
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-03-18 13:57:49


1 . ImanativeofJiangsuprovince

2 . 她/他有网球拍吗?是的。/不是。

3 . technicalfoul技术犯规///freethrow罚球///fieldgoal进球得分///three-pointshot///out-of-bound界外

4 . , the current hard hard, Ming Yue Longmen

5 . , exam, exam, psychology, champion, champion, and luck Therefore, as long as we pay attention to rest and relax, we will first belong to you Good luck, gate first!

6 . 她姓什么?---她姓张。

7 . transient

8 . stemthespreadofdisease

9 . Alotoftimepassesbeforethescriptisready

10 . , battle of the college entrance examination, traveling light, calm face, calm, don&#;t panic Mo busy, serious writing, confident, optimistic about the success or failure of the university entrance exam coming, look; I wish you success in the college entrance examination!


1 . 她/他是你阿姨/叔叔吗?是的。

2 . , life, no doubt, don&#;t hesitate, decisions in life is only one way you must go, life is like to travel, will inevitably encounter difficulties and frustrations, but when you go to the end will be found out the middle of the "bumpy" is just a scenery on your journey only

3 . drop to ones knees 跪下

4 . , friends of the postgraduate entrance examination will be on the battlefield tomorrow Here&#;s the most sincere blessing to you: before dawn, darkness and light are coming soon Bless you!

5 . settleforsthmeansreluctantlyacceptsththatisnotsosatisfactory

6 . What’syourtelephonenumber?It’s…

7 . Hissubtlesmilemadehimcurious

8 . I am confident that I succeed in my exam! Do the underground insect class yunzhonglong

9 . , not to find an excuse for failure, to find a way for success

10 . Freedomofactionisoneofinviolablerulesofhumanbehavior


1 . , college entrance examination, senior high school entrance examination qualified, in life there are always so many references will be reliable, the rise of aircraft flying over the car ran down, life is always passing to real lives, friends, come on

2 . , willing to graduate students in the world: sorrow is small, happiness is integrable, in the future tends to be infinitely long, happiness is continuous, your blessings are guided and greater than zero, I wish you every day a happy compound function is always the maximum value

3 . , do not stop, dream is always chasing; do not admit defeat, get through the night is the sun; clear, success is the next step; the road is very bitter, sweat is the most beautiful book; carnival shout, meet at the summit of the dance

4 . , face the goal, confidence hundred times, life can have a few times? Facing the achievement, the heart is open-minded, the continent passes through the Rome Give yourself a proper confidence

5 . Restisascrucialasexercise

6 . greeteachotherbysaying

7 . , the college entrance examination to follow you, good luck, no problem to the college entrance examination scores; and blessing not stop, everything is smooth; the college entrance examination, adhere to a win will Jinbang title! I wish the college entrance examination is smooth and all the best

8 . keep under 压制;控制

9 . , dear, I will enter the examination room I am blessing you in this big northern city I believe you know that my blessings are on your side I know you will win

10 . , the rain in summer and autumn, ten years of grinding sword Use our own wisdom to make dreams


1 . , be brave to start, to find the way to success

2 . , study hard for decades, hope in the eyes, heart soothing, steps with the tight, loose pace, good rest, do be careful in your success I wish the college entrance examination is smooth, and I wish it all

3 . 我爸爸不看电视。Myfatherdoesn’twatchTV

4 . 还有些很过时的已经可以入土的说法,比如真遗憾不要再用 it&#;s a pity ,用that&#;s too bad/it&#;s a shame更流行些,还有裤子不要用trousers了,而是pants/slacks/jeans。马马虎虎最好用average/fair/all right/not too bad/OK(西方人很少使用so-so,提到好吃不要只能反应出一个单词,就是delicious,可以多用用yummy/nice/tasty/appetizing等。

5 . , more than three years of wind and rain baptism, how many waves Fengtao split, hard tempered, infinite hardships hidden dream, at ease The examination room, Ming Dynasty chic world to know! After the rainbows of the wind and rain, I wish you all the best

6 . , fragrant and beautiful flowers are brilliant, herald sonion frequency transfer Kung Fu does not bear the heart, and the top of thousands of students Flowers and flowers, famous schools and professional volunteers To study tour Xuehai, a career full of wit Wish you a bright prospect

7 . , quick test, I wish you a smooth graduate entrance examination With professional class driven public courses, professional courses to promote public courses, take a first rank high, re play well, physical consumption, tuition fees can be exempted from the harmonious road!

8 . AsfarassayingthatImgoingtodosth,thereisnothingspecificrightnow

9 . be keen on 喜爱;渴望

10 . Netizensbetweentheagesofandarethedrivingforce


1 . conveniencestore便利店

2 . Followingringertones(手机铃声inpopularityaregames

3 . Greatstrideshavebeenmadeinsciencesince

4 . , the young must try hard, hard as early as possible Ten years of grinding sword, preparing for the college entrance examination The day is always paid for, and the pay is rewarded Stress release good mood, relaxation before the test is the most important I wish the smooth entrance, pass the examination!

5 . , the magpie chirping, Le Amoy Tao to pass the good news Beautiful art Qunfang Maria, have laughed at Ten years studying achievements, to realize the dream of today The prestigious smiled at you, the return is kennedy May you have a great future

6 . , if we all do what we can do, we are really surprised

7 . ataprimarystageofdevelopment

8 . Hewassosteadfasttohisprinciplesthatwecouldntmovehim

9 . Economy,asweknow,isinfluencedbythecombinationofahostoffactors,local,nationalandinternational,political,social,andtechnological

10 . , Dong Dong, Dangdang, the old downtown was put off firecrackers Young man, sitting in the study, preparing for the outline of the college entrance examination I was a naughty boy, and it was no harm to use more effort In order to contend for the day, to become scrap steel


1 . , let us abandon the illusion of happiness together, and put our hopes on the persistent pursuit of the cause!

2 . , action does not necessarily bring happiness, but no action will never be happy

3 . , if the college entrance examination is a river, you will turn yourself into a confident helmsman If the college entrance examination is a mountain, you will install eagle wings for yourself If the college entrance examination is a dream, you will register a dream factory for yourself I wish the college entrance examination is smooth!

4 . ---你好吗?--我很好,谢谢!

5 . , really, if life can have a rough draft to transcribe once, that this is good! We will be absolutely serious about writing our own life, perhaps not better than others, but it must be better than the first time

6 . needtobedevelopedtomeet/satisfyincreaseddemand

7 . Isthisyourpencil?Yes,itis

8 . , think carefully and understand that the distrust of the other person is actually the distrust of yourself Presuming the other person&#;s heart is like staring at his life reflected in the mirror, then projecting it to the other side, thus deciding to trust or distrust the other side

9 . 请拨。Pleasecall

10 . years, only for the present of a stroke, the future road light, with the college entrance examination measurement, easy to enter the examination room, trying to play wit, may your dream come true, I wish you a nurse nomination


1 . , the college entrance examination come Mo panic, you may hold "confidence" should carry the "calm" cannon to kill the "entrance" of the battlefield, I wish you well to seize the heights, easily sweep the battlefield, sounded the horn of victory, triumphant return of the king!

2 . Thefacthassilencedthedoubters

3 . Toomuchalcoholmakesallmysensesblunt

4 . Howareyou?I’mfine/I’mOk,thanks!

5 . be known as 以知名;被认为是

6 . , WoXinChangDan, taste and tenderness of cocoon Now, the golden dream round in June

7 . Ahavemuchincommonwithsuccessfulfeaturefilms

8 . , those bitter and tears, those hardships and sweat, the pain and suffering, only for the war today, the victory is the Chang, the defeat is dead! Only the success is not allowed to fail! Go ahead and move forward to victory! Refuel for the college entrance examination!

9 . , there is no waiting for the brilliance; only the beauty that comes out

10 . knock out 敲空;击倒




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