表现优秀。有强烈的集体荣誉感和工作责任心,坚持实事求事的原则。本人思想端正,能吃苦耐劳,有崇高的理想和伟大的目标,注重个人道德修养,养成良好的生活作风,乐于助人,关心国家大事。

10 . 年中国制造,长cm,毛重kg。采用人工智能,各局部零件完全,运转稳定,经二十多年的运转,属质量信得过产品。该“产品”手续完全,无限期包退包换。现因开展需求,诚招情投意合者,共同研制开发第二代言语聊天软件,有意者请联络!


1 . "宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来",本人坚信通过不断地学习和努力,使自己成为一个有理想有道德有文化有纪律的学生,以优异的成绩迎接挑战,为社会主义建设贡献我毕生的力量。

2 . 自己打败自己是最可悲的失败,自己战胜自己是最可贵的胜利。

3 . 思想成熟精明能干为人诚实。

4 . 是军训,让我们拥有战胜困难的勇气;是军训,让我们懂得团结互助;是军训,开启了我们辉煌的青春。

5 . Strong determination to succeed。

6 . responsibility, adhere to the principle of practical work for things I thought the correct Chikunailao can have lofty ideals and great goals, the importance of personal moral cultivation, the adoption of a healthy life style, helpful, concerned about national affairsIn school, I have been studying hard and assiduously, through

7 . 爱是自己的东西,没有什么人真正值得倾其所有去爱。但有了爱,可以帮助你战胜生命中的种种虚妄,以最长的触角伸向世界,伸向你自己不曾发现的内部,开启所有平时麻木的感官,超越积年累月的倦怠,剥掉一层层世俗的老茧,把自己最柔软的部分暴露在外。——廖一梅

8 . 需要有能力及适应力强的`人。

9 . 有极强的领导艺术。

10 . 本人岁,不久即可毕业。


1 . 建党伟业惊世喜,风风雨雨九十载。由小到大靠自身,由弱到强大气魄。曲曲折折向前进,正确当向稳如泰。战胜险阻不改色,永葆青春昌万代。

2 . It’smygreathonortointroducemyselftoyouhere

3 . 反应快有进取心的应聘者。

4 . "Bao Jianfeng from Grounding out, plum blossom-to the bitter cold," I firmly believe that through continuous learning and efforts to become a ideals, morality, culture, and discipline of students, with outstanding achievements meet the challenge, for the community I am a lifetime contribution to the construction of the power

5 . It’smypleasuretointroducemyselftoyouhere

6 . Mature,dynamic and honest。

7 . Relax and enjoy yourself!

8 . Organized 组织力高

9 . being active, creative and innonative is a plus。

10 . I&#;m a years old boy (我是一个岁的男孩)(具体情况自己改)


1 . 本人曾经前后五年被受雇于出口贸易公司

2 . I hope we can be good friends!(我希望我们能成为好朋友)

3 . Ihavehadfiveyearsexperiencewithacompanyasasalesman

4 . Be highly organized and effecient。

5 . 主要必备素质是吃苦耐劳精神好学习能力优事业心强和身体棒。

6 . 想一矢中的,首先必须认清自我,一定要弄清以下三个问题。 你现在是干什么的?你将来要干什么?你过去是干什么的?

7 . 需要有能力及适应力强的人。

8 . Perhaps someone thinks it&#;s difficult to study well (也许有些人认为这很难学)

9 . 真正的光明,决不是永没有黑暗的时候,只是永远不被黑暗所掩蔽罢了;真正的英雄,决不是永没有卑下的情操,只是永不被卑下的情操所屈服罢了。所以,在你战胜外来的敌人之前,先得战胜你内在的敌人。

10 . 本人曾在某一公司担任推销员,前后有五年之久。


1 . willing to work under pressure with leardership quality。

2 . 铺排次序

3 . 这三个问题不是按时间顺序从过去到现在再到将来,而是从现在到将来再到过去。其奥妙在于:如果你被雇用,雇主选中的是现在的你,他希望利用的是将来的你,而这将来又基于你的历史和现状。

4 . remembermyname,remembermyfaceandibelievethatparedtodevelopedcountriessuchasus,unfortunately,althoughwehavemadeextraordinaryprogresssince,ourpackagingindustryarestillunderdeveloped,mess,unstable,thesituationofemployeesinthisfieldareawkardbutihavefullconfidenceinabrightfutureifonlyoureconomycankeepthegrowthpacestilliguessyoumaybeinterestedinthereasonitchtolaw,andwhatismyplanduringgraduatestudylife,iwouldliketotellyouthatpursuelawisoneofmylifelonggoal,ilikemymajorpackagingandiwontgiveup,ificanpursuemymasterdegreehereiwillcombinelawwithmyformereducationiwillworkhardinthesefields,patent,trademark,copyright,onthebaseofmyyearsstudyindepartmentofp&p,mycharacter?icannotdescribeitwell,butiknowiamoptimisticandconfidentsometimesiprefertostayalone,reading,listeningtomusic,butiamnotlonely,iliketochatwithmyclassmates,almosttalkeverything,myfavoritepastimeisvalleyball,playingcardsorsurfonlinethroughcollegelife,ilearnhowtobalancebetweenstudyandentertainmentbytheway,iwasaactorofouramazingdramaclubihadafewgloriousmemoryonstagethatismypride

5 . be highly organized and effecient。

6 . 本人在过去十年在商界担任人事部主任迄今。

7 . 每天像无头苍蝇一般在找寻快乐的人,最后总是一无所获。原因是快乐并非无所不在,而是要靠自己去制造。

8 . Team player 合群

9 . I think that since the admission, the school has to comply with the rules and regulations, has a good ideological and moral quality, outstanding performance Have a strong collective sense of honor and sense of

10 . Mature,self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills。




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