
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-24 11:18:05


1 . v 铺地板;打倒;难倒

2 . destitution

3 . 有吸引力的人在穷困时,获得陌生人帮助的机率也比较大。 down是什么意思:

4 . 它从贮钢包的底部连续流出。

5 . 我十分赞同那个观点。They subscribed materials voluntarily

6 . in want

7 . The statue was carved out of jade

8 . She was a subscriber

9 . 用两把勺子将奶酪滚成小球形或椭圆形。We ate handfuls of bittersweet chocolate chips and licked peanut butter off spoons

10 . Level off the shelves with a spirit level


1 . 穷困是万恶之源An elderly impoverished writer

2 . be down and out

3 . sleep treatment

4 . 他的头脑里不再有那种恐惧感。The worst solitude is to be destitute of sincere friendship

5 . 降低事物的等级;让事物的价值或声望下降。 He is a teacher of a lower form

6 . 长柄勺,除瓷或白坯瓷外的陶瓷制的 Ladle in a few ultra - left phrases to hoodwink the audience

7 . be out for the count

8 . impoverishment

9 . 睡眠治疗法 Finally she drifted into sleep

10 . n 钢水包;长柄勺


1 . 我们吃光一把又一把甜中带苦的巧克力片,把勺子上的花生酱舔得干干净净。 Ladle the sauce on top, top with pork and chopped peanuts, and serve while hot

2 . 成功的几率是多少?What are you smiling at?

3 . Some insects slumber in the winter

4 . 你睡觉时有奇怪的嗜好吗?Let sleeping dogs lie

5 . what is appropriate to the occasion

6 . 在PASCAL或PL;语言中,数组维数下标值的上下限。floor是什么意思:

7 . 奶牛棚用铲斗 ladle是什么意思:

8 . adj 什么样的;多么的

9 . misery

10 . prep 通过…而出;沿着…而去


1 . 你从哪得到这个挂坠的?A cut - glass object,such as a pendant of a chandelier

2 . 认股,认购,预约The bank subscribed heavily to the government loan

3 . What are the odds?

4 . 这些是叉子还是勺子?BASTE , arroser To spoon melted butter, fat, or liquid over foods

5 . 盛名之下,其实难副salt是什么意思:

6 . 他们不会被迫缩减对食盐的购买。Viewed through a microscope table salt appears as mass of tiny cubes

7 . 他是低年级的老师。To lower in quality or character;debase

8 . n 睡眠,睡觉

9 . n 借口,托辞

10 . v 占用;拨出


2 . His mind was destitute of that dread

3 . 对外方有没有下限?The threshold of a physiological or psychological response

4 . 向饥寒孤独遗弃贫困收买。

5 . 潦倒(尤指穷困one&#;s life salted by poorness and sickness

6 . adj 适当的;恰当的;合适的

7 . 甲板上拴着一个木长柄杓。ladle of ceramic other than porcelain or china

8 . prep 在…下,沿着

9 . ladle

10 . jade pendants on a girdle


1 . adj 下游的;下方的;在底部的;下级的,下等的

2 . 参考例句:

3 . 公债认购者获得高于储蓄的利息。How many shares did you subscribe for the new company?

4 . 他慷慨地捐助慈善事业。

5 . v 舀,盛;慷慨施予

6 . v 放下,降下;减少,降低

7 . subscribe for

8 . 用勺子淋上调味酱,面上是炒好的猪肉末和花生碎,趁热即食。On the do&#;s list, says Clark, if you find yourself being hit with a spoon, remain calm and try to ignore it

9 . 这个经纪人认购了股。To invite shareholder to subscribe to a new issue

10 . v 掘;舀取;抢先获得;搜集




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