
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-06 01:04:46


1 . want to do sth 想做某事

2 . remember to do 记得要去做某事

3 . I would appreciate it if you would accept my resignation before

4 . amaze(使吃惊)

5 . As is often the case…由于通常情况下…

6 . ______is necessary and important to our country"s development and construction First,______What"s more, _____Most important of all,______

7 . Personally, I believe that_____ Consequently, I’m confident that a bright future is awaiting us because______

8 . 亲情友情是我的财富。我是一朵白云,亲情是包容我的蓝天;我是一棵绿树,亲情便是滋养我的土地;我是一只飞鸟,亲情便是庇护我的`森林;我是一泓清泉,亲情便是拥抱我的山峦。

9 . Theres no denying the fact that…毫无疑问,无可否认

10 . make ones mind to do sth 下决心做某事


1 . have problems doing sth 做某事遇到了很多问题

2 . 嫩叶上残留着一两滴雨露,泪珠一样晶莹。

3 . go hiking 远足

4 . It is +形容词 +doing sth 做某事……

5 . 冬天,水仙花开放了。她的姿态是那样小巧秀丽,鲜艳的叶子伸得高高的。含苞欲放的花骨朵好像一个个害羞的小姑娘,真叫人喜爱;那盛开的花好像在对我微笑,那么秀丽,淡雅。她的花瓣润如玉,白如绢,轻如纱;花蕊是淡黄色的,花瓣雪白雪白的,仿佛涂上了一层银粉,美丽极了!在花的旁边,还有几棵茂盛的小草。一阵微风拂过,小草跳起了欢快的舞蹈。有时舒展双臂,有事弯腰触地,有时左右摇摆,真像亭亭玉立的少女在尽情的跳舞。

6 . Peoples views on vary from person to person Some hold that However, others believe that

7 . 一项调查显示许多民工认为在城市打工不仅有较高的收入,而且能学到一些新技术。

8 . From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that…通过以上讨论,我们可以得出结论…

9 . 我的天我好想哭啊,致敬所有在疫情期间付出努力的人!

10 . It must be realized that …我们必须意识到……


1 . People’s views on … vary from person to person Some hold that … However, others believe that…人们对……的观点因人而异。有些人认为……,然而其他人却认为…… People may have different opinions on …人们对……可能会有不同的见解。

2 . 深秋,校园的梧桐叶枯黄了,时而像打着秋千,飘飘悠悠;时而像降落伞,摇摇欲坠;时而像一群燕子,自由飞翔……多么富有诗情画意呀!地面上像是铺上一条无比宽大的金毯子。望着这景象,我不由地吟诵起龚自珍的诗句:“落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花”。这落叶虽不是春天的“落红”,却具有“落红”的献身精神,不正像我们的老师吗?

3 . This phenomenon exists for a number of reasons First, … Second, … Third, … 这一现象的存在是有许多原因的。首先,……;第二,……;第三,……

4 . what’s far more important is that意思同上,更重要的是

5 . without doing sth 没有干某事

6 . I finished my workAt that time,the weather became

7 . ……已成为人的关注的热门话题,特别是在年青人当中,将引发激烈的辩论。

8 . Personally, I am standing on the side of …就个人而言,我站在……的一边。

9 . 是什么,来得悄无声息,走得不留痕迹,却激起所有色彩的轻舞飞扬?是什么,走得不留痕迹,来得悄无声息,可留下穿越一季的倾情歌唱?是什么,轻轻地来了,又悄悄地走了,在收获的季节留下飘垂的金黄?是什么,悄悄地走了,又轻轻地来了,为沉寂的大地纺出洁白的梦想?

10 . like sb to do sth 喜欢某人做某事


1 . 人生虽然只有几十年,却决不是梦一样幻灭,只要追求真理,便得永生。人生不是燃烧的蜡烛,而是举着的火炬,我们必须把它燃烧得光明炽热,传给下一代的人。

2 . She frittered away her time in going to the cinema instead of studying

3 . 原理:要想更有说服力,就应该用实际的数字来说明。

4 . You must keep this in mind 你必须记住这一点。

5 . There are several measures for us to adopt First, we can______

6 . 人们对的观点因人而异。有些人认为,然而其他人却认为。

7 . 如果只看到太阳的黑点,那你的生活将缺少温暖;如果你只看到月亮的阴影,那么你的生命历程将难以找到光明;如果你总是发现朋友的缺点,你么你的人生旅程将难以找到知音;同样,如果你总希望自己完美无缺,假设你的这一愿望真的能如愿以偿,那么你最大的缺点就是没有缺点。

8 . Those urban planners who are blind to this point will pay a heavy price, which they cannot afford it

9 . Nothing is more important than the fact that 没有比这更重要的是

10 . 人类失去真情,世界将会怎样。经典语句大全


1 . look forward to doing sth 期待/盼望做某事

2 . 有几个可供我们采纳的方法。首先,我们可以……。

3 . I had a great first impression of American people

4 . 没有比接受教育更重要的事。

5 . watch sb doing sth 观看某人正在做……

6 . I will work hard so that I can make them live a happy life

7 . 风雨过后,眼前会是鸥翔鱼游的天水一色;

8 . like to do sth 喜欢做某事……

9 . 完全同意……这种观点(陈述),主要理由如下:

10 . I am writing to express my interest in your recently advertised position for a waitress


1 . The atmosphere in my family is fantastic

2 . As the proverb says 有句谚语是这样说的;常言道

3 . 我们再怎么强调保护眼睛的重要性也不为过。

4 . 或许是命运的不幸注定要将自己缤纷多彩的梦撞碎;或许是天地的无情终归要将自己继日的辛勤当做泡影放飞,或许是许许多多的难以理解却又实实在在的障碍与挫折早已将意气丰发的拼搏与百折不挠的进击化为道道忧愁阵阵孤寂,那么就请在凄惨中反省我们自己吧!

5 . There is a long-running debate as to whether…有一个长期运行的辩论,是否…

6 . Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience I have caused

7 . However, just like everything has both its good and bad sides, ______also has its own disadvantages, such as ______

8 . seem to do sth 似乎要做某事

9 . 其他 mostly, occasionally, currently, naturally, mainly, exactly, evidently, frankly, commonly, for this purpose, to a large extent, for most of us, in many cases, in this case

10 . I am writing to inform you about my decision of resignation


1 . however

2 . 雪花停了,空气像被滤过似的,格外凉爽格外清新。操场上顿时热闹起来,同学们有的在打雪仗,有的在滚雪球堆雪人,他们追着笑着互相拍打着身上的雪,他们似乎感觉一点也不冷,欢声笑语回荡在校园里。

3 . 也许你只是一只雏鹰,然而只要心存高远,跌几个跟头,终会翱翔蓝天。

4 . In this spirit of sharing, civic groups and charitable organizations offer a traditional meal to those in need, particularly the homeless On most tables throughout the United States, foods eaten at the first thanksgiving have become traditional

5 . 孟德在赤壁低吟悲歌,周瑜在赤壁谈笑风生,而真正带给赤壁完美壮烈的是苏轼。官场上的险恶风波并没有消沉他高昂的意志,生活上的清贫并没有销蚀掉他那乐观向上的心。伴着涓涓细泉,聆听习习古风,故园神游中,苍银白发与皎洁月光交相辉映。一尊还酹江月,多么豪迈的举杯,淡逝了多少哀伤及生活磨难——纪念苏轼,让我懂得了在困难逆境中应保持有奋勇向前的心……

6 . from where i stand 从我的立场来说

7 . 这是一条每行十排高高的钻天杨组合而成的林带。站在它们中间,像是穿行在威武雄壮的仪仗队中,头顶上,风吹着白杨树繁茂的枝叶,像无数旗帜猎猎有声。

8 . 然而,正如任何事物都有好坏两个方面一样,……也有它的不利的一面,象……。

9 . 初中英语语法大全辅导之动词ed与动词ing作形容词用法

10 . Only in this way, can wei solve this problem properly只有这样我们才能妥善解决这个问题。 sth is sothat如此以至于


1 . thrill(使激动/ 紧张)

2 . 正:Would [Do] you mind my smoking here?

3 . excite(使兴奋,使激动)

4 . 然而,很少有证据表明大公司愿意把巨额的资金投到一个连水电这些基础设施都不完善的地方去。

5 . It may be true that , but it doesnt mean that

6 . We can see from the statistics given that 图表细节

7 . frustrate(使失望,使沮丧)

8 . It is commonly believed that … / It is a common belief that … 人们一般认为…… Many people insist that … 很多人坚持认为……

9 . 因此,我们最好得出这样的结论。

10 . 向所有的英雄致敬,你们辛苦了,平安回家


1 . It`s likely that 很可能

2 . 类似的句型还有:If necessary…, they can…

3 . 比如下面的例子: obviously(此为过渡短语, we can draw the conclusion that good manners arise from politeness and respect for others 如果读者很难“显而见之”,但说无妨,就当读者的眼光太浅罢了!

4 . 心胸狭窄的人就像显微镜,将小事过分放大,大事却看不见。

5 . But is it really the case? The information Ive collected over last few years leads me to believe that artistic and cultural projects may be less useful than many governments think In fact, basic infrastructure projects are playing extremely important role and should be given priority

6 . Your advertised position of general manager assistant interests me

7 . Here is one more example

8 . A lot of people seem to think that … 很多人似乎认为……

9 . 当技术的发展意味着我们会吸入更多有害气体时,我们比任何时候更需要森林。

10 . 人生要尽全力度过每一关,不管遇到什么困难不可轻言放弃。




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