
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2023-11-15 17:58:45


1 . 别自找麻烦slumber是什么意思:

2 . His mind was destitute of that dread

3 . 使成为乞丐;使穷困This family is in great necessity

4 . adj(女服领口)汤匙式的

5 . n 借口,托辞

6 . neediness

7 . 这些是叉子还是勺子?BASTE , arroser To spoon melted butter, fat, or liquid over foods

8 . 刻花玻璃物体如枝形吊灯的玻璃吊灯架。The pendant was set with pearls surrounding an emerald

9 . 不幸/穷困/痛楚的消除。To make a beggar of;impoverish

10 . 专用货棚 Delete the items in the bracket as appropriate


1 . 删除括号中不适用的称谓。This is particularly appropriate to niche markets

2 . Down with hegemonism!

3 . 加进一些极“左”的词句来欺骗听众。It taps continuously from the base of the receiving ladle

4 . adj 下游的;下方的;在底部的;下级的,下等的

5 . restrainst on sb/sth 限制,约束 search for 对的搜寻

6 . 你睡觉时有奇怪的嗜好吗?Let sleeping dogs lie

7 . To surround or encircle with or as if with a belt or girdle

8 . 这一下限通常也起到了量刑标准的作用。In PASCAL or PL / ,the upper or lower limit to the subscript values of an array dimension

9 . 公债认购者获得高于储蓄的利息。How many shares did you subscribe for the new company?

10 . 太阳下山了。Close down autos and you close down steel and rubber


1 . Well, it&#;s a big occasion

2 . 我们每人认购五百股。 scrip subscription

3 . 他们向当地的慈善团体捐款。He subscribes liberally to charities

5 . n 勺;铲子;凹处;独家新闻

6 . v 下降,打倒

7 . pron 什么;多少;样的事(或人)

8 . 邀请股东认购新发行的股票The subscriber to a government loan has got higher interest than savings

9 . subscribe for

10 . supplement to sth 补充,增刊 sympathy for 对的同情


1 . She was a subscriber

2 . 宝玉坠落摔成了不规则的两半儿。pendants是什么意思:

3 . 最可怕的孤寂就是完全没有忠诚的友谊。From hunger, cold, isolation, destitution

4 . 妖魔从睡梦中被惊醒,抓起他的冬青大棒,冲出门去追赶杰克。sleep是什么意思:

5 . 克拉克指出,应该做的是,如果有人用勺子打你,保持镇静,尽量忽略这件事。scoop是什么意思:

6 . 从天上掉下来Out of power, he is out of favour

7 . 关掉了汽车工业你也就关掉了钢铁工业和橡胶工业。out是什么意思:

8 . sympathy with 对的赞同 taste for 对的爱好,喜爱

9 . 英国议会中议员的座席|议员席 floor criterion

10 . 对外方有没有下限?The threshold of a physiological or psychological response


1 . 我的厨房里有好几个勺子。Using spoons, mould the cheese into small balls or ovals

2 . 这座塑像是玉雕的。A tiny flaw in a piece of white jade

3 . research on/into 对的研究,调查 resistance to 对的抵抗,阻力

4 . indigence

5 . 阈限生理或生理反映的下限This minimum limit is often a function of sentencing guidelines

6 . 贷款各国就其经济地位按比例认购股份。subscribe是什么意思:

7 . n 钢水包;长柄勺

8 . trust in 对的信赖,信任 wish for 欲望,愿望

9 . 向饥寒孤独遗弃贫困收买。

10 . v 铺地板;打倒;难倒


1 . vt 以腰带束缚,围绕

2 . 因穷困和疾病而变得痛苦不堪的生活。Poverty is the root of all evils

3 . 该银行大量认购公债。The broker subscribed shares

4 . 这种策略特别适合于小众市场。occasion是什么意思:

5 . 嗯,这个场面很宏大。On this occasion the lodge sent a carriage

6 . be out for the count

7 . n 睡眠;蛰伏;麻木状态

8 . adj 水平的,同高度的;笔直的;平静的

9 . 白玉微瑕。Jade have been fell and split into two unequal pieces

10 . 一铲或一勺的量 beat [a scoop, exclusive story]




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