
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-28 11:17:59


1 . Lucas很能干。

2 . never says uncle 嘴硬,不服输

3 . In the holidays, there is no place like home

4 . Christmas night think of you, send a message greeting, you can&#;t remember it doesn&#;t matter, I as long as you are happy and satisfactory, is I most agreeable

5 . 来个小对话,运用一下吧:

6 . Teachers, you are a tall and straight trees, the guitar had been a mature fruit, in your years under the old engraved on the ring, you are next to the rise of a lush forest(老师,您是一棵挺拔的树,曾结过成熟的果实,岁月在您的身上镌刻下苍老的年轮,您的身旁却崛起一片森林郁郁葱葱。

7 . 他真是个不知羞耻的家伙。

8 . 我们经常忽略那些疼爱我们的人,却疼爱着那些忽略我们的人。

9 . Merry Christmas, my best friend Wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful Christmas season

10 . 窗外日光弹指过,席间花影坐前移。


1 . 幸福是个比较级,要有东西垫底才容易感觉到。

2 . Summer sent Cup ice tea and let it take away your hot, hot winter sent Cup Lulu, let it give you warm; just glad at this time sending Cup, Pepsi bless you!(夏日送杯冰红茶,让它带走您的炎热;冬日送杯热露露,让它给您温暖;此时送杯高兴就好,祝福您百事可乐!

3 . ⑦ How about if we go tomorrow instead?我们改成明天去怎么样?

4 . 我不在乎你对我的不在乎。

5 . In the boxing match, Tyson blew his cool andbitHollyfield&#;s ear

6 . Merry Christmas, not only in the special day will think of you, but Christmas time, will let you receive my blessing

7 . 青春美妙但易逝,对于人来说青春只有一次,在青年时代应该奋发图强精神振奋地去学习,因为任何一番伟大的事业都奠定于青春时代。

8 . Tom is the black sheep of his family

9 . 希望圣诞祝福给你带来欢乐,我的好朋友。祝福你及你所爱的人新的一年中万事如意。

10 . 我现在特别希望自己变老!是不是很奇怪,因为今晚你没有理由不爱一个老人!


1 . 真是稀客。

2 . Teacher: I was the sun every Yilv of your blessings, each is a star I see your eyes, holding each slightest drizzle I deeply miss you, miss you(老师:每一缕阳光是我对您的祝福,每一颗星星是我看您的眼睛,每一丝细雨牵着我对您深深思念,想念您。

3 . 约翰确实是个猪脑子,他总是坚持自己错误的观点。

4 . 如: I wouldn&#;t like to have anything to do with a law-down dirty shame like her

5 . A true friend is someone who accepts your past, supports your present and encourages your future

6 . party animal指的是特别喜欢参加聚会的`人,也就是聚会狂,他们哪怕一次聚会也不会落下。要注意,这里animal说的可是人哦,并不是把人贬低成了动物。

7 . play a lone hand〔美国〕独个儿工作[旅行生活],不靠别人

8 . I respect the teachers, my success is the support given to you, a thousand words a "thank you" - you&#;re a teacher I will never, never a friend!(我尊敬的老师,我的成功是您给予的支持,千言万语一声"谢谢"--您是我永远的老师,永远的朋友!

9 . You made me confused。

10 . 习语中cool做名词用,有“冷静”和“镇定”等意思。Blow one’s cool常用来形容人“沉不住气”或“失去控制而激动起来”。


1 . 圣诞快乐,并不是只在特别的日子才会想起你,但是圣诞节的时候,一定会让你收到我的祝福。

2 . We go to dinner on Christmas Eve, Christmas Eve we sing, carnival night we go to the disco dancing I want we are together!

3 . 今夜圣诞,请你吃蛋;我好寂寞,跟我谈谈。不要哀叹,送你花篮;亲亲我脸,幸福依然。

4 . 让你破费了。

5 . 时间没有开始,没有结束,不会停止,更不会倒流。

6 . actions speak louder than words

7 . fuse的意思是“导火索”,blow有“爆炸”的意思,在口语中也有“发脾气,发怒”的意思。两者的结合使得该习语在“发怒”的基础上更加形象地表明了“发怒”的样子。

8 . 所有的结局都是新的开始,只是当时不知道。

9 . 有本事任性的人,也会有本事坚强。

10 . 传统佳节之际,献上圣诞的殷殷祝福,祝新年万事如意!


1 . Miss a season of flowers, is my infinite, meaning, may your youth, fragrance overflowing with full of flowers Wish you a merry Christmas, youth!

2 . 珍惜拥有的,用积极的心态应对一切,不管时光飞逝,还是度日如年,我们的生活总是美好的!

3 . 一生何求?桃李遍天下。短信传情,师恩永在我心。祝您圣诞工作顺利,健康幸福!

4 . However long the night, the dawn will break

5 . 范例:

6 . 要形容自己的老板很严格,有几种不错的说法。第一种是:He pushes us hard 意思是:他对我们逼的很紧。注意,常有人认为He pushes us hard 和 He is very pushy 是一样的意思,其是这是一错误的理解。He is very pushy 的意思是“他是一個很主动很积极的人”,也就相当于 He is very aggressive 这跟 push hard (逼的很紧是不一样的,不要搞错了。

7 . 别在这挖苦我了。

8 . 破财免灾嘛。

9 . 圣诞快乐!并不是只在特别的日子才会想起你,但是圣诞节的时候一定会让你收到我的祝福!

10 . Distance could make you forget about them, but the memories would always be there


1 . Best wishes for you and your loved ones best wishes for the New Year

2 . 如:He&#;s not the sort to enter into partnershipHe prefers to play a lone hand

3 . 后来我过得很好,只是偶尔遗憾没有你的陪伴。

4 . 懂得享受,懂得分享,生活中有数不完的美好!朋友们,欢愉起来吧,圣诞节快乐!

5 . 时间好比黄金,它能引导我们懂得珍惜生命;时间好比一架穿梭机,它能带我们遨游历史长河;时间好比太阳,它能带给我们无比的温暖和光芒。

6 . 人生不存在假设,生活无法重来,珍惜眼前,活在当下,我们对爱的守护,对理想的坚持,时间都知道,一个人有一个人的自由,两个人有两个人的依靠;各走各的路,即使孤单,也能精彩!

7 . good-time charlie 汉语中“乐天派”可以用optimistic来表示,也可以用good-humored。但是上述表达法缺乏口语色彩,而用good-time Charlie比较合适。

8 . blow afuse:勃然大怒

9 . 如:Remember that these weaknesses are natural

10 . For a lifetime? Plum all over the world Messages (SMS, ShiEn in my heart forever Christmas to you work is smooth, health and happiness!


1 . 如果你今天没有收到我的圣诞礼物,那一定是你的袜子有个大洞,快补吧。

2 . 潮水奔涌不回,时间也不会驻足停留,它只是悄悄地与你擦肩匆匆而过,便再也寻不见踪影。

3 . May you happy Christmas season, may the New Year is the day of your happiness

4 . 我以为世间最可宝贵的就是“今”,最易丧失的也是“今”。因为它最容易丧失,所以更觉得它宝贵。

5 . 水泼地上难捧回,时间流逝难挽回。

6 . 光阴似箭,日月如梭。

7 . 随着平安夜的到来,向你说一声:永远平安。让这祥和的旋律,伴你度过一生。

8 . Tips:

9 . 表达:

10 . 时间就是生命,浪费时间就是在浪费生命,珍惜时间就是在珍惜自己的生命!


1 . On the occasion of the arrival of Christmas, I have but one thing to tell you, today I didn&#;t eat breakfast, I didn&#;t eat lunch, I went to work for you

2 . 今日复今日,今日何其少!今日又不为,此事何时了!人生百年几今日,今日不为真可惜!若言姑待明朝至,明朝又有明朝事。为君聊赋今日诗,努力请从今日始。

3 . In the season of joy I present my sincerest wishes and kindest thoughts May this Christmas outshine all the rest

4 . 你说的头头是道。

5 . 人人最后都会死,但非人人都曾活过。

6 . The ends of the earth have made, only Shien infinite period Bless you, teachers!(天涯海角有尽处,只有师恩无穷期。祝福您,老师!

7 . 圣诞之花手中拿,圣诞新装身上穿,圣诞礼物包中藏,圣诞女神你何时来到我身旁!

8 . 第二种说法是 He is a over-the-shoulder type of person 所谓 over the shoulder 是“在肩膀后面”的意思。这意味着你的老板天天就站在你的背后看你在做些什么事。言下之意自然是老板门对属下要求严格之意了。

9 . a manager who has a lot on the ball;a student who has nothing on the ball

10 . Gently out GREetings, do not want to alarm you, you just want to really know whether all Physical well-being of students is the greatest comfort(轻轻一声问候,不想惊扰您,只想真切知道您一切是否安好。身体安康是学生们最大的安慰。


1 . 十一月中长至夜,三千里外远行人。

2 . 人生不向花前醉,花笑人生也是呆。

3 . B: All right I won&#;t be late知道了,我不会迟到的!

4 . This is information I sent to you three days later, don&#;t peep oh, call you don&#;t look, look, also wish you a merry Christmas!

5 . 一转眼又到了上班时间,愉快的假期总数过的太快,可这个上班时间也太慢了点,都上了无数个厕所了,一上午都还没有过完。

6 . 时间,抚平的是心情,而非愁情。

7 . 时间是什么,它是小偷,偷走了我们无忧的童年,偷走了我们的欢声笑语,偷走了我们纯洁的天性,偷走了我们娇嫩的容貌。

8 . 我们相信,真实的东西之所以真实,是因为它的真实性不会转瞬即逝,无论过去,还是将来,真实的东西永远真实。

9 . This charming Christmas, you hide in the home have balls, gave birth to a pile of dinosaur eggs, and a little egg Pig, raw egg is happy!

10 . 您的平安是我的愿望,您的真心是我的幸福,而我给您的礼物是我一生的祝福!节日快乐。




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