
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-05 03:16:59


1 . He preferred to be assigned something more difficult to do


3 . [附注] 一般说来,只有当谓语是被动式时,这个句子才可称为被动句,下面的句子含有被动意义的非谓语成分,虽然表达了一定的被动意义,但是不能说是被动句,She didn&#;t like herself to be praised like that 这种被动意义的非谓语成分主要由下了词语表达出来:

4 . A The same to you B You do too

5 . ---_______

6 . 【名师解难】

7 . It was dark when they arrived at the railway station当他们到达火车站的时候,天已经黑了。

8 . ()由连词or, either……or, neither……nor, not only…but also,等连接的并列主语,如果一个是单数,一个是复数,则谓语动词按就近一致原则,与最靠近它的主语一致。例如:

9 . a All right See you then

10 . G Do you think it’s a good idea?


1 . A have gone B has gone C goes D is going

2 . (年包头市中考试题

3 . Not only she but also I _______ (do morning exercises every day

4 . 过去分词。过去分词在句首通常用作状语,表示时间方式或伴随原因条件让步等。它们与句子主语的关系是被动关系。例如

5 . C 宾语前若有主语的物主代词时,不能变,如: (错 His finger is cut by him

6 . ()主语是单数时,尽管后面跟有 but ,except, besides, with 等介词短语,谓语动词仍用单数。例如:

7 . B Who are you

8 . 当表人体部位的词做逻辑主语时,及物动词用现在分 词,不及物动词用过去分词。

9 . John: OK I’ll do that I’m going to the shops now Can I get you some medicice?

10 . cThanks for the message


1 . 该题中的女士问的是下雨的事,男士回答的也是下雨的事。他们谈论的话题当然是天气。答案为A。

2 . A Having given B To give C Giving D Given

3 . 【解析】答案:A。该题考查的是如何回答别人的询问。对方询问某人是否有病,由于答话人已经知道某人有病(从后一句答语可知),只能给出肯定回答。

4 . 要使用文明礼貌的语言。

5 . bWhat’s the matter?

6 . Sea gulls flying over the water, the old fisherman flung his fishing meat into the open sea

7 . It is requested that you kindly take immediate action in the matter

8 . All the rooms are full of people所有的房间都满人了。

9 . The letter _______ I received from him yesterday is very important

10 . 劝告和建议 Advice and suggestions


1 . 简单句

2 . The bucket is filled with water水桶里装满了水。

3 . be able to/ can

4 . ① 在一般疑问句的否定结构中,把副词not放在一般疑问句的主语之后。但如果用not的简略形式-n&#;t,则须将-n&#;t与一般疑问句句首的be, have,助动词或情态动词写在一起。在实际运用中,一般都采用简略式。

5 . Shall we meet at : at…?

6 . Yes, I’ll be free then

7 . Try as she might, Carolina couldn’t get the door open(年广东) 根据as引起的倒装句的要求,其句子结构为:原形动词 + as + 主语 + would/might。

8 . Jim: Oh, hello, John Yes, come in, please

9 . Now, you want to know about life in the past, right? I can tell you When I was a boy, things were different I had to get up at six every morning That was not very bad in summer, but in winter it was cold And we didn&#;t have any hot water in the house We had to wash in cold water We didn&#;t have a bath-room My dad had some chickens I had to feed them every morning and then I had to walk to school with my little sister It was two miles to school and two miles back in the evening And we had to go to bed at seven o&#;clock every night We couldn&#;t watch TV because there wasn&#;t any On Sundays we had to go to church three times-morning, afternoon and evening And we couldn&#;t play outside on Sundays But it wasn&#;t too bad We had some good times We could go out and our parents didn&#;t have to worry about us There weren&#;t so many cars on the roads then, so the streets were safe to play in And there were not many robbers and thieves in those days We had to work hard and we weren&#;t able to buy all those things in the shops today Life was hard, but it was simple and people were happier



1 . A Because of the food B Because of their homework

2 . This table cloth is made of paper这张桌布是由纸做的。

3 . A are; are B are; is

4 . ? 该句型的谓语动词是及物动词(transitive verb

5 . love is when you take away the feeling, the passion, the romance, and you find out you still care for that person爱情是:当感觉热情和浪漫统统拿掉之後,你仍然珍惜对方。

6 . aGood morning/afternoon/evening

7 . a sad thing about life is that when you meet someone who means a lot to you only to find out in the end that it was never bound to be and you just have to let go人生的悲哀是你遇上了一个对你很重要的人,他是你的一切。然而,你却没有办法留住他。

8 . 句子:Heusuallygoestotheparkwithhisfriendsat:onSunday

9 . B 当宾语为反身代词时,不能变,如: (错 Himself was absented by him

10 . W: How about this one? It’s only five dollars


1 . 听句子,选答语

2 . A is B are C was D were

3 . 【副词开头】

4 . Hello/Hi

5 . Are there any _______ on the farm?

6 . There is no water in my cup

7 . Wish you good luck in this exam!

8 . May I have…?

9 . ---__________

10 . What happened this month?


1 . cI’d love to, but…

2 . D I’m a doctor?

3 . A It doesn’t matter B Thank you

4 . I want/hope to…

5 . No smoking, please

6 . I’m not sure whether/if…

7 . 归类一:

8 . ---What’s wrong with you??

9 . 关系代词和关系副词用来引导定于从句,在先行词和定语从句之间起纽带作用,使二者联系起来。关系代词和关系副词又在定语从句中充当一个成分。关系待客做主语,宾语,定语,关系副词可作状语。

10 . He wanted the letter to be typed at once She was the first woman to have been elected to such a post


1 . a喜悦 Pleasure, joy

2 . bThanks That would be nice/fine

3 . Birds singing in the tree, another routine day starts

4 . The books are not allowed to be taken out of the room

5 . C Oh, it’s really a big one D They are all warm-hearted and helpful

6 . 谈论天气 Talking about the weather

7 . () 一些只有复数形式的名词,如people, police, cattle, clothes等作主语时,谓语动词要用复数。例如:

8 . ? 这种动词告诉我们由主语发出的动作所作用的对象是什么,这里所作用的对象就是


10 . What can we learn from what the speaker said?




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