
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2023-10-18 11:30:06


1 . Without a doubt,English can only be yelled! (毫无疑问,英语就是要喊!

2 . 会有天使替我爱你。

3 . Don&#;t take yourself too seriously 。

4 . 金秋的岁月,丰收的季节,愿我最真诚的笑容伴随你,深深的祝福你,国庆节快快乐乐,事业辉煌腾达!!!

5 . she who has never loved, has never lived人活着总要爱一回。

6 . We all have possibilities we don&#;t know about 。 We can do things we don&#;t even dream we can do 。

7 . I miss you , but I won&#;t bother you 。

8 . Sometimes, we are not out of the life to pain, but is learned to live with the pain有时候,我们并非走出了生活给的伤痛,不过是学会了带着伤痛继续生活。

9 . East or west, home is best(东好西好,还是家里最好。

10 . 别把自己太当回事了 。


1 . Being the stupid person I am Forever means forever to me and so I will always love you now and forever像我这么傻的人,永远对我来说就是永远。所以,我会一直爱着你,现在,永远。

2 . The shortest answer is doing (最简单的回答就是干。[想说流利的英语吗?那么现在就开口!心动不如嘴动哦。

3 . 最痛不过一人始一人终。

4 . If I can be pure all the way to the end

5 . How can I make you see me at the moment when I m the most beautiful如何让你遇见我,在我最美丽的时刻。

6 . 放弃那些你改变不了的 。

7 . I can t give you the best thing in the world, but I will let you get the best of me我不能给你世界上最好的东西,但我会把我最好的都给你。

8 . 那么近又那么远。

9 . Your smile is so brilliant

10 . You must welcome challenges if you want to be successful! (如果你想获得成功,你就必须欢迎挑战!


1 . 你是我眼里最珍贵的人。

2 . Just because someone doesn’t love you as you wish,it doesn’t mean you’re not loved with all his/her being只因为某人不如你所愿爱你,并不意味着你不被别人所爱。

3 . Love me little and love me long不求情意绵绵,但求天长地久。

4 . The most painful but one person was a man

5 . Travel seen scenery and young had a dream, all is the others rob don&#;t walk: forget myself旅行时看过的风景和年轻时有过的梦想,都是别人抢不走:自己也忘不掉的。

6 . 如果我就此忘了你,你会不会觉得难呼吸。

7 . Sometimes you just need someone who will listen to you 。

8 . If you hate me, I don’t really care I don’t live to please you! 如果你讨厌我,我一点也不介意,我活着不是为了取悦你。

9 . To enter a woman s heart, only love and love is not enough, you have to understand her要想走进一个女人的心里,光有喜欢和爱是不够的,你必须要懂她。

10 . 如果我可以一路单纯到底。


1 . 我是真的很恨你不是真的爱我。

2 . Pain past is pleasure(无论多么艰难一定要咬牙冲过去,将来回忆起来一定甜蜜无比

3 . Since know, why so sensational

4 . We were given: Two hands to hold, Two legs to walk, Two eyes to see, Two ears to listen But why only one heart? Because the other one was given to someone else for us to find 上帝给我们两只手,两条腿,两个眼睛,两只耳朵,可为什么只有一颗心?因为他要我们去找谁带着配对的另一颗。

5 . you can‘t have them

6 . 眼睛不是用来装眼泪的。

7 . No person deserves your tears, and who deserves them won’t make you cry没有人值得你流泪,值得你流泪的人是不会让你哭的。

8 . Don t wait for me, you know my sad Don t wait for me to disappear, you will know that I exist不要等我流泪,你才明白我的悲伤。不要等我消失,你才知道我的存在。

9 . People come and go But life is simply about those who care enough to stay 有些人会在你人生来了又走,但只要有那些愿意停留的人便已足够。

10 . God helps those who help themselves(天助自助者。


1 . 人生的悲哀是你遇上了一个对你很重要的人,他是你的一切。然而,你却没有办法留住他

2 . Loving a person is the greatest gift we can give 。 Being loved is the greatest gift we can receive 。

3 . Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile 纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。

4 . Do not find excuses for failure, to chase success reasons!

5 . If you would come back

6 . Don’t take things too seriously (不要对一切太过在意

7 . Love is take one s ease, and take one s ease of love is the most real爱情是自由自在的,而自由自在的爱情是最真切的。

8 . Why do the good girls, always want the bad boys 为何好女孩总喜欢坏男孩?

9 . 得到了再失去,总是比从来就没有得到更伤人。

10 . 一息若存,希望不灭。


1 . 爱一个人,就是让他自由自在的做他自己 。

2 . It s an amazing feeling to realize how one person who was once just a stranger suddenly meant the world to you很奇妙的一种感觉是,曾经的陌生人,突然之间成为了你的整个世界。

3 . We often ignore those we love, but love who ignore us我们经常忽略那些疼爱我们的人,却疼爱着那些忽略我们的人。

4 . 在梦里想着你。

5 . I have seen your most affectionate face and the soft smile, in the magazine world, lamp gives me struggling ability我见过你最深情的面孔和最柔软的笑意,在炎凉的世态之中,灯火一样给予我苟且的能力。

6 . 有时候,你需要的只是一个可以听你说话的人 。

7 . 我如何贺你,以眼泪,以沉默。

8 . l had a dream that you love me

9 . Full Ying Guo, Woods Hongye dance autumn wind The entire country is behind Qi, and the home-Sheng everything This grand festival will bring you everlasting lucky!

10 . 又到国庆节了,在这举国欢庆的日子里,希望你快乐如夕,永远幸福。国庆节快乐!


1 . Come on,be a man!(来吧,像个男子汉!

2 . I love you not for whom you are, but who I am when I ’m by your side我爱你并不是因为你是谁,而是因为我在你身边的时候我是谁。

3 . Just off the beautiful Chang E, ushered in the birthday of the motherland I take this opportunity goes to youu my heartfelt blessing: I wish you all the best and every success! ! !

4 . 给胜者以奖励,给败者以惩戒。

5 . My love, 我的爱人。

6 . There is no reason to feel discouraged (没有必要感到灰心。

7 . Bad days will pass

8 . Your name, my heart 你的名字,我的心事。

9 . So close, you so far

10 . A man is only as good as what he loves(一个人要用他所爱的东西有多好来衡量。


1 . Tell me you are mine I’ll be yours through all the years, till the end of time请告诉我你是我的。岁岁年年,我都属于你,永远永远。

2 . 如果你愿意回头。

3 . Sometimes, you have to let go to see if there was anything worth holding on to 有时候,你必须放手,才能明白是否真的值得拥有。

4 . Let go of what you can&#;t change 。

5 . I love the young like a song

6 . After the pain had not felt the pain, some will only be a cold heart痛过之后就不会觉得痛了,有的只会是一颗冷漠的心。

7 . I have only one heartHow can I survive if I devote it all to you?我只有这么一颗心,全给了你,你要我怎么活?

8 . The so-called happiness, it is a persistent in the plain living and persistence所谓的幸福,就是在平淡生活里的那一份执着和坚守。

9 . The longer one carries a problem, the heavier it gets (包袱背得越久,越沉重

10 . In one thousand years time to love you, with ten thousand years time to forget用一千年的时间去爱你,再用一万年的时间去忘记。




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