优美英文的文案句子(英文文案 短句 简短)

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优美英文的文案句子(英文文案 短句 简短)


1 . 不要让小小的争端损毁了一场伟大的友谊。

2 . Behind every successful man, there is a womanAnd behind every unsuccessful man, there are two

3 . 不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。

4 . When the whole world is about to rain, let’s make it clear in our heart together

5 . Sometimes a stranger can bring great meaning to your life

6 . Who can give up, never give up!

7 . Victory belongs to the most tenacious

8 . No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won&#;t make you cry

9 . 不论你的生活如何卑贱,你要面对它生活,不要躲避它,更别用恶言咒骂它。

10 . 胜利,是属于最坚韧的人。


1 . i love you not for who you are, but for who i am before you 我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前可以是谁。

2 . 爱你的人如果没有按你所希望的方式来爱你,那并不代表他们没有全心全意地爱你。

3 . Don&#;t waste your time on a man/woman, who isn&#;t willing to waste their time on you

4 . 快乐和幸福那么相似,可是快乐就是幸福吗

5 . 从来胜者将故事雕琢败者叹息着沉默一世枭雄谁又能懂他们也曾如此寂寞

6 . 我没在哭。只是局部地区有雨, 我脸上就是那个局部地区。

7 . 毅力在效果上有时能同天才相比。

8 . and how rich life or death pastly taoyuan deed as hoarding said life moment I of choice as soon as possible

9 . 不要将你的东西为了某一个特别的时刻而预留着,因为你生活的每一天都是那么特别。

10 . If you wish to succeed, you should use persistence as your good friend, experience as your reference, prudence as your brother and hope as your sentry


1 . 爱不是什么可能大概也许,一旦爱上了,自己是十分清楚的。

2 . 爱情的方程式:+=一切;-=。

3 . 记住:最好的爱存在于对别人的爱胜于对别人的索求之上。

4 . 我会想你,在漫漫长路的每一步。

5 . Life changes in temperature depends on the temperature of the mind

6 . 如果你爱一个人,你会了解她的一切,而不需要问她;如果你不爱一个人,即使她告诉你她的一切,你也还是会忘记的。

7 . 记得要开心噢,你永远不会知道谁会因为你的微笑而爱上你。

8 . Definition of best friend? They would let you KNOW when you had something in your teeth!

9 . 看破的遁入空门,痴迷的枉送性命。

10 . dare to abandon not deceives string break feeling ShenMian faint


1 . When you quarrel with a close friend, talk about the main dish, don&#;t quibble over the appetizers

2 . Don’t struggle so much,best things happen when not expected

3 . Well done is so much better than well said

4 . 人们痛恨的不是改变,而是被改变。

5 . 暮雪轻歌长风万里飘渺爱恨情仇一生多逍遥

6 . If can all go with her, it is in the world at home

7 . You may be out of my sight, but never out of my mind

8 . To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world

9 . 没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。

10 . when you want to keep something, the easier it is to lose what


1 . 每天早上叫醒你的不是闹钟,而是梦想!

2 . even if the world barren, there is always a person would be you of believers

3 . 永远不要以貌取人。

4 . happy, you listen to music Sad, you begin to understand the lyrics

5 . 到头来,你活了多少岁不算什么,重要的是,你是如何度过这些岁月的。

6 . 你的幸福路人皆知,我的狼狈无处遁形。

7 . 堕落的借口应该是你奋斗的理由。

8 . Sometimes the world tries to knock it out of you, but I believe in music the way that some people believe in fairy tales

9 . 你知道么,有个人时时想念着你,惦记你,你含笑的眼睛,象星光闪闪,缀在我的心幕上,夜夜亮晶晶。

10 . Remember: Whatever happens, happens for a reason


1 . still waters run deep, cang sheng extension; Good waxing, rain or shine once sensitized

2 . 美丽让男人停下,智慧让男人留下。

3 . 你知道思念一个人的滋味吗,就像喝了一大杯冰水,然后用很长很长的`时间流成热泪。

4 . 喜欢童话,是因为把它当成了童年。

5 . 我只是和星星一起闪亮和黑夜一起寂寞的孩子

6 . 让生活变得轻松的三样东西:父母的拥抱,恋人的亲吻,以及朋友的支持。

7 . No matter how bad your heart has been broken, the world doesn’t stop for your grief The sun comes right back up the next day

8 . Love is not a maybe thing You know when you love someone

9 . People are thousands of words, trees are thousands of ax

10 . Experience is the extract of suffering


1 . 离了繁华思良人赴哪方吟尽清风为君淡妆

2 . 无论命运以怎样残忍的方式赐予一个人以磨难和不幸,但仍会相应地赐予他幸福与甜蜜,即使这幸福是如此短暂与不真实,也足以照亮他今后整个暗淡的人生。

3 . don&#;t look back, just haven&#;t find a reason to leave

4 . 在顺境中执着,在逆境中沉着。

5 . 除非你能和真实的自己和平相处,否则你永远不会对已拥有的东西感到满足。

6 . 不要把时间花在一个不在乎与你一起分享的人身上。

7 . 要成为人,就先把自己想的不是人。

8 . 未遭拒绝的成功决不会长久。

9 . double TaJi hong yan return are fish

10 . The hard part isn’t making the decision It’s living with it


1 . Expectation is the root of all heartache

2 . 什么叫最好的朋友?最好的朋友就是当你牙齿上有脏东西的时候,他们会立马提醒你。

3 . 事实上,这个世界不符合所有人的梦想。只是有人可以学会遗忘,有人却坚持。

4 . copying the page no longer impressive cliffs before every word in the end still discernible vaguely hero

5 . 纸张有些破旧,有些模糊。可每一笔勾勒,每一抹痕迹,似乎都记载着跨越千年万载的思念。

6 . Love is hard to get into, but harder to get out of

7 . grey edge youth easy change is not change

8 . But if the while I think on thee, dear friend, all losses are restored, and sorrows end 只要我一想起你,亲爱的人,所有的失落和遗憾烟消云散

9 . 点数这无眠月中天白沙水岸五更寒

10 . 我说不爱你,那是假话;我说不在乎,那是假话;我告诉自己对你再不会有感觉了,那也是假话。




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