
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2023-11-20 06:44:17


1 . 挑战人生是我无悔的选择,决胜高考是我不懈的追求。

2 . 以清净心看世界,以欢喜心过生活,以平常心生情味,以柔软心除挂碍。

3 . 不到没有退路之时,你永远不会知道自己有多强大。

4 . When it es to family, we are all still children at heart No matter how old we get,we always need a place to call home

5 . Learn to refuse you, you can remain invincible

6 . 我的冷漠,是你读不懂的骄傲。

7 . All men who have achieved great things have been great dreamers

8 . 贵在坚持难在坚持成在坚持

9 . 十三 Failure is the mother of success失败乃成功之母。

10 . I can make it through the rain I can stand up once again on my own


1 . Behind every successful man there&#;s a lot u unsuccessful years。每个成功者的后面都有很多不成功的岁月。

2 . Children without umbrellas must run hard

3 . If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden

4 . 海浪为劈风斩浪的航船饯行,为随波逐流的轻舟送葬。

5 . 承诺常常很像蝴蝶,美丽的飞盘旋然后不见Promises are often like the butterfly, which disappear after beautiful hover

6 . 六 All things in their being are good for something天生我才必有用。

7 . all things are difficult before they are easy

8 . If you win with one heart, you can break gold!

9 . 回忆很美,尽管过程艰辛:也许结果总有遗憾,但我们无愧于心。

10 . 梦想,可以天花乱坠,理想,是我们一步一个脚印踩出来的坎坷道路。


1 . Respect is a spring, a spring, a give a person warm Shuxin pill, a dose of inspiring confidence

2 . In the world the most exhausting matter is that spending every day falsely

3 . 二 Sow nothing, reap nothing。春不播,秋不收。

4 . To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world

5 . 十七 In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different 要做到不可替代,就要与众不同。

6 . 你脑子里东西的多寡,就关系着你将来的前途。

7 . Because of regret, so the day; because of the dream, so regardless of personal danger

8 . Time can heal a broken heart, but time can also break a waiting heart

9 . Getting out of bed in winter is one of life’s hardest mission

10 . 给人金钱是下策,给人能力是中策,给人观念是上策。


1 . Become an individual is also very beautiful, because it is free Stay in the valley is also beautiful, because it is a kind of rest

2 . 愿四季轮换,绿意盎然;时光荏苒,阳光明媚。

3 . Others how to evaluate you are not important, the most important is that you have to look at their own

4 . —— 时间可以愈合一颗破碎的心,也会伤害一颗等待的心。

5 . Just good, see you happy, so happy your happiness

6 . ------ 把别人看得太重,结果在别人眼里自己什么都不是。

7 . 学练并举,成竹在胸,敢问逐鹿群雄今何在?师生同志,协力攻关,笑看燕赵魁首谁人得。

8 . One has no reason to end his life Living is itself happiness

9 . The world is not to stay, Zhu Yanci and trees

10 . 一直以来,成就大事的人都是大梦想家。 —奥里森&#;马登


1 . It’s not easy to change friendship into love But it’s even harder to turn love into friendship

2 . Nothing in the world will stop me from loving you

3 . be strong, believe in who you are be strong, believe in what you feel 强大一些,要相信你自己。坚定一些,要相信自己的感觉。

4 . 相信上天,天不负人,一切都是最好的安排。

5 . Focus on your long-term goal Good things will soon happen 专注于你的长期目标,美妙的事情很快会来到。

6 . Life is a palette, you put colors on it Let your past make you better, not bitter

7 . 成功,往往住在失败的隔壁!

8 . I&#;m proud of my heart It&#;s been played, burned, and broken, but it still works

9 . Look at the world with a pure heart, with joy in your life, in a normal heart touch, with a soft heart except guaai

10 . Some good friends become distantinsensibly, even you do not know why




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