
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-06-03 15:00:02


1 . arch 拱

2 . 我如此幸运能拥有你,你使我成为勇敢又快乐的人。

3 . 不要等被爱了以后,才要去爱。

4 . The progress of the society is based on harmony

5 . Love me little, love me long ----John Heywood 爱不贵亲密,而贵长久。

6 . Life is a journey to experience to learn and to enjoy生活是不断经历学习和享受的旅程。

7 . house 房子

8 . 和你共渡余生,比任何一件事都重要!

9 . The way to love anything is to realize that it may be lost 担心失去之时,就是爱的开始。

10 . It&#;s really nice how some people can always make you smile just by thinking about them


1 . Make it your friend and ally, not your enemy和它交朋友结为盟友,而不是成为敌人。

2 . Life is a journey that is meant to be experienced in full生活是一次旅行,人们应该完整地体验它。

3 . Life is a gift we and everyday生活是一份我们每日都收到的礼物。

4 . As to you… 而你… Your scent… 你的气息… Is like a drug to me 却好像是专门为我配制的毒品 Like my own personal brand of heroin 简直是我个人品牌的瘾品 《暮光之城》

5 . to lay the foundations 打地基

6 . Life is a vulgar flare amid the cool radiance生命只是惨淡的星光里的平凡的一闪。

7 . I love you Not only for what you are but also what you have made of me

8 . "#Ralph Waldo Emerson# be yourself, no base imitator of another, but your best self There is something which you can do better than another Listen to the inward voice and bravel" y obey t hatDo t he "tings at which you are great, not what you were never made for ——Ralph Waldo Emerson"

9 . column 柱

10 . Smoking has a great influence on our health


1 . Life is a test and this world a place of trial人生是一种考验,而这个世界就是考场。

2 . You can’t change the past过去的事是不可以改变的。

3 . Look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me 看看我的眼睛,你会发现你对我而言意味着什么。

4 . Love laughs at locksmiths ----Colman 爱情嘲笑锁匠。

5 . 不要等到分开了,才想到去挽回。

6 . bring up 培养;养育;呕吐

7 . 当我遇到你的那一刻,我知道我将永远在你身边!

9 . 在这个世界上,男人最珍贵的财产就是一个女人的心。

10 . 多说反坏事。


1 . Love is photogenic It needs darkness to develop爱情就象照片, 需要大量的暗房时间来培养。

2 . keep up 保持;继续(某活动)

3 . This issue has caused wide public concern

4 . 不要等别人受伤了,才来乞求原谅。

5 . have a heart of spring, ecstatic to in full bloom; Again the sea, the mind can open; Good, play to have womb agile; The eyes have god, the look line to sharp; Arm strength, make moves to the punch; With rhythm, steps are to light 心里有春天,心花才能怒放;胸中有大海,胸怀才能开阔;腹中有良策,处事才能利落;眼睛有炯神,目光才能敏锐;臂膀有力量,出手才有重拳;脚步有节奏,步履才能轻盈。

6 . Life is a tragedy full of joy人生是一场充满快乐的悲剧。

7 . Now I&#;m afraid 现在我害怕了 I&#;m not afraid of you… 我不是害怕你… I&#;m only afraid of losing you 我只是害怕失去你 Like you&#;re going to disappear… 害怕你会突然消失… 《暮光之城 》

8 . 等到认识人生,已经一半过去了。

9 . We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much

10 . Be confident with yourself and stop worrying what other people think 对自己要自信,别在意其它人怎么想。


1 . 你是那用一个眼神就可以点燃我心火的灵魂伴侣!

2 . Never let the demands of tomorrow interfere with the pleasures and excitement of today永远别让明天的期待,影响你享受今天的时光。

3 . Maybe our life is a cup of water也许生活本来就是一杯水。

4 . Let beggars match with beggars

5 . Yes, the past can hurt But I think you can either run from it or learn from it 对,过去是痛楚的,但我认为你要么可以逃避,要么可以向它学习。

6 . "If I were to fall in love, It would have to be with you Your eyes, your smile, The way you laugh, The things you say and do Take me to the places, My heart never knew So, if I" were to fall in l "ove, It would have to be with you ——Ed Walter"

7 . 英语电影经典语句 我认为纸上谈兵没什么作用

8 . "Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered,or you will never grow up 你不尝试着做些能力之外的事情,就永远无法成长。"

9 . Don&#;t wait for a smile to be nice…

10 . For if dreams go Life is a barren field Frozen with snow 如果梦想消失了, 生活就变成了积满冰雪的不毛之地。


1 . Don&#;t wait to have time, to be able to serve

2 . hang up / off 挂起;挂断电话

3 . 不要等到受伤了,才相信愿意祈祷。

4 . There is no denying that the qualities of our living have gone from bad to worse

5 . Point to Ponder: Life is a test and a trust思考重点:人生是考验,也是受托。

6 . "英文:Those who let a person to sink in things, is a good start 中文:那些让人陷进去的东西,开始总是美好的。"

7 . palace 宫殿

8 . Life is a maze and love is a riddle生活是座迷宫,爱情是个谜。

9 . Where else…am I gonna go? 哪里还有…我的容身之处呢? 《暮光之城》

10 . It is universally acknowledged that trees are indispensable to us


1 . Life is a never - ending road, I walk, walk, keep walking人生是一条没有尽头的路,我走着,走着,不断地走着。

2 . 夜莺困笼不唱歌。

3 . Love and a cough cannot be hid 爱情与咳嗽不能隐匿。

4 . Let it be if there is nothing you can do 如果无能为力,那就顺其自然。

5 . "Feelings are just visitors, let them come and go ——Mooji"

6 . I think it’s hard winning a war with words 我认为纸上谈兵没什么作用。

7 . 我会想你,在漫漫长路的每一步。

8 . Life is a do - it - yourself project Be ambitious and just do it人生是一个自助的工程, 要雄心壮志并努力去做。

9 . You should do what your heart tells you 人就应该随心所欲。

10 . 污染对我们的生存造成一大威胁。


1 . Life is a flower of which love is the honey人生是花朵,爱情如蜜甜。

2 . You are my soul mate;the one who could set my heart on fire with just one look

3 . 质量比数量重要。

4 . foundations 基

5 . "Sometimes we get sad about things and we don’t like to tell other people that we are sad about them We like to keep it a secret Or sometimes, we are sad but we really don&#;t kn" ow why w e are sa "d," so we say we aren&#;t sad but we really are (The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time) ——Mark Haddon

6 . course of bricks 砌好的砖列

7 . A smile never goes out of style Wear yours every day! 微笑永不过时。每天都带上笑容吧!

8 . 全世界都知道树木对我们是不可或缺的。

9 . So precious is time that we can’t afford to waste it

10 . 无论你身在何处,无论你为何忙碌,我都会在此守候。




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