
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-01-19 03:32:01


1 . The presents are wrapped, the stockings all hung, all that&#;s left now is the holiday fun! Merry Christmass!

2 . Winter ruthless people love, caring heart didn&#;t stop, after the winter solstice Christmas Eve, Christmas greeting on, friend miss feeling, a warm greetings from heart。 On New Year&#;s greetings and first happy warmth forever。 A happy holiday!

3 . Wishing you a bright white holiday full of love

4 . The message the Santa Claus will be responsible for the creation, the happiness is responsible for the writing, the happiness is responsible for the sending, the luck is responsible for the transfer, I&#;m in charge of the investment, sent to your mobile phone in advance, I wish you: Christmas Eve, Christmas is happy!

5 . The so-called peace, is healthy and disease-free。 Successful, no, no。 Happy happy life, no wave, no discount。 Today is Christmas Eve, may the Lord give you all of this。 I wish a happy happiness。

6 . I reversed the hourglass, the past into the future Let time frames, for you never stop at this moment of happiness Christmas Eve, wish you all the year round in peace, happiness life!

7 . 发挥你的热情,让理想变为现实。

8 . On Christmas Eve, wonderful bell to ring again, let it knocking on your door in , bring you a whole year of health peace, happiness and auspicious。 Wish you a merry Christmas in advance!

9 . I could always tell that you wrapped Santa&#;s presents

10 . Peace, beautiful melody melodious bell send you send you lucky, colorful lights send you warm, devout prayer to send you honey is sweet Christmas Eve to send peace, good luck all the year round!


1 . Let not your career flourishing as put out the fire, I wish you wealth accumulation as man snowflakes, let your mood happy like hall bells, wish you happy like lights on the early。 Happy Christmas Eve。

2 . 飘落的雪花,组合成平安的形状;让真挚的祝愿,包含着平安的内容;在平安夜的晚上,传递着有关平安的祝福。朋友,平安夜里,愿你平安,愿你快乐!

3 . 欣然又将圣诞,狂欢彻夜难眠。平安夜里话平安,听取笑声一片。零落些雪花外,三五好友聚堂前。就是你,我最想念,愿圣诞节快乐!

4 . 节日快乐!

5 . 圣诞快乐!别忘了挂上袜子!

6 . snowflakes drifting is missing, the fireworks lit the is a blessing, flowers express is friendship, message is sent to a warm, christmas eve, wish you a happy christmas day arrived, wish you happy!

7 . 今晚,翻检心中所有的酸甜,最是把你来惦念,相识相交已经多年,情真自不必多言,友谊之花绽放你我心田,平安夜祝你一生幸福,四季平安。

8 . Heard I happiness full marks, I decided to send to you, all very surprise on the winter solstice, Christmas Eve is very sweet, very romantic Christmas, career passion is very, very, happy happy life and dream is to force, hope you all well, happiness get a full mark。

9 . 平安夜到,愿你删去昨日的烦恼,确定明天的美好,储存身体的强健,复制幸福在身边,粘贴平安无界限,升级美好到永远。

10 . Christmas Eve is a sweet song, become beautiful because of you; Christmas is a poem of happiness, because you and become a splendid。 My message is a fresh wind, become lively and vivid because of the sent to you。 Wishing you all a merry Christmas!


1 . Christmas Eve, warm and peaceful have peace satisfied of trillion, has the blessing of health and happiness, good luck, peace be to you the night happy covered, silent accept my blessing, good fortune longevity and health!

2 . 平安夜的雪花飘落,带着我的祝福飞进你的心窝。我按动快乐的钢琴键,用真诚为你弹奏圣诞赞歌,愿你在新的一年里无忧无虑,天天快乐!

3 . 平安夜说平安,平安短信送平安,平安围绕你身边,一年四季都平安。平安人有平安愿,平安短信转转转,四面八方都转发,亲朋好友都平安。

4 . 【】Hope you enjoy the happiness of Christmas and all the trimmings

5 . May its blessings lead into a wonderful year for you and all whom you hold dear

6 . Peace on earth, good will to men

7 . 平安夜,报平安,平平安安迎圣诞;跨万水,越千山,祝福接力问候传;鹿蹄急,雪橇快,圣诞礼物堆成山;炉火旺,驱严寒,圣诞树下美梦圆。圣诞快乐!

8 . with all good wishes for a brilliant and happy christmas season hope things are going all right with you

9 . ring in peace, recite the songs of peace, the day of prayer for peace, send the blessing of peace, christmas eve, wish you peace and happiness, health, peace, happy christmas eve!

10 . Best wishes on this holiday season


1 . 祝我的挚友圣诞快乐。

2 . 节日愉快。

3 . 平安夜你将搭载平安列车起程,从此你会天天一路平安,月月一路平安,年年一路平安,还有你的家人和朋友也会一生平平安安,平安夜快乐!

4 . To wish you special joy at the holidays and all year

5 . 愿你的圣诞充满温馨,祥和,与亲人团聚的快乐,祝圣诞乐陶陶,新年乐无限。

6 . 【】Hope all your Christmas dreams come true!

7 . Is the most warm warm on Christmas Eve, and you together, lively strip, borrow the moon lang lang, a few lights, a series of WenNianHua details As long as you said in your heart me again some more, I will gently dissolve all melancholy

8 . On Christmas Eve, please close your eyes, I send gift quietly: send you a Christmas light, light up your good future; Happy to send you a small bell, a shake on the side; To send a blessing, wish you happy beauty jia jia。

9 . May your days be filled with love and light wanted

10 . Have a heartwarming holiday! Warmest wishes for a very merry Christmas


1 . on christmas eve to pray; christmas wishes; new year&#;s blessing; to all over the sky stars, bring you my sincere greetings: friends, happy! happy!

2 . 平安夜的钟声回响在小路,我送你一棵真诚的圣诞树,上面闪着我们友情的回顾,挂满了我对你的祝福,愿好运永远把你呵护,愿你一生平安幸福。

3 . 美丽的圣诞节,雪夜星光伴着你和我的脸,平安夜的萍果滋润了你我的嘴唇。快乐的你我在新的一年里开出圣诞果实。

4 . 你想赢,就先学会妥协,妥协的对象不是自己,而是对方。你要尊重对方的天性,男人生下来就是一个比较独立的,喜欢安静一点的氛围,而女生喜欢追求华丽的,热闹的`,浪漫的生活,她们喜欢粘着人,让人陪。此时,你若能做到给他想对的一些独立空间,尊重他的一些生活习惯,别否定他的一些处事原则,而他愿意为你成为那个可以给你很多关心,温柔,浪漫,陪伴的暖男,这就是相互妥协,妥协的基础是爱。

5 . Joy to the World Wishing you an extremely merry Chirstmas

6 . 雪花在平安夜飘舞,带着我的祝福飞进你的心窝。我按动快乐的钢琴键,用真诚为你弹奏圣诞赞歌,愿你在新的一年里无忧无虑,天天快乐!

7 . Luck and Christmas Eve, gift from the sky。 On Christmas Eve, send greetings, happiness and about to。 On Christmas Eve, happy, Christmas gifts。 On Christmas Eve, send blessings, I wish you the best wishes must be implemented。

8 . 该短信由圣诞老人负责创作,由快乐负责编写,由幸福负责发送,由幸运负责传递,由我负责投资,提前送到你的手机,愿你:平安夜如意,圣诞节愉快!

9 . warm greetings and best wishes for christmas and the new year!

10 . 这条短信是平安夜的平安大使,声声向你报平安,让这安心的旋律,陪伴你安心度过今晚,度过明晚,度过今后的每个夜晚。平安夜快乐!




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