
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-22 21:04:24


1 . 知足常乐。

2 . A near friend is better than a far-dwelling kinsman

3 . While our dream is confronted with the reality,you always feel painful Just trample on the pain,or you‘ll be beat down by it

4 . A life without a friend is a life without a sun 人生没有了朋友就犹如失去了阳光。

5 . 一段不被接受的爱情,需要的不是伤心,而是时间,一段可以用来遗忘的时间。一颗被深深伤了的心,需要的不是同情,而是明白。

6 . 多听少说。

7 . “One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives” – Euripides“一个忠诚的朋友抵得上成千上万的亲戚。”——欧里庇得斯

8 . 困难坎坷是人们的生活教科书。

9 . Wasting time is robbing oneself

10 . I wouldn‘t care success o* **ilure,for I will only struggle ahead as long as I have been destined to the distance I wouldn‘t care the difficulties around,for what I can leave on the earth is only their view of my back since I have been marching toward the horizontal


1 . .从别人所犯的错误中学习。

2 . 东奔西跑,还是家里好。

3 . 只要袋里有,不愁没朋友。

4 . 选书如择友。

5 . 贪多嚼不烂。

6 . I feel strongly that I can make it

7 . A true friend is for ever a friend ---Grorge Macdonald, British novelist 真正的朋友是永远的朋友。

8 . Life is painting a picture, not doing a sum

9 . 有积极心态的人不把时间精力花在小事情上。

10 . Sharp tools make good work


1 . 实现明天理想的唯一障碍是今天的疑虑。

2 . 这个宇宙中只有一个角落你肯定可以改进,那就是你自己。

3 . Friendship is the biggest effort and a friend to show our flaws, but he saw his own defects友谊的最大努力并不是向一个朋友展示我们的缺陷,而是使他看到自己的缺陷。 --(法)拉罗什夫科

4 . 每一个伟大的工程最初看起来都是不可能做到的!

5 . Be just to all, but trust not all

6 . 一日一个苹果,身体健康不求医。

7 . Custom makes all things easy

8 . 所谓情话,就是你说了一些连自己都不相信的话,却希望对方相信。

9 . 同舟共济。

10 . Bread is the staff of life


1 . 在私底下要忠告你的朋友,在公开场合又表扬你的朋友。

2 . Don’t ask others to also do not allow others to do the dirty things, as a principle of friendship既不请求别人也不答应别人去做卑鄙的事情,为友谊的一项原则。 --(古罗马)西塞罗

3 . If the short cut to learning, it also must be diligent

4 . East or west, home is the best

5 . 一个女孩因为她没有鞋子而哭泣,直到她看见了一个没有脚的人。

6 . The only way to have a friend is to be one---Ralph Waldo Emerson, American thinker 唯一能获得朋友的办法就是自己先当个朋友。---美国思想家 爱默生

7 . “A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out” – Walter Winchell“真正的朋友是‘全世界与我为敌,他与全世界为敌’”——沃尔特温切尔

8 . A man is only as good as what he loves

9 . 同意所有人的意见的人,不配得到任何人的同意。

10 . 在困难时刻背弃我们的是有名无实的朋友。




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