
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-25 17:21:05


1 . 在我餐厅抽屉里放着几根蜡烛。它们会用于浪漫晚餐和一些特殊场合,但是自从我三个孩子出生之后,它们便被遗忘在餐巾纸和其他杂物之间了。它们一直在等待着被拿出抽屉,被点亮,以和任何一个愿意花费时间去感受它们温暖人分享那些光亮。

2 . She remembered the poisoned chapatti that she had made that morning Had she not burnt it in the fire, it would have been eaten by her own son!

3 . Where there is love, there are always wishes 哪里有爱,哪里就有希望。

4 . 从八盎司到几磅,学生们大声地喊出答案。

5 . 曾经,有一位心理学教授在讲台上来回走着,向满席的学生传授压力管理原则。

6 . Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? With the help of technology, students nowadays can learn more information and learn it more quickly Use reasons and examples to support your answer

7 . Students shouted out answers ranging from eight ounces to a couple pounds

8 . 自问一下,我给别人生活带来了什么改变吗?你对自己成就感到快乐和满意吗?你正充满激情吗?你必须找到你所爱和能给你带来满足感事物。

9 . 女人很生气,她自言自语地说:“这个驼背人从没说过谢谢,却每天都重复这句话,是什么意思呀?”一天,她决定弄死他,就在为他准备的薄饼上下了毒。

10 . once upon a time, the circle missed a wedge The circle wanted to be whole, so it went around looking for its missing piece But because it was incomplete and therefore could roll only very slowly, it admired the flowers along the way It chatted with worms It enjoyed the sunshine It found lots of different pieces, but none of them fit So it left them all by the side of the road and kept on searchingThen one day the circle found a piece that fit perfectly It was so happy Now it could be whole, with nothing missing It incorporated the missing piece into itself and began to roll Now that it was a perfect circle, it could roll very fast, too fast to notice flowers or talk to the worms When it realized how different the world seemed when it rolled so quickly, it stopped, left its found piece by the side of the road and rolled slowly away


1 . 那天晚上,有人敲门,她打开门惊讶地发现儿子站在门口,他很饿很虚弱。一看见妈妈他就说:“妈妈,我能回来真是奇迹。离家还有一英里远的时候,我太饿了走不动了。我差点儿就死了,但就在那时一个老驼背人路过,他很善良给了我一整张饼。他说:‘你比我更需要它’。”

2 . Furthermore, because most answers seem to be only a few clicks away, students are likely to refrain from thinking imaginatively and working out solutions on their own Computers follow instructions and help students get ready answers So powerful is the Internet that except for a few things which are not meant to be known, for all the rest there are search engines like Google The result could be too much information and too little imagination Nevertheless, whileinformation has limit, imagination can go beyond the borders of computer screens In view of this, students had better understand that a computer is capable of doing a job of perhaps persons, but even computers can hardly match the imagination of a human mind

3 . 总的说来,电脑有优点也有缺点。但如果人们能够正确地使用电脑,电脑对他们的一生都是有用的。

4 . And then remember the book about Dick and Jane and the first word you learned, the biggest word of all: LOOK Everything you need to know is in there somewhere The Golden Rule and love and basic sanitation, ecology and politics and sane living

5 . Our rd wife is our possessions, status and wealth When we die, they all go to others

6 . She replied, “From my perspective, the absolute weight of this glass doesn’t matter In each case, the weight of the glass doesn’t change, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it feels to me”

7 . Addiction to learning in a technology-supported environment while losing a certain degree of imaginative capacity must not be regarded as healthy signs Healthy or not, now that the Internet is here to stay, there is no turning back It is therefore advisable for students not to allow the Internet to get an upper hand

8 . “亲爱的,我不会去帮你改的,因为这不是什么要紧的事情。”

9 . can I be better? Is my heart really pure? can I help this situation with kindness?

10 . He also loved the rd wife very much He’s very proud of her and always wanted to show off her to his friends However, the merchant is always in great fear that she might run away with some other men


1 . As she was about to keep it on the window sill, her hands trembled “What is this I am doing?” she said Immediately, she threw the chapatti into the fire, prepared another one As usual, the hunchback came, picked up the chapatti and muttered the words: “the evil you do, remains with you: the good you do, comes back to you!”

2 . However mean your life is,meet it and live it ;do not shun it and call it hard namesIt is not so bad as you areIt looks poorest when you are richestThe fault-finder will find faults in paradiseLove your life,poor as it isYou may perhaps have some pleasant,thrilling,glorious hourss,even in a poor-houseThe setting sun is reflected from the windows of the alms-house as brightly as from the rich man’s abode;the snow melts before its door as early in the springI do not see but a quiet mind may live as contentedly there,and have as cheering thoughts,as in a palaceThe town’s poor seem to me often to live the most independent lives of anyMay be they are simply great enough to receive without misgivingMost think that they are above being supported by the town;but it often happens that they are not above supporting themselves by dishonest meanswhich should be more disreputableCultivate poverty like a garden herb,like sageDo not trouble yourself much to get new things,whether clothes or friends,Turn the old,return to themThings do not change;we changeSell your clothes and keep your thoughts

3 . 她想起了那天早上做的有毒的饼,要不是她把饼烧了,就会被她儿子吃了!

4 . Most of what I really need to know about how to live, and what to do, and how to be, I learned in Kindergarten Wisdom was not at the top of the graduate school mountain, but there in the sandbox at nursery school

5 . It is never too late to fall in love 爱永远不会嫌晚

6 . Thus, he asked the th wife, “I loved you most, and owed you with the finest clothing and showered great care over you Now that I’m dying, will you follow me and keep me company?” “No way!” replied the th wife and she walked away without another word

7 . You&#;re amazing! You&#;re awesome! And by the way, TAG, you&#;re it As amazing and awesome as you already are, you can be even more so Beautiful young people are the whimsey of nature, but beautiful old people are true works of art But you don&#;t become "beautiful" just by virtue of the aging process

8 . 生活没有明确目标

9 . 刚出门,便扑面而来一大片晶莹雪白的冰凉。冷气袭来,肌肤阵阵战栗,而内心却温暖如初。觉得自己似乎能发热,因而渴望在这寒冷中长时间驻足。这是一个大自然与你交流的日子。我深深地吸了一口气,静听雪花飘落,源源不绝。

10 . You fear failure


1 . 一日,商人得了重病,他自知将不久于人世。当他回顾自己奢华的一生,不禁心中怅然:“现在我虽然有四个老婆相伴,但死后却要孤零零一人。多啊!”

2 . Candles are made up of wax and a wick; we have bodies, but ouressence lies in our minds and souls Candles are unique in theircolors, shapes and designs Our life histories and experiences arethe backdrops of who we are, but our minds are like candle wicks,and make our passions flame Unlike the candles in my drawer, whoget used or not used depending on my whims, we control our ownthoughts, and how brightly we will burn or dimly we will shine

3 . As the class shook their heads in agreement, she continued, “Your stresses and worries in life are very much like this glass of water”

4 . 当然,商人也爱二老婆,她既善解人意又耐心。事实上,她是商人的红颜。每每遇到困难,他就会找她,而她也总能帮助他走出困境,度过难关。

5 . If your self-perception is that you can’t accomplish somethingbecause you never finish anything you start, then go and finishsomething and change your self- perception

6 . It’s important to remember to let go of your stresses and worries No matter what happens during the day, as early in the evening as you can, put all your burdens down

7 . 在人们的日常生活中电脑越来越受欢迎,电脑的利弊英语。每家每户拥有电脑的数量要比电视机多。有些人觉得电脑真的很棒,所以他们都把他当作是上天赐予他们的礼物。然而,有些人则认为它所带来的弊端要比好处多。在我看来,这两个观点是正确的,但如果我们能够恰当地使用电脑,它的优点是会比缺点多的。理由有几点。

8 . 他再转向二老婆,问道:“我常常求助于你,你也总能为我排忧解难。现在我想再请你帮一次忙。我死后,你愿意随我而去,与我相伴吗?”“很抱歉,这一次我帮不了你,”她说,“我最多只能让你入土为安。”这句话犹如晴天霹雳,商人彻底绝望了。

9 . 一个女人给家人烤薄饼,还留出一个给饥肠辘辘的路人。她总是把留出的那个放在窗台上,每天都有一个驼背的人来拿走薄饼。他没说过一句“谢谢”,反而总是边走边咕哝着:“善有善报,恶有恶报!”

10 . 我们每个人都是农夫。我们若种下好种子,就会有丰收。倘若种子长得不良且长满杂草,我们就会徒劳无获。如果我们什么也不种,就根本不会有什么收获。


1 . Think of what a better world it would be if we all - the whole world - had cookies and milk about o&#;clock every afternoon and then lay down with our blankets for a nap Or if we had a basic policy in our nation and other nations to always put things back where we found them and clean up our own messes And it is still true, no matter how old you are, when you go out into the world, it is best to hold hands and stick together

2 . Paint a Masterpiece

3 . 当她举起一杯水,笑着问:“我举着的这杯水有多重?”

4 . As I walked I looked up, trying to realize what made this day so beautiful, so serene It was as if time had been put temporarily on hold and I along with it Or maybe I was the only one unpaused…Either way, the solitude was comforting, and I sensed myself floating away I sat down on the edge of a curb and listened All there was to hear was the wind rushing over the top of my head and circling some old, cracking leaves some yards away To me it was the reassuring sound of nature, trying not to be forgotten

5 . 不论你的生活如何卑贱,你要面对它生活,不要躲避它,更别用恶言咒骂它。它不像你那样坏。你最富有的时候,倒是看似最穷。爱找缺点的人就是到天堂里也能找到缺点。你要爱你的生活,尽管它贫穷。甚至在一个济贫院里,你也还有愉快高兴光荣的时候。夕阳反射在济贫院的窗上,像身在富户人家窗上一样光亮;在那门前,积雪同在早春融化。我只看到,一个从容的人,在哪里也像在皇宫中一样,生活得心满意足而富有愉快的思想。城镇中的穷人,我看,倒往往是过着最独立不羁的生活。也许因为他们很伟大,所以受之无愧。大多数人以为他们是超然的,不靠城镇来支援他们;可是事实上他们是往往利用了不正当的手段来对付生活,他们是毫不超脱的,毋宁是不体面的。视贫穷如园中之花而像圣人一样耕植它吧!不要找新的花样,无论是新的朋友或新的衣服,来麻烦你自己。找旧的,回到那里去。万物不变,是我们在变。你的衣服可以卖掉,但要保留你的思想。

6 . They say they’d like to do this or that, but then they offer allthe excuses in the world for why they can’t do whatever it is Nomatter what the excuses are, the only thing that is usuallylimiting them is their own self-perception

7 . 她正要把饼放在窗台上,手就开始颤抖了,她说:“我在做什么?”她马上把饼扔进了火里,重新做了一张。一切照旧,驼背人来了,拿起薄饼,咕哝着:“善有善报,恶有恶报!”

8 . "I don&#;t go to the doctor because my health is not a priority"

9 . 一方面,电脑使人们的生活变得更容易。人们可以做很多以前不能做的事情。他们可以不买报纸,只坐在电脑前,点击鼠标,打开网站就看到新闻。网上购物,看电影,听音乐,玩电脑游戏,都是人们常常用电脑做的事。但是没有电脑的话,他们则无法轻易地做到这些事。此外,电脑对他们的学习和工作也是很有帮助的。人们在电脑上上课,工作。

10 . 正如世界上没有两片相同的叶子,我们每个人都是独一无二的。相信自己,命运就掌握在我们的手中。


1 . 该结束沉思离开了!我举步前行时,思绪又转回到现实中来,而此时感觉如此平静,如此清新。

2 . You are too busy to think about any-thing

3 . 往昔已一去不复返而且是静止。任凭我们怎么努力都不能改变过去。英语短文未来就在我们眼前而且是动态。我们所作所为都会影响未来。

4 . 至于大老婆,她是一位忠诚的,替他照料生意打理务,忙里忙外,可谓劳苦功高。然而,尽管她爱得这么深,商人却偏不钟于她,甚至没把她放在心上。

5 . Each day will brings with it new frontiers, in our homes and inour businesses, if we will only recognize them We are just at thebeginning of the progress in every field of human endeavor

6 . Take a nap every afternoon When you go out into the world, watch for traffic, hold hands, and stick together Be aware of wonder Remember the little seed in the plastic cup The roots go down and the plant goes up and nobody really knows how or why, but we are all like that

7 . We can take the mysterious, hazy future and carve out of itanything that we can imagine, just like a sculptor carves a statuefrom a shapeless stone

8 . A woman baked chapatti for members of her family and an extra one for a hungry passerby She kept the extra chapatti on the window sill Every day, a hunchback came and took away the chapatti Instead of expressing gratitude, he muttered the following words as he went his way: “the evil you do remains with you: the good you do, comes back to you!”

9 . As she raised a glass of water, with a smile on her face, the professor asked, “How heavy is this glass of water I’m holding?”

10 . “我不会去看医生的,因为我的健康不是什么要紧的事情。”


1 . You complete me你使我完美起来。

2 . that evening, there was a knock on the door As she opened it, she was surprised to find her son standing in the doorway He was hungry and weak As he saw his mother, he said, “Mom, it’s a miracle I’m here While I was but a mile away, I was so famished that I cllapsed I would have died, but just then an old hunchback passed by He was kind enough to give me a whole chapatti He said, “Your need is greater than mine!”

3 . 每天女人把饼放窗台上时都为去远方赚钱的儿子祈祷。

4 . 安于现状。

5 . 你心中那支蜡烛是否因环境或者缺少激情,没有方向感而黯淡无光?它是否藏匿于压力担忧和怨恨抽屉里?做出选择吧,以自己注定方式去发光。

7 . The question is: Are you satisfied with who you are? Are youdoing what you are capable of doing? Do you get excited about whatyou are going to do when you get up in the morning? It is high timeyou asked these questions that reflect the truth about your lifeMore often than not we have the ability to achieve much greaterthings, but we get caught in the average things in life and wasteour potential Each one of us has immense ability But most of usfail to use it Why?

8 . 我能变得更好吗?我的心真的纯洁吗?我能带着善意解决问题吗?

9 . 小老婆代表我们的躯体。无论我们花费多少的和精力想去装扮她,我们死后它终会弃我们而去。

10 . 忙到没时间思考


1 . Goldfish and hamsters and white mice and even the little seed in the plastic cup - they all die So do we

2 . Real beauty comes from learning, growing, and loving in the ways of life That is the Art of Life You can learn slowly, and sometimes painfully, by just waiting for life to happen to you Or you can choose to accelerate your growth and intentionally devour life and all it offers You are the artist that paints your future with the brush of today

3 . Consider… YOU In all time before now and in all time to come, there has never been and will never be anyone just like you You are unique in the entire history and future of the universe Wow! Stop and think about that You&#;re better than one in a million, or a billion, or a gazillion…

4 . 当全班晃头表示同意时,她继续说道:“你们在生活中的压力和担忧就非常像这杯水。”

5 . It was then that she realized the significance of the words: “the evil you do remains with you: the good you do, comes back to you!” Do good and don’t ever stop doing good, even if it is not appreciated at that time

6 . 这些说法是不是听起来很怪,对,这就是重点。换个不同的表达方式,让我们意识到时间是一种选择。如何度过某个小时,根据我们的喜恶,我们的选择会大不相同。

7 . Then it was time to go and my reverie had to end As I began walking again, I drifted back into this time frame, calm and cleared

8 . 如果你仍能感觉到昨天压力的重量,这是一记重要的指示,告诉你是时候把杯子放下了。

9 . We are all in the position of the farmer If we plant a goodseed, we reap a good harvest If our seed is poor and full ofweeds, we reap a useless crop If we plant nothing at all, weharvest nothing at all

10 . 最后,她发现问题出在了她的杯子上,她只是忘了刷杯子,过一段时间就影响里面水的味道了。她把杯子洗干净了,水就没有异味了。




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