
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-18 18:27:55


1 . I doubted whether the story is true

2 . = Are you free now?

3 . nooneknows没有人知道。

4 . 我和我姐姐有很多相同之处。

5 . Where can we make the insurance claim?

6 . 做presentation,我们要注意对话题的准备以及态度和身体语言等等,除此之外,我们还应该掌握一些常用句型。

7 . He set up a fine example to all of us

8 . 我怀疑那故事是不是真的。

9 . 思想成熟上进心强,并具极丰富的人际关系技巧。

10 . 他给自己投了钜额的 人身保险。


1 . 愿意在压力下工作,并具领导素质。

2 . 我不怀疑他会援助我。

3 . 谢谢您等我。 Thank you for waiting

4 . = It&#;s five minutes after one o&#;clock

5 . 我不知道我有没有耐心。

6 . Right, let’s get started

7 . 有创业能力,并能独立地从业。

8 . 这是迄今为止我经历的最热的一天。

9 . 反应快有进取心的应聘者。

10 . iminahurry!我在赶时间!


1 . This one cannot compare with that one

2 . = I&#;m sorry for the delay (对不起,我来晚了。

3 . 她在这次意外中受到重伤。

4 . I don&#;t doubt that he will help me

5 . MrSmith is in charge of this class

6 . I haven&#;t even touched your tooth yet

7 . OK, let’s move on (go on to make your next point

8 . 工作很有条理,办事效率高。

9 . Are you free tomorrow? (明天有空吗?

10 . 即使小孩都能回答问题。


1 . Attention of Human Resource ManagerLike many other young men, I am looking for a position I want to get started At the bottom,perhaps,but started

2 . 思想成熟精明能干为人诚实。

3 . Our school covers square meters

4 . goodluck!祝好运!

5 . ilikeice-cream.我喜欢吃冰淇淋。

6 . Willing to assume responsibilities

7 . I’d very much appreciate the chance to talk to you and to get your opinion on whether I am qualified for the job you offer

8 . Mature,self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills

9 . 真与假含义完全相反。

10 . = The lines must be crossed (肯定是串线了。


1 . 你好!Hello

2 . anythingelse?还要别的吗?

3 . We can&#;t go out because of the rain

4 . 现在她脸色难看,好像病了一样。

5 . Their interest is listening to others

6 . = Only five days left (只剩下天了。

7 . = It&#;s the thirteenth of August

8 . 若需有关本人的更详细资料,请按本函上方所载地址惠函示知。

9 . 我们所阅读的书本会影响我们的思想。

10 . I want a job Not any job with any company,but a particular job with your company Here are my reasonsYour organization is more than just a company It is an institution in the minds of the Chinese public


1 . 他双臂交叉于胸前坐着。

2 . It&#;s the tenth (今天号。

3 . 对不起,让您久等了。 I&#;m sorry to have kept you waiting

4 . The editor overlooked a print error

5 . 比Hello随便,用于比较熟悉的人,男女都可以用。

6 . Can you adapt yourself to the new job?

7 . forgetit!休想!(算了!

8 . To tell the truth, I don&#;t like disco

9 . There is no one but hopes to be rich

10 . I’ll be saying more about this in a minute


1 . 上大学有何用?

2 . 我可以用很好的英语来表达自己的观点。

3 . 点分。 It&#;s a quarter after three

4 . = It&#;s half past nine

5 . One reason that I would like to be employed with your firm is that you are dealing with import and export trade I would look forward to dealing with oversea com#panies and at the same time having a chance to use English more

6 . 倘蒙阁下接见,将不胜感激

7 . This company is our regular customer

8 . heismyage.他和我同岁。

9 . 这家公司是我们的老客户。

10 . 倘蒙给予面试,除星期一外每天下午本人均可应试。


1 . a quarter 是四分之一的意思,在这儿是分钟的四分之一的意思,即分钟。另外,这里的to是表示“~前”的意思,即“差分点”。

2 . 我无法使这部机器正常运转。

3 . My interest in joining Any Corporation as a licensed electrician had prompted me to forward my resume for your review

4 . Could I have those two tickets, please?

5 . 你为什么不去参加一个有氧健身班呢?

7 . 如阁下认为我适合该项工作条件,请尽快惠函赐知面试。

8 . After a pause he continued his story

9 . 如有机会与你们面谈,我将十分感激。希望能知道我是否适合担任你们所要求的工作。

10 . = How are we doing for time?

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