
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-28 14:09:12


1 . .Do you know what time ___?A.the train leave B.does the train leave C.will the train leave Dthe train leaves

2 . follyn荒唐事

3 . .结尾是e加d,如:taste-tasted

4 . 1像这样一条多灾多难的祸河,怎么能成为中华民族的“摇篮”呢?

5 . (要是你在远处看,柳树就好像是一团淡绿色的雾。

6 . There________(beafootballmatchonTVyesterdayevening,butI_________(havenotimetowatchit

7 . ()渐渐地连成了一条线。

8 . 如果被连接的句子是___________,则用连接词___________

9 . ()好多年过去了,谁也没看见狗熊办成了什么大事业。

10 . .(开始,小花苞穿着绿色的外衣。


1 . I hate TV shows _________ are noisy and boringThe music __________ is gentle and quiet attracts me a lot

2 . ()走近一看,原来是一团废纸。

3 . D补充:热起来做下去疼得发紫读两遍摆整齐

4 . (几天后,小花苞顶破外衣,长出几片花瓣来。

5 . ()理想中的女儿应该是个淑女。

6 . ()伸长鼻子闻他的脸。

7 . ()花是老师精心栽培的,有的长在地上,有的长在盆里,构成了一个个图案。()到了夏天,大的小的圆的长的各种形状的绿叶,托着红的黄的蓝的白的各色各样的花儿,美丽极了!

8 . (小朋友高兴地笑了。

9 . ()那壮丽的柱廊淡雅的色调,以及四周层次繁多的建筑立面,组成了一幅庄严绚丽的图画。

10 . ( --Bob, where do you work?--I work for a company ___sells cars A which B where C what


1 . despairn绝望

2 . My grandma didn’t go to sleep______ I got back home Atill Buntil Csince Dwhen

3 . ()我应该感谢这些我不知道姓名的人家的灯光。

4 . ()一只红蓝相间的绢丝做成的灯罩,像一顶合适的帽子戴在灯泡上,美丽极了。

5 . 墙角的刨花被刺猬拨得满地都是。_____________________________________________

6 . Didyou_____watered_________(water/watered/waters)flowerslastweek?Let’s______get_______(get/got/getting)ontheNobusWeoften_______watch____(watch/watches/watched)TVathomeJudydidn’t________go____(went/go/going)toschoolyesterdayHisdad_______works_______(works/worked/isworking)hardeverydayThere___were_________(were/are/was)sometreesnearhousestwoyearsagoMycousin____studies________(studies/studied/study)inamiddleschoolinGuangzhou

7 . ()他想,这是谁丢的,真不讲卫生。

8 . He ran as fast as possible__he could reach school on time Ain order to B so as to C such that D so that

9 . ()几朵淡淡的白云在天上徘徊。

10 . ShaolinTemple__lies in the west of Zhengzhou welcomes the visitors from abroadAwhere Bwhich Cwho


1 . ---What are you looking for? --- I’m looking for the pen ___ I bought yesterday A who B which C whose

2 . ()它的底座是黑色的玻璃盘,稳稳当当,显得庄重而大方。

3 . ( ) You can’t image ___ when the pupils received these nice presents on Children’s Day

4 . ()他心里顿时高兴起来。

5 . Today__________Tuesday,Yesterday__________Monday

6 . ( --Could you tell me____?--Sorry, I don’t know I was not at the meeting A what does he say at the meeting B what did he say at the meeting C what he says at the meeting D what he said at the meeting

7 . ()身躯的上端是灯座。灯座上安着一个圆圆的脑袋,那就是灯泡。

8 . A where did you get it B where will you get it C where you got it

9 . ()这是什么地方?这是我可爱的家乡。

10 . ()那些模样最像武士脸形的蟹就得天独厚地生存下来。




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