
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2022-10-03 16:35:33


1 . 爱情的道路上,我总是走走停停,爸爸说我腿脚不行。

2 . Only a bad ax, there is no chopping firewood

3 . 只有奋斗可以给咱们出路,而且只有奋斗可以给咱们快乐。

4 . 遥远的将不再遥远,平凡的已不再平凡。

5 . The road of life, to see light some, injury will be less

6 . He who does not care whether others appreciate him or not is bound to succeed

7 . C I wana be with you爱你好幸福。

8 . 千淘万漉虽辛苦,吹尽狂沙始到金。

9 . Youth is fearless, dream-driven, self-improvement, never give up

10 . Happiness is not without fear and worry; adversity is not without comforts and hopes


1 . 奋笔疾书,改写人生篇章,挑灯夜读,铸造金色辉煌。

2 . 盛年不重来,日难再晨。及时当勉励,岁月不待人。

3 . , one point ploughing, a point harvest, not necessarily; nine points ploughing, will have a harvest, certain!

4 . 笑容在汗水之后绽放,也许我平凡,但我接受挑战。

5 . The heaven is a reward for his diligence and diligence

6 . 脆弱的人,只懂得怜悯,而不知道反省自已。

7 . Success is not an important thing, it is an important effort

8 . , the attitude decides everything Details determine success or failure, and habits make life

9 . 有书不念,去捡破烂!

10 . 尽量不要和他人争论,除非你认为结果对你很重要,而且一定要说服对方。


1 . The horse is running out, therefore is playing out

2 . 有理想只是一种智力,实现梦想才是一种能力。

3 . 去征服下一个目标,没有什么拦得住你。

4 . Let&#;s work together Waiting for us will be a good tomorrow! Come on Come on

5 . 争分夺秒巧复习,勤学苦练创佳绩攀蟾折桂,舍我其谁。

6 . Where there is a will not be high, there will be hundreds of years old

7 . 你比那些躺在坟墓里的人类都有希望!

8 . 春风吹战鼓擂,今年高考谁怕谁!

9 . 为了最好的结果,让我们把疯狂进行到底。

10 . religiouisflawedbutonlybecausemanisflawed! 信仰是有瑕疵的,因为人是不完美的


1 . 耐心,自信来源于你强大的思想和知识基础。

2 . Treat yourself, don&#;t be about others, also don&#;t go around others, self-confident, elegant

3 . Without great difficulty, there will be no great cause

4 . Hope, only diligence and company, to Britain

5 . If we fell in love again I swear love you right

6 . Diligence is the code of your life, and you can translate a magnificent epic

7 . 天道酬勤厚积薄发初三九班非比寻常。

8 . 自信是成功之母,自卑是失败之父。

9 . , face the past with the least repentance; face the present with the least waste; face the future with the most dreams

10 . 人才乏于上,则有沉废伏匿在下,而不为当时所知者矣。


1 . Although the ant nest is small, it collapses thousands of miles

2 . , let us abandon the illusion of happiness together, and put our hopes on the persistent pursuit of the cause!

3 . 一次失误,多出一年辛苦。辛苦一年,迎来精彩一生。

4 . No matter what happened today, it has become the past, only hope can better tomorrow

5 . 生活中没有理想的人,是可怜的人。

6 . 百日冲刺战中考;一鼓作气创辉煌。

7 . Love makes man grow up or sink down——爱情,要么让人成熟,要么让人堕落。

8 . 希望,只有和勤奋作伴,才能如虎添翼。

9 . Eternity is not a distance but a decision

10 . 人的天才只是火花,要想使它成熊熊火焰,哪就只有学习。


1 . 握手不一定是友谊,指责不一定是敌对。

2 . 人格的完善是本,财富的确立是末。

3 . Never give up is the only secret of your dream to come true

4 . 胜利者往往是从坚持最后五分钟的时间中得来成功。

5 . Grasp one today, more than two tomorrows

6 . 你能做到的,比想像的更多。

7 . 年轻是我们唯一有权力去编织梦想的时光。

8 . No money is sad thing But the excess money sad times

9 . The conquest of today, coward lamented yesterday, idle waiting for tomorrow

10 . Struggle in order to improve life, honorable behavior


1 . The horse soft easy to stumble, greedy easy demoralization

2 . 百日积淀,百日辉煌。

3 . Do what you fear, and fear that the nature will disappear

4 . 信心来自于实力,实力来自于勤奋。

5 . 目标以提升热忱,毅力以磨平高山。

6 . No matter success or failure, you will keep on your own

7 . God reward those who work hard to thrive king wind, the chickens achievement striving giants

8 . 意气发,赳入铁,雷鸣乍惊六月雪。

9 . 看淡一切,从头开始。

10 . Have ideal is a kind of intelligence, realize the ideal is a kind of ability!




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