
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-25 22:31:54


1 . 风起云涌,出水蛟龙,独我X班,傲视群雄。

2 . The footprints in the desert soon faded away The song of struggle has been stirring in the heart of the Trekker for a long time

3 . The winner is wise, the winner is strong Its not that success is too far away from us, but that we insist too little

4 . There is probably some truth in both sidesBut we must realize that ……

5 . Youth is fearless, dream-driven, self-improvement, never give up

6 . 都准备好了,我还怕什么?

7 . 从这个图表中我们可以看到很多重要的变化。

8 . One, one, youth infinite, glamour forever! Unite and forge ahead Work hard, miracles happen!

9 . Challenge yourself and break through the limit

10 . One mistake, more than a year of hard work Hard year, ushered in a wonderful life


1 . Wecanwin。我们能赢

2 . 刻苦勤奋,严格自律。

3 . 百炼成钢百日留芳拼搏进取共创辉煌。

4 . Its a little hard today and a little more tomorrow

5 . 凭风借力,直上云天。

6 . 金鸡报春,志士嗟日短,争分夺秒,努力实现大跨越;战鼓催阵。

7 . 同舟共济,劈浪向前。

8 . Confidence determines everything, and details determine success or failure

9 . Experience; Only then will understand; Has pays only then repays

10 . More and more people realized that producting environment is very important


1 . Sow the work, the harvest is successful

2 . 认识到问题是找到解决办法的第一步。

3 . Many people did not realize the importance

4 . 这部打字机真是价廉物美。

5 . 由于英语和汉语在表达习惯上存在差异,根据表达的需要,某些成分需要前置或后移。如:

6 . The team is my home, the struggle depends on everyone

7 . 用宽容的心征服别人无往不胜。

8 . Hefounditeasytoearnextramoney

9 . Smell the chicken and dance to achieve a strong brigade teacher; Heaven rewards diligence to reproduce the brilliant kings style

10 . Life is a few times struggle, high morale, all efforts, love will win


1 . 珍惜今天的拥有,明天才会富有。

2 . After a hundred days, the proud party

3 . 拼搏创造价值,努力成就未来!

4 . 前事不忘,后事之师。

5 . 知识改变命运,奋斗成绩未来。

6 . 珍惜时间创造奇迹不经风雨怎见彩虹。

7 . Work hard to surpass the limit

8 . The heaven is a reward for his diligence and diligence

9 . Nowadays ,many students always go into raptures at the mere mention of the coming life of high school or college they will begin Unfortunately ,for most young people ,it is not pleasant experience on their first day on campus

10 . A strong blood preparation, full of the success of the economy


1 . Strive to strive for success; Cheer for yourself tomorrow

2 . 光阴易逝,岂容我待。

3 . Health first, start from me

4 . It is a good place to visit

5 . 别人还在坚持,你有资格不同吗。

6 . Everybody should have a dream

7 . 一些人认为……另一些人持相反意见。也许双方的观点都有一定道理。但是我们必须认识到……

8 . 努力拼搏奋勇向上;为自己扬帆为明天喝彩。

9 . 从各地来的学生中有许多是北方人。

10 . Wish you have a good trip


1 . 这是一个我们必须学会面对的痛苦的新情况。

2 . 要成功先发疯,下定决心往前冲。

3 . 我成功因为我志在成功!

4 . 百日冲刺战中考;一鼓作气创辉煌。

5 . Let&#;s look on the bright side

6 . The degree of persistence determines the height of success

7 . 一朝习惯,万事易办。

8 . 书是人类进步的阶梯。

9 . Only through hard work can we become good steel

10 . 有实力无所惧,中考加油!


1 . People used to ……however , things are quite different today

2 . 决胜中考,改变人生。

3 . Only when we face up to our ignorance can we expand our knowledge

4 . 我们迷路了,这使我们的野营旅行变成了一次冒险。

5 . 就是把两个或两个以上的简单句用一个复合句或较复杂的简单句表达出来。这种方法最能体现学生的英语表达能力,同时也最能提高文章的可读性。如:

6 . Don&#;t be infatuated with class , after the examination is a legend

7 . 十年寒窗决战今朝勤学苦练我必成功。

8 . Hoist your sail and strive hard Look at my class, magnificent

9 . Recognizing a problem is the first step in finding a solution

10 . The hundred day vows, youth like fire, the pledge to take the red flag - ambition to the cloud


1 . 许多专家指出体育锻炼直接有助于身体健康。

2 . 祝愿你有一个好的旅行。

3 . 坚持努力,才能获得成功。

4 . 破釜沉舟,绝处逢生!

5 . Unity and struggle, go up

6 . Management is to stimulate peoples potential in order to win goals

7 . 生于忧患,死于安乐。

8 . Heaven is a good man when he is strong

9 . All of the days of steel and steel to create a brilliant future

10 . 努力一定成功,放弃注定失败!




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