
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2023-05-04 12:38:02


1 . ——Mark Twain 马克·吐温

2 . ——Emerson(美国思想家爱默生)

3 . Now I find myself in a world which for me is worse than death A world in which there is no place for me(现在我发现自己活在一个比死还要痛苦的世界,一个无我容身之处的世界)——《乱世佳人》

4 . 天上不会掉下玫瑰来,如果想要更多的玫瑰,必须自己种植。

5 . to be or not to be,that is a question “生存还是死亡,这是一个问题”——莎士比亚《哈姆雷特》

6 . To be capable of steady friendship or lasting love, are the two greatest proofs, not only of goodness of heart, but of strength of mind

7 . Don&#;t wait for ideal circumstances, they will never come, nor for the best opportunities

8 . Today I was very excited, because I traveled plane for the first time My parents and I traveled toBeijingtoday When the plane took off, I felt it was shaking But I was not nervous because of excitement After a while, it stopped shaking and flied higher I could see the buildings on the ground They became smaller and smaller And finally, I couldn&#;t see them anymore Through the window, I could see the blue sky It was very clear Clouds were under the plane They looked so different from the ground It was amazing I like the view very much It took only two hours to get toBeijing TheBeijingairport is very large and wonderful There are many planes and people I think my trip will be funny

9 . ——Epictetus 爱比克泰德

10 . he has unlimited enthusiasm


1 . 我爱你不仅因为你是谁,还有你为我做的一切!

2 . ——Sherwood Anderson 谢伍德·安德森

3 . ——Horace 贺拉斯

4 . Good friends, good books and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life

5 . I love you Not only for what you are but also what you have made of me

6 . Remember: Friendship is like wine, it gets better as it grows older

7 . 现在,越来越多的学生近视了。有些学生在很小的时候就近视了。我们班上有十五个学生戴眼镜。近视在学生中变得很普遍,甚至是在小学。这种情况很严重。因此,我们应该好好保护眼睛。当我们读书写字的时候,我们应该保持正确的姿势。此外,不要长时间看电视或玩电脑,对我们的眼睛不好。并且,我们应该有规律的做眼保健操。好的睡眠对我们的眼睛也很重要。总之,眼睛是我们心里的窗口,我们应该保持它健康。

8 . 能处处寻求快乐的人才是最富有的人。

9 . Stupid is as stupid does蠢人做蠢事。

10 . but like mariners , we chart our course by them


1 . But you also can’t let doubt take over Many people doubt the past, doubt the future, doubt each other, doubt the government, doubt the possibilities nad doubt the opportunities

2 . 如果你很有天赋,勤勉会使其更加完善;如果你能力一般,勤勉会补足其缺陷。

3 . ——Publilius Syrus 普布里利亚斯·西拉斯

4 . To forgive is not to forget , nor remit , but let it go 。

5 . Don&#;t wait for the best job, to begin to work

6 . 天才悄无声息地诞生,性情却在生命之河里逐渐形成。

7 . 放弃那些你改变不了的 。

8 . Great works are performed not by strength , but by perseverance

9 . How can I be so to have you in my life You&#;ve made me a strong and happy person

10 . 理想犹如天上的星星,我们犹如水手,虽不能达到天上,


1 . tomorrow is another day “明天是新的一天”——《乱世佳人》

2 . Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you

3 . it was the best of times, it was the worst of times “这是最好的时代,这是最坏的时代”——狄更斯《双城记》

4 . Fear, if left unchecked, can destroy our lives Fear is one of the many enemies lurking inside us

5 . 天才只意味着终身不懈的努力。

6 . We all have possibilities we don&#;t know about 。 We can do things we don&#;t even dream we can do 。

7 . "Love is when you find someone better, yet you stay with the same person you promised to spend forever with——爱情就是当遇到一个更好的人,却依然和那个曾发誓与其共度一生的人在昨天。"

8 . 热烈的爱情是不可抑制的渴望。

9 . 不要放弃你的幻想。当幻想没有了以后,你还可以生存,但是你虽生犹死。

10 . "Maturity not to see how old you, but your shoulders strong enough to see multiple responsibilities 成熟不是看你的年龄有多大,而是看你的肩膀能挑起多重的责任。"




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