
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-16 13:10:23


1 . All things considered,总而言之 It may be safely said that…它可以有把握地说……

2 . 完全同意……这种观点(陈述),主要理由如下:

3 . The thankful parents give us the life, make us feel the merriment of the human life, feel the genuine feeling of the human life, feel the comity of the human life, feel happiness of the human life, also feel hardships and pain and sufferings of the human life!

4 . 尽管民工对城市的经济发展做出了巨大贡献,然而他们也不可避免的带来了一些负面影响。

5 . 求职英文信结尾常用句式:

6 . there is no doubt that our educational system leaves something to be desired

7 . It was obvious that …很显然,…

8 . take an active part in doing sth 积极参加做某事

9 . 这是如何处理某事的一些建议。

10 . I am sure it will come as no surprise that I wish to resign my position as


1 . 总之,我们没有…是无法生活的但同时,我们必须寻求新的解决办法来对付可能出现的新问题

2 . 环保:

3 . I am moved at the moving sight 我被这动人的情景感动了。

4 . cant wait to do sth 迫不及待地做某事

5 . prefer to do sth+ rather than do sth 喜欢……不喜欢……

6 . Thanksgiving falls on the fourth Thursday of November, a different date every year The President must proclaim that date as the official celebration

7 . As far as something is concerned

8 . Attitudes towards (drugs vary from person to person人们对待吸毒的态度因人而异。 There are different opinions among people as to …关于……,人们的观点大不相同。 Different people hold different attitudes toward (failure 对(失败人们的态度各不相同。 结尾万能

9 . 下面给大家带来的是一分重点归纳,其中包括常用的几个和不定式有关的句型 现在分词和过去分词做定语的区别,希望对大家有帮助。感兴趣的同学还可以看下:

10 . without doing sth 没有干某事


1 . No doubt, unless we take effective measures, it is very likely that

2 . 和to do 连用的固定搭配

3 . We have only one world, so we have to think about how to protect the environment

4 . get ready to do sth 准备做某事

5 . yet Although I have not read through the Book of Persons, yet I will try to read it in every sense 尽管我还没有读完这本“人之书”,但我会一直努力从各个方面去阅读。 on the other hand

6 . It must be realized that

7 . Personally, I am standing on the side of

8 . is the best way to make sure that确保的最好办法是

9 . 只要一提起艺术和文化项目,一些政府领导就会兴奋不已,他们滔滔不绝地说着美丽的公园,城市中心漂亮的雕塑,还有满是稀世珍宝的艺术展览馆。他们认为在经济发展中,没有什么比这些艺术项目更重要了。

10 . 显然,如果我们想做某事,很重要的是。


1 . Nowadays,it is common to ______ Many people like ______ because ______ Besides,______

2 . The best way to solve the troubles is … 解决这些麻烦的最好办法是……

3 . 尽管如此,我相信……更有利。

4 . try doing sth 努力/试着去做……

5 . 介词后面一般接动名词。同学们要特别注意介词to和不定式符号to的区别,例如下面的词组一定要记清:

6 . 我在这儿抽烟你介意吗?

7 . People’s views on … vary from person to person Some hold that … However, others believe that…人们对……的观点因人而异。有些人认为……,然而其他人却认为…… People may have different opinions on …人们对……可能会有不同的见解。

8 . 面临……,我们应该采取一系列行之有效的方法来一方面……,另一方面,

9 . (表示同意,可用:Oh, no, please / No, not at all/Not at all

10 . As for me, I am on the latter part of the argument The reasons are as follows 至于我,我支持争论的后半部分。原因如下:


1 . embarrass(使尴尬)

2 . There are different opinions among people as to

3 . interest(使感兴趣)

4 . But for me, I would rather think of the matter in an (optimistic way 至于我,我宁愿以乐观的态度来看待这一问题。

5 . 道歉信结尾常用句式:

6 . Different people hold different attitudes toward (failure。

7 . With the development of society, ______So it"s urgent and necessary to ____If every member is willing to contribute himself to the society, it will be better and better

8 . My best wishes for the company’s continued growth

9 . It can be said with certainty that… 可以肯定地说……

10 . Only in this way can we … 只有这样,我们才能……


1 . go on to do sth 继续做某事

2 . 我爱我家,爱我的爸爸妈妈,我要努力,给他们希望和幸福。

3 . be pleased /be glad to do sth。很高兴做某事

4 . frighten (使害怕,使惊惧)

5 . 站在历史的海岸漫溯那一道道历史沟渠:楚大夫沉吟泽畔,九死不悔;魏武帝扬鞭东指,壮心不已;陶渊明悠然南山,饮酒采菊……他们选择了永恒,纵然谄媚诬蔑视听,也不随其流扬其波,这是执着的选择;纵然马革裹尸,魂归狼烟,只是豪壮的选择;纵然一身清苦,终日难饱,也愿怡然自乐,躬耕陇亩,这是高雅的选择。在一番选择中,帝王将相成其盖世伟业,贤士迁客成其千古文章。

6 . improve sth to do sth 改善/提高某物来干某事

7 . would love to do sth 很愿意做某事

8 . refuse to do sth 拒绝干某事

9 . 大家应该尽可能的多读书。

10 . There are several measures for us to adopt First, we can______


1 . 人们已找出许多办法来解决这个问题。

2 . 给出原因万能句

3 . 关于……人们的观点各不相同,一些人认为(说)……,在他们看来,……

4 . Obviously, if we don’t control the problem, the chances are that … will lead us in danger

5 . satisfy (使满意

6 . Take … for example

7 . For my part, I think it reasonable to_____ Only in this way can you _____

8 . 心的本色该是如此。成,如朗月照花,深潭微澜,不论顺逆,不论成败的超然,是扬鞭策马,登高临远的驿站;败,仍滴水穿石,汇流入海,有穷且益坚,不坠青云的傲岸,有“将相本无主,男儿当自强”的倔强。荣,江山依旧,风采犹然,恰沧海巫山,熟视岁月如流,浮华万千,不屑过眼烟云;辱,胯下韩信,雪底苍松,宛若羽化之仙,知退一步,海阔天空,不肯因噎废食。

9 . It is time to take the advice of … and to put special emphasis on the improvement of …

10 . 为什么会……?一个原因是……,令一个原因是……;或许其主要原因是……


1 . 通过体育锻炼,我们能够始终保持健康。

2 . 根据最近的一项统计调查显示,大学生向老师请假的理由当中%都是假的。

3 . In this respect, we may as well (say 从这个角度上我们可以说

4 . 顺序 first, second, third, then, finally, to begin with, first of all, in the first place, last, next, above all, last but not the least, first and most important

5 . have fun doing sth 感到做某事很有乐趣

6 . I am deeply moved

7 . I am writing to apologize for

8 . it is not uncommon that 这是常有的事儿

9 . In the nationwide discussion, many people suggest that … But I argue that … 在全国范围内的讨论中,许多人提出…。但我却认为… (该句suggest引导的从句应用虚拟。

10 . 对我来说,我认为有必要……。原因如下:第一,……; 第二,……;最后……但同样重要的是……


1 . We have lots of confidence in our ability to solve any problem

2 . need to do sth 需要做某事

3 . All in all, we cannot live without … But at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with the problems that would arise

4 . tell sb to do sth 告诉某人做某事

5 . China is becoming more and more prosperous because of the reform and “opening up” policy

6 . to speak frankly 坦白地说

7 . the more books we read, the more learned we become

8 . I quite agree with the statement that … The reasons are chiefly as follows 我十分赞同这一论述,即……,其主要原因如下:

9 . as i have said 如我所述

10 . From my point of view, it would be better if…在我看来……也许更好




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