
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-10 23:47:22


1 . 练习 I am interested in everything___ is about the World Cup

2 . wind up 上紧(钟表)发条;使紧张;兴奋;结束

3 . 开始,它还是一团光球,非常的刺眼,我不敢正眼看它。这光球还像一个固定住的氢气球一样悬在天空,一直不降落。我期盼着它快落下去,好看到日落的美丽景象,可它下得慢极了。

4 . put up 举起;盖起;支起;张贴;投宿

5 . ( The doctor ___I am waiting for is Mr Smith A which B whom C whose D why

6 . 未来不是固定在那里等你趋近的,而是要靠你创造。未来的路不会静待被发现,而是需要开拓,开路的过程,便同时改变了你和未来。

7 . 先行词被___________或___________所修饰,或本身是______________________时,只能用 that,

8 . Wishing you and yours a happy happy new year万事如意,合家平安。

9 . May our golden youth radiate indelible light Grasp today! Wish you success in the College Entrance Examination!让我们黄金般的青春,放射出不可磨灭的光彩。把握现在吧!祝你高考成功!

10 . ( This is the best TV play __we have seen this year A when B what C who D that


1 . --Not yet I’ll search some on the Internet A which B who C what D whom

2 . I’m a student→We are students

3 . look up 抬头看;查阅;看望;(身体)好转

4 . (am,is要变为are。如:

5 . ( --Bob, where do you work?--I work for a company ___sells cars A which B where C what

6 . 这几个特殊疑问句本身就是陈述语序,在宾语从句中不需调整语序。

7 . 有固定的消遣场所,比如固定的咖啡馆书店。让那个地方的服务生认识你,这样,你会在孤单时有个温暖的去处。

8 . B how will he go to Beijing tomorrow C if had he bought that car D where did he go yesterday

9 . 致以热烈的祝贺和良好的祝福,圣诞快乐,新年快乐。

10 . 头脑创造出世界,然后世界创造出头脑,它帮助头脑固定下来这是一种恶性循环,但是那个来源是在头脑里,世界只不过是一个副产物,头脑才是具有实质的,世界只不过是它的影子。


1 . A how much did he pay for B how much he paid for C he paid for how much D he paid how much for

2 . ( ____ have finished the work can leave A Those who B Anyone C The one who

3 . Warm greetings and best wishes for happiness and good luck in the coming year衷心祝福来年快乐幸运!

4 . He is a boy→They ar eboys

5 . 祝圣诞快乐,新年充满幸福和成功。

6 . What color are …? They&#;re orange/black

7 . 愿你度过最美好的圣诞节!

8 . 他们一旦进入社会,与人交接,一方面固然可以增加知识和自信,同时也容易使他们失去他们的德行;所以他们对于德行是不能不在事先多如准备,使它深深固定在他们身上的。约翰·洛克

9 . A whom B which C who D whose

10 . ( --Have you been to the Sports Center___ is just opened in town? - -No, no yet


1 . 二宾语从句

2 . The town ___we visited last week is much larger than beforeThe book ___ he bought is very interesting

3 . I like the rooms ______windows face south This is the desk ______legs were broken

4 . 商业的存在除了创造繁荣和就业,最大作用是服务人类的需要。企业是为股东谋取利润的,但应该坚持固定文化,这里经营的其中一项成就,是企业长远发展最好的途径。

5 . Those boys who ____ playing the guitar are from our school (be

6 . My/His/Her first/ last name is…

7 . ( --Have you found the information about famous people ____you can use for report?

8 . 圣诞节是欢喜和快乐的时光,因为不用上课。

9 . ***几个特殊的特殊疑问句

10 . Wishing you many future successes请多保重!


1 . ( Her sister__ you met at my home was a teacher of English A whom B that is C which D who is

2 . 但我晚上回到家手腕肿得很大,利利一摸说桡尺骨分离,必须固定。真是飞来横祸。

3 . A who B what C which D where

4 . ( ---Could you tell me how long __the book?--Three days

5 . A when will they visit B when they will visit C when did they visit D when they visited

6 . A comes, meet B will come, will meet C comes, will meet D will come, meet

7 . 什么是著名人呢,就是已经不需要名字的人。其他人的名字对其个人有着固定的意义。

8 . I am sure I can make it better, if our teacher _________me a second chanceAgive Bgave Cgives Dwill give

9 . A.when does he come B.how will he come C.if he comes D.whether he&#;ll come

10 . (二)特例:只用that的情况


1 . )I will never forget the day __________ I joined the army

2 . Awhere is the bank nearestB where is the nearest bankCwhere the nearest bank isD the nearest bank is where

3 . )Father was watching TV ________ Mum was washing dishes Abefore B while Cafter Duntil

4 . 必须尽可能对全部兵力的使用作出正确安排,要使各部之间保持经常固定的联系,而不要把他们分割开了,不要使各部兵力都固定在一个永久不变的任务上面。

5 . 关系副词的用法

6 . ( --What time will Mr Brown be back to China? -- Sorry I don’t know ___

7 . C when the airport we should arrive at D when the airport should we arrive at

8 . ( Is this museum_ they visited last month? A that B where C which D the one

9 . 要规定收入的固定比例作为储蓄,以养成有计划的储蓄习惯。

10 . May the beauty and joy of Christmas remain with you throughout the new year!




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