
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-02-27 18:25:36


1 . 为我儿子的进球得分尖叫。

2 . Wherever you go, no matter the weather, always bring your own sunshine

3 . According to Marriane Williamson, the author of "A Return to Love," there is a "holy love" and a "special love" "The latter type is the obsessiveone; finding that one "special" person absorbs _ALL_ your attention"

4 . Listening to the sound of waves lapping a white sand beach

5 . Nothing is impossible to a willing heart

6 . 谁经过了,谁就能化茧成蝶脱胎换骨。

7 . 我正在努力的朝着那片未知的将来举步而去,从未停下。

8 . Your kiss still burns on my lips, everyday of mine is so beautiful

9 . 爱情是无形燃烧的火焰。

10 . Life is the flower for which love is the honey


1 . 一颗平常心,让生活简简单单,

2 . 听着海浪拍打白色沙滩的声音。

3 . The darkness is no darkness with thee

4 . 对我四岁儿子独特的幽默感哈哈大笑。

5 . 不管雨下多久,最终彩虹总会出现。

6 . I have changed?I did not change,beginner&#;s mind never change

7 . 你若想得到这世界最好的东西,先得让世界看到最好的你。

8 . First impression of you is most lasting

9 . 每个人的快乐是要自己给的。

10 . After the accident, Dad was reluctant to play the mandolin He felt that he could not play as well as he had before the accident When I came home on leave and asked him to play he would make excuses for why he couldn&#;t play Eventually, we would wear him down and he would say "Okay, but remember, I can&#;t hold down on the strings the way I used to" or "Since the accident to this finger I can&#;t play as good" For the family it didn&#;t make any difference that Dad couldn&#;t play as well We were just glad that he would play When he played the old mandolin it would carry us back to a cheerful, happier time in our lives "Davey, Davey Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier", would again be heard in the little town of Bakerton, West Virginia


1 . 宁静的早晨。

2 . I have a stubborn will be siring

3 . Love is hard to get into, but harder to get out of

4 . 通往爱人家里的路总不会漫长。

5 . Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you 无论你身在何处,无论你为何忙碌,我都会在此守候。

6 . (二)

7 . How many times do we miss blessings because they are not packaged as we expected? Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; but remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for

8 . 在人生的各个阶段,我们都会蒙受损失——并且在这一过程中成长。只有在脱离母体失去庇护所时,我们才会开始独立的生活。我们不断地升学,接着又离开父母,离开儿时的故乡。继而,我们结婚生子,然后又放手让自己的子女出去闯荡。随着父母和配偶的相继离世,我们也逐渐或者很快衰老。最终,正如双手张开与紧握这一寓言所说,我们必须面对自身的死亡,失去原来的自我,失去我们拥有过或者憧憬过的一切。

9 . Collapsing after finishing a marathon, exhausted but in love with life

10 . Precious things are very few in this world That is the reason there is just one you


1 . A Happy Day

2 . 便是浅浅的快乐,浅浅的遗憾。

3 . May your love soar on the wings of a dove in flight

4 . Everything will be ok in the end, if it&#;s not ok, it&#;s not the end

5 . Never give up, and good luck will find you

6 . Love is like the moon, when it does not increase, it decreases

7 . 和我的孩子在花园里踢球。

8 . Life doesn&#;t get easier, you just get stronger

9 . Laughing at my -year-old son’s wacky sense of humor

10 . 未来属于那些相信梦想之美好的人。


1 . I feel happy at times we have had angry words but these have been kissed away

2 . 扇他耳光又救过他性命的朋友于是问他说:“我打了你之后你在沙子上写字,而现在你却在石头上写,为什么呢?”

3 . No matter how you feel Get up, dress up, show up and never give up

4 . 活得似一支梅,俏也不争春。

5 . 有时候,顺其自然,你才会知道那些事是否值得拥有。

6 . Sometimes we don&#;t realize the good fortune we have o

7 . 人活着就是一种心情,把握今天,设置明天,储存永远。

8 . There is no remedy for love but to love more

9 . Use your smile to change the world Don&#;t let the world change your smile

10 . There is still a long way to go You may cry, but you have to keep on moving and never stop


1 . 无论过去发作过什么,你要置信,最好的尚未到来。

2 . 爱情是一方织巾,用自然编织,用幻想点缀。

3 . 我们能够完成任何我们想做的事情,但不是所有的事情。世界这么大,有太多的选择,太多的事情,而我们只有有限的时间。

4 . 溶入尘世,但不与尘世争,

5 . "You cannot have given him a fair trial yet, "said themerchant "It is only ten minutes since you bought him"

6 . Here then is the first pole of life’s paradoxical demands on us: Never too busy for the wonder and the awe of life Be reverent before each dawning day Embrace each hour Seize each golden minute

7 . Believe me that it is utterly impossible for me to have a single thought that is not yours, a single fancy that is not submissive to your will Rest well Restore your health Come back to me and then at any rate before we die we ought to be able to say: "We were happy for so very many days!" Millions of kisses even to your dog

8 . Hold fast to life but not so fast that you cannot let go This is the second side of life’s coin, the opposite pole of its paradox: we must accept our losses, and learn how to let go

9 . I know what i want,and i know how to get it,and doing it nowthat’s all

10 . 细细地品味,都成了一笑而过的淡然。


1 . 生活从未变得容易,只不过是我们变得更加坚强。

2 . Spending time with my mom and sisters on a Saturday afternoon, baking sweets

3 . Your smiling at me is my daily dose of magic

4 . When shall I be able to pass every minute near you, with nothing to do but to love you and nothing to think of but the pleasure of telling you of it and giving you proof of it?

5 . Walking with the sand between my toes as the sun goes down

6 . 蜷在沙发上,与妻子孩子一起看碟。

7 . 简单,是静,静得妙韵嫣然。

8 . If you want the best the world has to offer, offer the world your best

9 . At every stage of life we sustain losses—and grow in the process We begin our independent lives only when we emerge from the womb and lose its protective shelter We enter a progression of schools, then we leave our mothers and fathers and our childhood homes We get married and have children and then have to let them go We confront the death of our parents and our spouses We face the gradual or not so gradual waning of our strength And ultimately, as the parable of the open and closed hand suggests, we must confront the inevitability of our own demise, losing ourselves as it were, all that we were or dreamed to be

10 . You can&#;t just sit there and wait for life to come to you You have to go get it




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