
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-06-04 12:03:17


1 . 能够在高压力下和时间限制下进行工作。

2 . 在过去的//年中,我把大量的时间用在学习上。我已经通过了大学英语///级。而且,我已经从理论和实践二方面对运动训练专业的基础知识有了一个大致的了解。

3 . I hope we can be good friends!(我希望我们能成为好朋友)

4 . 人的一生是漫长的,但关键的只有几步。

5 . 回答这样的问题,你该持有一种明确的态度,即:能待多久待多久,尽可能长,“我在这里继续学习和完善自己。

6 . ambitious attitude essential。

7 . I&#;m a years old boy (我是一个岁的男孩)(具体情况自己改)

8 . 你是否喜欢你老板的职位

9 . 顽强的毅力可以征服世界上任何一座高峰。

10 . 竞争不是比谁努力,而是比谁更努力。


1 . 莫为失败找借口,多为成功找理由。

2 . 少年辛苦终身事,莫向光阴隋寸功。

3 . Strong leadership skill while possessing a great team spirit。

4 . ()情绪也是一个需要控制的重要方面。情绪,做为个人的重要素养,如果在自我介绍中起伏波动,就会产生负面影响。例如在介绍自己的基本情况时面无表

5 . responsibility, adhere to the principle of practical work for things I thought the correct Chikunailao can have lofty ideals and great goals, the importance of personal moral cultivation, the adoption of a healthy life style, helpful, concerned about national affairsIn school, I have been studying hard and assiduously, through

6 . 你可以选择三个重点来介绍自己,但避免重复履历中曾提及的资料。

7 . 积极主动独立工作能力强,并有良好的交际技能。

8 . 自我认识

9 . 走在楼下,看到了一幅更甜美的画面。

10 . 勤奋铸就辉煌。


1 . 走,带你看山去

2 . systematic study and master a solid foundation of knowledge As a good learning style and a clear learning targets, had received "outstanding member", "Miyoshi students" and other honors, has teachers and students of the affirmative, the study set a good example

3 . 思想成熟上进心强,并具极丰富的人际关系技巧。

4 . 世界著名撑杆跳高名将布勃卡有一个绰号叫“厘米王”,因为在一些重大的国际比赛中,他几乎每次都能刷新自己保持的世界纪录,将成绩提高微小的厘米。他在成功地跃过米时,不无感慨地说:“如果我当初把训练目标定在米,没准儿会被这个目标吓倒。”

5 . 除此以外,我还参加了在北京举行的许多运动会。我还是中国网球公开赛,羽毛球大师赛……的志愿者。通过这些,我对运动训练专业有了一个更深刻的了解。

6 . 含泪播种的人一定能含笑收获。

7 . 清晨,树上有些晶莹的甘露,像一个个美丽的宝石;鸟儿在上面快乐地歌唱……听说这里还发生过一件凄美的故事。

8 . 含泪播种,含笑收获。

9 . 安逸的环境造就不出时代的英才。

10 . 生活并非一帆风顺,人们总是会遇到大大小小的困难,然而,我们吧这些困难想象成了坚不可摧的山头,殊不知其实这座山头只是外表看上去结实,事实上它根本不堪一击,只需要我们稍作努力它便被我们晃动。


1 . 在不久后的全市田径运动会中,我和枫都报了米长跑项目,这段时间我和枫约好每天:在学校体育场训练,为运动会作准备。每天训练完后,我俩都累得大汗淋漓,然后望着对方相视一笑。天天如此。

2 . Now i will introduce myself briefly, I am years old,born in heilongjiang province ,northeast of china,and i am curruently a senior student at beijing XX unimy major is packaging engineeringand i will receive my bachelor degree after my graduation in junein the past years,i spend most of my time on study,i have passed CET/ with a ease and i have acquired basic knowledge of packaging and publishing both in theory and in practice besides, i have attend several packaging exhibition hold in Beijing, this is our advantage study here, i have taken a tour to some big factory and company but i have full confidence in a bright future if only our economy can keep the growth pace still i like my major packaging and i wont give up,if i can pursue my master degree here i will combine law with my former education i will work hard in thesefields ,patent ,trademark, copyright, on the base of my years study in department of p&p, my character? i cannot describe it well, but i know i am optimistic and confident sometimes i prefer to stay alone, reading, listening to music, but i am not lonely, i like to chat with my classmates, almost talk everything ,my favorite pastime is valleyball,playing cards or surf online through college life,i learn how to balance between study and entertainment by the way, i was a actor of our amazing drama club i had a few glorious memory on stage that is my pride

3 . have positive work attitude and be willing and able to work diligently without supervision。

4 . willing to work under pressure with leardership quality。

5 . My name is **** (我叫****)

6 . Excellent ability of systematical management。

7 . "海到天边天作岸,山登绝顶我成峰。"这是何等的自信!纵观中华历史,这种自信也出现过在巾帼身上。战国时齐国丑女钟离春"凹头深目,长肚大节,肥项少发,昂鼻结喉",这样的女子,按理产是该被世俗遗弃的,可她偏丑女不愁嫁,一嫁还嫁给了齐宣王。原因是她自信的谏言。她相貌吓人,却语惊四,有理有据的道出齐国的四大问题。试想要克服怎样的自卑,才能出现在皇帝与诸多大臣面前。试想又要有多大的自信,才能穿梭于美女如云的宫廷!

8 . 最美的年龄为最纯的梦想尽最大的努力。

9 . Willing to learn and progress。

10 . 能够同他人一道很好地工作。


1 . 蜗牛的梦想可谓高远矣,然而最终一无所成,原因何在呢?原来是它不懂得缩小梦想,步步为营,循序渐进。蜗牛遗憾地死去令人痛心,也让我们得到诸多启示。

2 . strong determination to succeed。

3 . 精诚所至,金石为开。

4 . Good presentation skills。有良好的表达能力。

5 . practice, inherit and carry forward the spirit of arduous struggle, also participated in the school&#;s literature and calligraphy Association , Eiching the after-school life, in all its aspects have been improved accordingly

6 . 十年铸剑,只为炉火纯青;一朝出鞘,定当倚天长鸣。

7 . 面试时,我们会面对形形色色的问题,而最令人哑口无言的,往往是一些最简单和最常见的题目,比如"请你自我介绍一下"。大多数应征者的反应是--我应该如何作答呢?

8 . 我哭得更猛了,我的泪在飞,我的泪飞呀飞,一直飞到了天国,一直飞到了他的身边……

9 . 有雄心壮志。

10 . young,bright,energetic with strong career-ambition。


1 . Trytodosth!这正是我们所需要的。

2 . 自我介绍的内容

3 . ——题记

4 . energetic,fashion-minded person。

5 . a person with ability plus flexibility should appy。

6 . 年轻聪明精力充沛,并有很强的事业心。

7 . 知识改变命运。

8 . 一般情况下,自我介绍应该是三~五分钟较适宜。时间分配上,可根据情况灵活掌握。一般地,第一部分可以用约二分钟,第二部分可以用约一分钟,第三部分用~二分钟。

9 . My major is sports training of basketball/voellyball/football/badminton/pingbang/tennis/

10 . Summarize your career and education, but don&#;t recite a list; 概括说出你的工作经验和学历,但切勿背诵




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