
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-23 02:04:30


1 . 别说以后你不在

2 . 谁都不是谁的,我们终究只会,属于我们自己。

3 . love comes to me, i have to release a warm embrace

4 . I have always been with You

5 . 一个人要获得实在的幸福,就必须既不太聪明,也不太傻。人们把这种介于聪明和傻之间的状态叫做生活的智慧。

6 . 时光深刻而非浅薄,请别用来悼念而非怀念。

7 . i was vulgar people, i did not hold to unchanging

8 . When distinction disguises the smile, is the final farewell tune

9 . 有人说,爱是种饥渴 一种无尽的带痛的需求

10 . 在所有物是人非的风景里我最喜欢你


1 . I’m not a backup plan, and definitely not a second choice

2 . Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more四个简短的词汇概括了成功的秘诀:多一点点!

3 . Two heads are better than one三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。

4 . Is time, I don&#;t have to let go easily

5 . 前奏非常细腻,让心非常细密,所以睡眠不再是秘密,伴奏相当美丽,让你相当舒逸,所以失眠不再屹立,希望你好觉到天明,好梦到永远。

6 . 选择一个就会失去一个

7 . 一生中,能成为朋友的也就那么几个,好好珍惜那些在很久以后还称为朋友的人,真的很难得。任何感情都需要用心呵护,好好珍惜。不要轻易试探朋友的心,更不要怀疑朋友的情,再好的感情,都经不起一颗猜疑的心。人,总会在乎一份情,在乎在对方心中的位置。缘分不在于长短,而在于交心。一生中,能成为真正朋友的不多。珍惜该珍惜的,拥有该拥有的。如此,安暖安好……

8 . A lasting relationship with you。[白头到老陪你走]

9 . Sparks fly whenever you smile。 [你的微笑如烟花飞舞般灿烂]

10 . 学会温和,对人对事,学会宽容地原谅,生活中还是充满阳光灿烂的。其实世界之大,我们不过是其所包含中的一粒尘埃,坐看云聚云散,静静地享受平淡,无论我们身在何处,只要我们用心去享受生命里的感动,去畅游岁月的河,就会领略到人生的真谛和快乐。


1 . 你的专属的味道,让我的心紧紧依靠

2 . Mention that you how don&#;t smile。(提到他你怎么不笑了。)

3 . Wish all the days that belong to you, there are beautiful stars and flowers around I wish you my sincere love, forever rippling in the memory

4 . 每个人都会生气,就算是脾气很好的人,在遇到让他不舒服的事情时,也多半会在心里咒骂几句。但有些人就是修养好,不会让你听到他的咒骂声,因为他知道,愤怒发作之后,或许会产生一时的畅快感,但之后的副作用,往往要花很多力气收拾。

5 . 有些事情本身我们无法控制,只好控制自己。

6 . 如果没有你如此良辰美景该与谁相伴。

7 . 最后转眼流逝的 绝不仅仅是时光而已。

8 . 伴着窗外的雨声入睡,晚安。

9 . I miss you but I miss you。 (我想你但我却错过了你)

10 . 我没有哭泣,只是突然学会了思念而已。


1 . 遥遥的梦亮起一盏灯,听我心愿一声声,但愿你的人生再也没有伤痕,但愿你平安一程又一程,但愿所有的美好装满您的梦,祝你今晚好梦。

2 . 把别人看得太重,结果在别人眼里自己什么都不是。

3 . You are my only waiting for the people

4 . love me, i have a sweet smile

5 . I like listening to your good night I feel warm in my heart Your good night is the warmest little love song I&#;ve ever heard My dear, you are my lucky one

6 . Storms make trees take deeper roots风暴使树木深深扎根。

7 . 人生的跑道上,有人用心欣赏风景,有人努力让自己成为风景。人人都希望追求到美好,其实美好就是无止境的追求。晚安,朋友们!

8 . I want to have you in the future。 (我想要有你在的未来)

9 . 愿有一屋,不求华丽;不被打扰,幸福终老。晚安!

10 . Know that you are busy recently, and take care of yourself when you are busy You must take care of yourself and work hard and work hard You must be meticulous in your work and do not think about your work when you rest


1 . The wind is not blowing, the rain at the moment, what are you afraid of the moonlight; Xie, star eye blink, I always keep you in my heart; cloud like clothes, look, good dream to accompany you to the dawn; I wish you good night

2 . I have a quartz heart, but they thought that it is glass

3 . Your words are full of enthusiasm too(开始太热情把话都说尽)

4 . 我们一生追求无数的东西,到最后,我们最想要的其中一样,就是能够和所爱的人团圆,你在,就是明月当空。———————晩安!

5 . but today is a gift, that is why it’s called the present

6 . 你念或不念我我都在这里不悲不喜。

7 . 你要在我身边就好了

8 . 手机没电了,等不到妹妹的短信了。妹是不是和我一样遗憾呢?但希望妹妹也能感觉到我,嘿嘿。向你道晚安了,乖宝贝好梦!明天见。

9 . The world never appreciate the tears这个世界从不欣赏眼泪

10 . From small beginning come great things伟大始于渺小。


1 . Something is out of our control, so we have to command ourselves

2 . Only talent will be to retain the attention

3 . Always in the deepest despair, saw the most beautiful scenery

4 . 星星眨眼,要为你做“催眠”;月光明媚,要诱你入“美梦”;微风吹拂,要请你丢“疲惫”;短信融情,要祝你来“安睡”!

5 . I don&#;t care of jigsaw world, I only care about you

6 . If you fall in love with a wild horse。[如若你爱上一匹野马]

7 . 只有被重视的人才会被挽留

8 . Some things are doomed, even if they are not willing, they can only bear On the way, do not be afraid of silence and loneliness, only they will be together with us Good night

9 . Everybody needs love,especially for those who don&#;t deserve it

10 . i live, i do for you to deposit, the life of the chaotic Love hurt


1 . Stars twinkle, to do "hypnosis" for you; the moon is bright, to induce you into "beautiful dream"; breeze blowing, please lose your "tired"; SMS, love, I want you to "sleep"

2 . 你可不可以望着我的眼,就当是我的奢望

3 . Will we at last forget ourselves result from the continuous affectation

4 . 我不留恋似雪若花的浮生,我只留恋你。

5 . (我爱的是你爱我)

6 . 用最少的悔恨面对过去,用最少的浪费面对现在,用最多的梦想面对未来。

7 . My grave is not short of you to burn incense

8 . 用睡前瑜伽舒展你的身心,用醇香牛奶松弛你的神经,用轻柔乐曲愉悦你的大脑,用知心短信聚拢你的逍遥:祝今夜睡好觉,做好梦!

9 . Truth never fears investigation事实从来不怕调查。

10 . No true heart,no broken heart现在不掏心掏肺,是为了以后不撕心裂肺




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