
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2023-12-08 16:57:29


1 . 一夜雨声凉到梦,万荷叶上送秋来。——陈文述《夏日杂诗》

2 . Some familiarity with personal computers

3 . 了解微电脑及软件编程。

4 . 我们从没有忘记真相,只是我们越来越会说谎。

5 . 人生几回打拼,昂扬斗志,竭尽全力,爱拼才会赢。

6 . 名扬科技公司铭阳科技公司弘扬科技公司凯烨科技商务公司

7 . To sum, computer has advantages and disadvantages But if people can control themselves to use computer properly, it is useful for their whole life

8 . Warning to students: over-using technology to learn information can be dangerous to your body and mind Behind this warning is the fact that new electronic devices, particularly computer and with it the Internet, have become unhealthy among those &#;&#;mouse potatoes&#;&#; who rely entirely on technology for easy acceto information This may cause them to be gradually more addictive and leimaginative

9 . 心若在,梦就在,只要做,就能行。

10 . 感情不是够努力够付出就一定留得住幸福。


1 . 《立夏前二日作》

2 . 不回头,只是还没找到留下的理由。

3 . 英派英德百信百强百佳

4 . 荷风送香气,竹露滴清响。——孟浩然《夏日南亭怀辛大》

5 . 我不会哭,不会笑,累了我就会消失一下。

6 . 邦捷上门,大显奇能。

7 . Having experience in pC operation(Lotus, Wordperfect

8 . 一江烟水照晴岚,两岸人家接画檐,芰荷丛一段秋光淡。——张养浩《水仙子•咏江南》

9 . 秾艳一枝细看取,芳心千重似束。——苏轼《贺新郎•夏景》

10 . 莪又不是玩具,岂由你呼之即来挥之即去。


1 . 随着我们渐渐长大,就更不可能拿爱去爱一个人了。

2 . 云收雨过波添,楼高水冷瓜甜,绿树阴垂画檐。——白朴《天净沙•夏》

3 . 晶凯科技骄阳电脑金太阳电子名扬科技

4 . 过去过不去,回忆不可追

5 . With experience in system development including system analysis and design

7 . Working knowledge of Novell Lan, NUIX, Foxpro, C++, relational detabase

8 . 但是,你玩的时间长了,会不会觉得很头疼,眼睛有点涨,想晕的感觉。这就是电脑的不好之处了。

9 . 只要努力,只要拼搏,悬崖上的草莓不是风景,而是我们心中的甜蜜。

10 . 邦捷专业控,省时赚财富。


1 . 如果只是一个人在坚持,那无疑变成了煎熬

2 . 柳庭风静人眠昼,昼眠人静风庭柳。——苏轼《菩萨蛮•回文夏闺怨》

3 . 郎笑藕丝长,长丝藕笑郎。——苏轼《菩萨蛮•回文夏闺怨》

4 . 帝科启创汇联汇聚易佰分

5 . 电脑在给人们带来方便的同时也给人们带来了危害,事物都有两面性。

6 . 你给旳回忆我都藏心底,而我却在你旳黑名单里。

7 . 不苦不累,初三无味,不拼不搏,等于白活。

8 . 遥远的将不再遥远,平凡的已不再平凡。

9 . 余春只有二三日,烂醉恨无千百场。

10 . 有一个人,教会你怎样去爱了,但是,他却不爱了。


1 . 内燃心志,外掘潜智,奋力打拼,无怨无悔。

2 . Database programming and network knowledge

3 . 酷阳数码度阳光一米阳光阳科电脑公司阳光电脑昇科技飞阳科技朝阳科技

4 . 领航时代先锋腾达天宇

5 . 熟悉Novell Lan,NUIX,Foxpro,C++ 联网数据库的应用。

6 . 邦捷价值,与时共进。

7 . To begin with, excessive use of the Internet to learn information may become an addiction in the long run Some experts say that the Internet is as addictive as alcohol, and neither is easy to go away With the help of the e-learning, more information is made available more quickly, of course But it is also true that sitting long hours in front of a computer screen, surfing for answers in an ocean of digital information, only to be drowned therein In terms of speed learning, the Internet may symbolize a giant step ahead on the information superhighway leading to anywhere In this sense, teenagers obssessed with the Internet are not very unlike getting trouble physically with drunk driving

8 . 具电脑理解和应用知识。

9 . 文博电脑华鑫电脑人和电脑鹏程电脑

10 . On the one hand, computer makes human beings’ life become easier People can do many things that they can’t do before They can read newspa-pe-r without buying it, only sitting in front of their computer, clicking mouse to open website Shopping online, watching movies, listening music and play computer games are the common things that people often do by computer But without computer, they can’t do all these easily In addition, computer is also very helpful for study and work People can have classes and work on it


1 . 多一点细心,少一点后悔。多一份勤奋,少一份后悔。

2 . 邦捷上门,胜人一筹。

3 . 向前一步或许你会得到向后一步你会永远的失去

4 . Be skilled with computers

5 . 邦捷价值,财富秒计。

6 . 博大朝翔速科神讯宇凡

7 . 当别人开始说你是疯子的`时候,你离成功就不远了

8 . 一句我爱你就可以在一起,但分开旳理由却有很多种

9 . 略为熟悉个人电脑。

10 . 一方面,电脑使人们的生活变得更容易。人们可以做很多以前不能做的事情。他们可以不买报纸,只坐在电脑前,点击鼠标,打开网站就看到新闻。网上购物,看电影,听音乐,玩电脑游戏,都是人们常常用电脑做的事。但是没有电脑的话,他们则无法轻易地做到这些事。此外,电脑对他们的学习和工作也是很有帮助的。人们在电脑上上课,工作。




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