
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-23 06:17:46


1 . The darkness is no darkness with thee 有了你,黑暗不在是黑暗,

2 . Health first, start from me

3 . Do it yourself then。既然如此,你自己来吧。

4 . April showers bring May flowers

5 . 一个人最重要的不是拥有多少财富,和拥有多大的房子,最重要的是拥有深厚的学识和崇高的思想道德。——康震点评《陋室铭》

6 . 玩我,耍我。

7 . 我们大家在座的人,都有爹有娘,而我们有的也包括我自己,爹娘都走了,所以呢,我希望在座的很多,如果你们的爹娘还健在的话,从现在做起不晚,好好地爱他们,好好地伺候他们,好好地哄哄他们,别太多的犟嘴,真的,不然的话后悔来不及。——斯琴高娃朗读贾平凹的《写给母亲》

8 . 天才在于积累,聪明在于勤奋。

9 . 生命如花,爱情是蜜(Life is the flower for which love is the honey)

10 . I want to be old with you when I&#;m not careful


1 . , angel face, the devil figure is me

2 . I have no sadness, just don&#;t want to have too many expressions and emotions

3 . Stop playing the fool / Don&#;t act stupid

4 . 他们说人生有六个字,前面三个是“不害怕”,后面还有三个,“不后悔”,努力去做吧。——董卿

5 . , who stipulates that the right hug is male only

6 . Life is not more than a struggle

7 . It is not easy to meet each other in such a big orld —— 世界这么大,能遇见,不容易。

8 . Girls, don&#;t be naive You&#;re nothing compared to the league of legends

9 . 班荣我荣,班耻我耻。

10 . Don&#;t wait, don&#;t wait! Don&#;t hurt your heart! Don&#;t drop the tears!


1 . It&#;s hard to be a woman these days, you open up, people say you SAO; You&#;re traditional They say you dress

2 . I cannot choose the best, The best chooses me我不能选择那最好的,是那最好的选择了我。

3 . 就算是Lover 最后还是会 oveR,ヽ。

4 . You can say I&#;m sorry, but I won&#;t say it doesn&#;t matter

5 . , the river is the illusion, the red dust love hate is empty,!

6 . Silent and rising

7 . My sister is often imitated, but never surpassed

8 . I hate lonely but have to enjoy it我憎恨孤独却又不得不享用它。

9 . 可是对大多数人来说,生活的变化是缓慢的。今天和昨天似乎没有什么不同;明天也可能和今天一样。也许人一生仅仅有那么一两个辉煌的瞬间——甚至一生都可能在平淡无奇中度过……不过,细想过来,每个人的生活同样也是一个世界。即是最平凡的人,也得要为他那个世界的存在而战斗。从这个意义上说,在这些平凡的世界里,也没有一天是平静的。——选自《平凡的世界》

10 . 我从不奢望,活在梦中那么长,从不沉溺在每个绮丽幻想,早已习惯痛苦,不再害怕忧伤,不过是换个衣箱换间房,那又怎么样。——《AnotherSuitcaseinAnotherHall》


1 . 你用最不敬业的精神去演戏,结果世界上最单纯的观众,用这么炙热的心情去观看,真不次于在犯罪。——王千源

2 . notknowwhattodo ?

3 . Friendship is Love without his wings (友谊是没有翅膀的爱情)

4 . True love from the heart not the mouth 真正的爱来自心脏不是口腔

5 . 不要摆布我。

6 . My mother praises me for nothing

7 . When you have experienced what I have experienced, you will judge me again

8 . Grasp one today, more than two tomorrows

9 . 你和哪一路人马啊。

10 . World Cup Argentina - - 。


1 . The learning and devotion, close to the question

2 . 礼物,多美好的一个词,仰望星空,地球是宇宙给人类的礼物,低头凝望,一花一叶,是大自然给世界的礼物,孩子是给父母的礼物,朋友是陪伴的礼物,回忆是时间的礼物。

3 . 喜迎阴晴圆缺,笑傲风霜雨雪。

4 . Do it yourself then

5 . 别人笑我太疯癫,我笑他人看不穿。

6 . No one will give you the power of the world, but you will know your last name

7 . He is a master and a famous school

8 . Because of your "sorry" I decided to "never mind" with you!

9 . Seeing me makes you unhappy, but I like it

10 . My tolerance may be crossed, please be reasonable




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