
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-07 18:20:02


1 . A he B that C whom D which

2 . No noise, please

3 . I often hear from him 我经常收到他的来信。

4 . Pardon

5 . 钱不花就是一张纸,花了才是钱。

6 . A whom B who C whose D which

7 . A Because of the food B Because of their homework

8 . 世界为大鹏停留。

9 . B It’s sunny

10 . a喜悦 Pleasure, joy


1 . Won&#;t she like it?

2 . John: see you later then Take care!

3 . ( be made of表示"由…制成", 一般指能够看出原材料,或发生的是物理变化。

4 . W: And where are you going?

5 . 在解答本题前,同学们通过快速浏览书面选择项,通过特定情景用语的分析,就可将问题的内容基本推测出来。对方向你表示良好地祝愿,你的回答当然是表示感谢。答案为B。

6 . A Yes, I’d love to B No, I don’t C I enjoy reading books

7 . ( be made from也表示"由…制成",但一般指看不出原材料,或发生的是化学变化。

8 . ---He has gone back to Qinghua University

9 . M: I want to take a business trip tomorrow

10 . It is said that per cent of the doctors are women


1 . A Don’t say that B It’s nothing

2 . 我们家正在一起度周末。

3 . Of course (you may

4 . ()不定代词由all, most, more, some, any, none作主语时,也要依这些代词表示的意义来决定谓语动词的单复数形式。如果代词代表复数可数名词,谓语动词用复数;如果代词代表单数可数名词或不可数名词,谓语动词用单数。例如:

5 . ()表时间距离价格度量衡等的名词作主语时,谓语动词通常用单数。例如:

6 . A Eight B Nine C Five?

7 . What’s the time, please?

8 . A is B was C are D were

9 . A From : to : B Five hours C At :?

10 . W: How long will you be away, Dad?


1 . 就餐 Taking meals

2 . 但那是历史,历史是只看结果而忽略手段的,就像人们只看到中国的万里长城埃及的金字塔等许多伟大建筑,而看不到这些建筑下面的累累白骨。在过去的二十多年里,中国人用一种极端的方式终于控制了人口暴增的局面。

3 . D It’s nothing

4 . B No, I’ll be all right Thanks for your help

5 . C I don’t expect D I am afraid not

6 . A Three B Four C Five?

7 . ( found是另外一个词,与find并没有关系,意思是"成立建设",常用作及物动词。

8 . What do you mean by…?

9 . The moon is a world ______ there is no life

10 . The police are looking for lost boy


1 . Nobody _______ (know the answer to the question

2 . A I like the weather

3 . Miss Lin has been able to pay the car by herself

4 . A No, she hasn’t B Yes, he hasn’t C Yes, never?

5 . 【解析】答案:A。该题考查的是如何回答别人的询问。对方询问某人是否有病,由于答话人已经知道某人有病(从后一句答语可知),只能给出肯定回答。

6 . I’m sorry to hear…

7 . Is that so?

8 . bIt’s fine/cloudy/windy/rainy, etc

9 . ---Yes, __________

10 . who 指人,在定语从句中作主语。例如:


1 . What she left me are a few old books

2 . how should i greet, with tears, with silence 我如何贺你,以眼泪,以沉默。

3 . 亲爱的,我一直想拜孙悟空为师,和他学降妖除怪,这样可以让我在万圣节好好保护你,什么妖魔鬼怪,统统放马过来!

4 . It was dark when they arrived at the railway station当他们到达火车站的时候,天已经黑了。

5 . I

6 . The poet and writer has come

7 . There _____ a lot of good news in today’s newspaper

8 . A Go to the cinema B Watch TV? C Go to a concert?

9 . This is the place where Chairman Mao once lived

10 . A are a number of deer B are a number of deers


1 . Most of the drinking water ______ (be from the Black River

2 . ---What’s wrong with you??

3 . B He cleaned the bath-room

4 . A Every month B Every week C Every half month

5 . C I’ve got a new bike

6 . M: Yes, it often rains there?

7 . 先看题后听音:在做听力题时,一定要做到听前先把听力试卷全部看一遍,尤其是听对话和听短文这两种类型,以大概掌握主题内容,缩小听力范围;

8 . The factory where his father works is in the east of the city

9 . None of the rooms are mine没有一间房子是我的。

10 . aHello! May I speak to …?




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