
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-22 05:23:58


1 . The bodies of youth are wasted on the young… I wish I had run a marathon before my knees ached, that I had biked more, hiked more, and took spinning classes when my legs were stronger I regret not joining a softball team or volleyball league We don’t often realize that we have squandered our physical abilities until things start aching and creaking

2 . 要让事情改变,先改变我自己;要让事情变得更好,先让自己变得更好。

3 . 亲爱的生日快乐,今天只想对你说:有你真好。

4 . 人生总会遇到挫折与坎坷,请你不好惧怕跌倒,有无数次的跌倒就要有无数次的爬起。只有这样才能开创

5 . Living a more active lifestyle

6 . Making more friends

7 . 多少次回想我们都恨不得踢自己一脚:为什么不在来岁就开始K(小编注:美国的一种养老金制度)计划,为什么没有将多余的现金用于长期投资,为什么没有早早的为我们未来投资。不管我们再怎么努力,错过的时光都不会重来了。等到我们四五十岁的时候再奋起直追已为时已晚了。

8 . 在一个半小时的演讲里,他幽默风趣地讲述了自己的生平,人们听得激情澎湃。演讲快结束时,老教授请大家提问交流。

9 . 彩云飘在空中,自然得意洋洋,但最多只能换取几声赞美;唯有化作甜雨并扎根于沃壤之中,才能给世界创造芳菲。

10 . 时光飞逝,今天又是你的生日,愿今天你拥有一切美丽,来年生日更美好,一年更胜一年。生日快乐!


1 . 想做就马上去做,尽管不景气,这仍是大前研一的诤言。

2 . 那些能幸运退休的情况又如何呢?好像也有问题。没有人每天钓鱼打高尔夫球。

3 . 明天是世上增值最快的一块土地,因它充满了期望。

4 . 更积极向上的生活方式

5 . 一个人几乎能够在任何他怀有无限热忱的事情上成功。

6 . I wish I had learned to ski and paint, speak Italian and do the Tango I regret not living somewhere else before settling down Others have said they regret not pursuing their hobbies or learning to sky dive or mountain climb I prefer to stay on the ground, but I do regret not learning more, not trying new things that are hard to fit into the life of a forty something working wife and mother

7 . 荧荧的烛光照耀你的脸颊,虽然微弱,却可以延伸到很远,吹灭蜡烛,许个心愿,让满天的星都为你祝福。

8 . 我多希望我以前学会了滑雪画画,会说意大利语,会跳探戈。我后悔在安定下来之前没有在别的地方生活过。很多人也都和我一样后悔没有持之以恒的培养自己的爱好,没有学跳伞,没有去爬山。我确实更喜欢务实,但也很后悔没有去学更多的东西,没有尝试新事物,这些事物已经无法再融入一个岁的全职妻子加母亲的生活中了。

9 . 在你的生日之际,祝福你,永远都是一个开心幸福的人!

10 . 愿我的心是一朵鲜花,盛开在你的天空下,为你的生日增添一点温馨的情调,为你的快乐增添一片美丽的光华!


1 . Perhaps it’s because as we get older we look back on that period of adulthood as the height of freedom and autonomy As move into middle age, we look back and wish that we had made better choices and taken more opportunities Here’s a list of things that we regret not doing in our s

2 . 鼠年过去了,别在当鼠了好不好,和我一起当幸福的牛牛吧。

3 . 老公,今天是你的生日,当你打开手机的第一瞬间,我送给你今天的第一个祝福,生日快乐!

4 . 既然时间是最宝贵的财富,那么珍惜时间,合理地运用时间就很重要,如何合理地花费时间,就如同花钱的规划一样重要,钱花完了可再挣,时间花完了就不能再生,因此,更要利用好你的时间。

5 . 使这个世界灿烂的不是阳光,而是你的微笑。

6 . 当你珍惜自我的过去,满意自我的此刻,乐观自我的未来时,你就站在了生活的最高处。

7 . 通过云端的道路,只亲吻攀登者的足迹。

8 . 如果有人用钞票扔你,跪下来,一张张拾起,不要紧,与你温饱有关的时候,一点点自尊不算什么。

9 . 小说讲述的是一段婚外情小说讲述的是一段婚外情故事,男主人公因为身居要职经常应酬,吃惯了山珍海味,所以在食欲上不是很好。每次他拖着疲惫的身体回到家的时候,妻子都会准备好一碗青菜豆腐汤在那里等他。后来他有了情人,情人也会给他准备一大桌子的菜,但不是觉得油腻就是不合味口。于是他跟情人说起了青菜豆腐汤这道菜,情人试着给他弄了几次,可男主人公喝着总觉得味道哪里不对,怎么都做不出家里妻子弄的那般清香可口。,男主人公因为身居要职经常应酬,吃惯了山珍海味,所以在食欲上不是很好。每次他拖着疲惫的身体回到家的时候,妻子都会准备好一碗青菜豆腐汤在那里等他。后来他有了情人,情人也会给他准备一大桌子的菜,但不是觉得油腻就是不合味口。于是他跟情人说起了青菜豆腐汤这道菜,情人试着给他弄了几次,可男主人公喝着总觉得味道哪里不对,怎么都做不出家里妻子弄的那般清香可口。

10 . 生活可以是甜的,也可以是苦的,但不能是没味的。你可以胜利,也可以失败,但你不能屈服。


1 . 想你在每一个有星星的夜晚,念你在每一刻欢乐的时光,盼你在每一次想你的瞬间,爱你在每一秒呼吸的间隙。亲爱的,生日快乐!

2 . 因为有你,我的世界才美丽,祝爱人生日快乐!

3 . 他们在岁上下时侃侃而谈退休后的希望和梦想,但是一过了岁,却突然开始想做「终身经营者」,怎么也不肯退休。

4 . 每个人的性格中,都有某些无法让人接受的部分,再美好的人也一样。所以不要苛求别人,也不要埋怨自己。

5 . 一个人除非自我有信心,否则带给别人信心。

6 . 如果为了安全而不和大海在一起,船就失去了存在的意义。

7 . 值得纪念的日子,世界因为有了你而更加美好,生日快乐!

8 . 今天是你的生日,一个我永远忘不掉的日子。愿上帝保佑你一生平平安安健健康康幸福快乐!我的老公。

9 . 我后悔我没有仔细思考我的人生道路,我想要做的`事情,我想成为一个什么样的人以及如何才能实现。如果在多岁的时候我们能更好的规划人生,我们在多岁的时候就会更上一层楼,也许还会感觉到更幸福。

10 . 我就试着从我接触过的多位经营者的(痛苦)小巧引出我的看法吧!


1 . 每个人都有自我的剧场,他集经理演员提词编剧换景包厢侍者看门人诸职于一身,此外还是观众。

2 . 梦想是点燃生命之火的催化剂。

3 . We dreamed of visiting the pyramids of Egypt, surfing off the Hawaiian coast, dining at a Parisian café, drinking espresso in Rome, trekking through the rainforest, and so much more Sadly, many of us never made these journeys and the opportunity passed us by

4 . I regret not travelling more, and so does nearly everyone that I have asked Before kids, and mortgages and marriages, when our commitments and expenses were lower, the opportunities for travel were much greater, but for some reason many of us thought we’d always have time for travel later

5 . 今天是你的生日,一个我永远忘不掉的日子。

6 . 在你的生日,接受我遥远而深深的祝福!

7 . 追求一份更有意义的职业

8 . 柔柔的微风,悄悄地传送,我对你时时的关怀,宝贝,生日快乐!

9 . What interests me most is the experience of gulliver in Lilliput The people here were all like tiny little men, and here, in the eyes of the little people, gulliver became a giant of the sky After he was found by the king, he was subdued by a large group of small men, and tied up with a fly, and with a fly The ban was confined to an abandoned building At first, his life was good, it was a war, and the fate of gulliver fell to the ground and became the king&#;s battle tool Fortunately, he later went to another small country to win the love of the king and queen, and enjoyed the prosperity But gulliver was still very much in love with his family and home, and asked the king to let him go The king helped him build the "aircraft carrier" of the little man Eventually he returned home Gulliver&#;s fate was in a moment of triumph, a moment of triumph, and a moment of despair, and it was under the control of others And I, with the plot of the book in a moment of fear, a long sigh But no matter how many hardships, through his faith never change, has been one thousand to find the hope of freedom, even if it is then a spark of hope, he will never give up, never lost the direction, finally succeeded

10 . 也许你并不是为我而生,可我却有幸与你相伴。愿我有生之年,年年为你点燃生日的烛焰。亲爱的,生日快乐!


1 . Many of us wish we had taken more career risks, opted for meaning over money, pursued the career path we wanted instead of what we were expected to do or simply following the path that was laid out before us How much better to have explored our options and pursued meaningful work in our twenties than to have spent years doing something we don’t love

2 . Yes, in life, we should be like gulliver, no matter what adversity, always have a goal, don&#;t give up easily, then success will come to you

3 . 请记住有个人永远爱你需要你。用我全身心的爱祝你生日快乐!

4 . 愿天下有情人终成眷属。

5 . 为着追求光和热,人宁愿舒弃自己的生命,生命是可爱的。但寒冷的寂寞的生,却不如轰轰烈烈的死。

6 . 毋庸置疑,生活是美好的。很少有人每天四处走走缅怀我们的青春,但是我们确实会偶尔若有所思的边叹气边回忆:多么希望当我们身心自由和精力旺盛的时候,能有更多的计划更多的活法去扩展自己。

7 . 一年中的今天属于你,一生中我这颗心属于你。

8 . 隔着不远不近的时空,我常会在不经意之间想起你,就像今天的微风,偶尔带来的清爽,那样随心和自然,有风吹到你时,记住那就是我托风给你的问候!生日快乐!

9 . 老公,无论你选择妻子还是情人,我都是你唯一的选择,对么?对于我来讲,你就是唯一。生日快乐,老公!

10 . 老公,祝福你生日快乐,希望你每天都有好心情,希望你事业顺利,当然爱情也要顺利啦!




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