
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-11 22:53:55


1 . 鱼生于水,死于水;草木生于土,死于土;人生于道,死于道。---胡宏

2 . 人就这么一生,人就到这世上匆匆忙忙地来一次,我们每个人的确应该有个奋斗的目标。如果该奋斗的我们去奋斗了,该拼搏的我们去拼搏了,但还不能如愿以偿。我们是否可以换个角度想一想:人生在世,有多少梦想是我们一时无法实现的,有多少目标是我们难以达到的。我们在仰视这些我们无法实现的的梦想,眺望这些我们无法达到的目标之时,是否应该以一颗平常心去看待我们的失利。“岂能尽如人意,但求无愧我心。”对于一件事,只要我们尽力去做了,我们就应该觉得很充实,很满足,而无论其结果如何。

3 . Quietly came to the summer vacation, happy is fermented, take them at their ease, and fields for a hug, ok look at the blue sky, and the birds than running, have no matter to do a entertainment, like the fish happy bubbling By the way, I wish you a happy summer vacation!

4 . 今天就是生命-----是惟一你能确知的生命。昼利用今天,使自己对某件事情感兴趣,把自己摇醒,培养一种嗜好,让热忱的风儿扫掠过你,以高昂的兴致来过今天。---卡耐基

5 . Put down the heavy schoolbag, relax the numbness of the brain, forget the classroom formal, enjoy the beautiful summer vacation Let the joy shine in the heart, let the happiness run in the field, let the happiness follow the qingxi flow, let the comfort and the holiday hug Wish you a happy summer holiday!

6 . I just want to give them four words: please take me with you

7 . 逆水行舟用力撑,一篙松劲退千寻;古云“此日足可惜”,吾辈更应惜秒阴。

8 . 你们的生命交给我,神话我们一起来创造,不管成功还是失败,只要经历过就好。人生如果只为添饱肚子而活着,那就失去了光彩。如果想和我一起做坏蛋,那就等于用自己的性命来赌明天,想赌的跟我走

9 . "Are you excited about the holiday?" "Well, you&#;ll be more excited about the exercise!

10 . What did you bring to school? "A heart ready for a holiday"


1 . A few years of long hair will be cut in five minutes, learning a few years of knowledge a holiday will be forgotten

2 . 人生有两出悲剧:一是万念俱灰,另一是踌躇满志。

3 . 天道酬勤!这个世界上的东西,如果你喜欢,随便你去拿,只要你付出相应的代价

4 . 路,不是靠一个人可以踩出来的,而是需要有一群人向同一个方向前进。若只单单为追逐结果去做事,而不懂的享受其中的过程,即使最终成功了,也会变的平淡无奇,索然无味。

5 . 我以为世间最可宝贵的便是“今”,最易丧失的也是“今”。因为它最容易丧失,以是更以为它宝贵。

6 . The most joyful is the holiday, the summer holiday is long and happy Stay up late and get up early and live regularly, watch TV computer to rest, air conditioning room to ventilate, outdoor play to prevent sun protection, swimming is accompanied, safe and happy is the first Eat less cold drinks and drink more water Remember that friends are always in touch Wish you a happy summer holiday!

7 . Homework failed to load, please have a school holiday again

8 . 懂得生命真谛的人,可以使短促的生命延长。---西塞罗

9 . 狼就是不畏惧生死的战士。为了生存,它们会主动攻击比自己强大数倍的敌人,哪怕自己战死,它也要为其他的同类创造出机会。在物竞天择的法则中,狼是可敬的,但也是被人们所不理解厌恶的。

10 . During the holiday, fever will stick to the Internet, and sneezing in class will be considered terminal cancer


1 . 一个人越知道时间的价值,越倍觉失时的痛苦呀!

2 . 人,生命多么短暂,而我在亲眼看见一个生命结束的时候,你可知道,我的心,好痛,一种比撕裂的感觉还难以形容的痛!

3 . 动则生,静则乐。---杨万里

4 . 默默的枯萎老去和瞬间的爆发燃烧,结果虽然一样,但时间有长短,你选择哪一种。"

5 . 节约时间,也就是使一个人的有限的生命,更加有效,而也就等于延长了人的寿命。

6 . 人就这么一生,我们可以淡然面对,也可以积极的把握,当你看不开当你春风得意当你愤愤不平当你深陷痛苦中请想想它,不管怎么样,你总是幸运的拥有了这一辈子。

7 . NO:人生短短几十年,就算不能轰轰烈烈,也不能窝窝囊囊。

8 . Summer vacation, I went back to my grandma&#;s Just after lunch, the new good friend li Lin and Paul haenle will come for me to catch loach I and they hit it off, and come to the edge of a small county

9 . 盛年不重来,一日难再晨,及时当勉励,岁月不待人。

10 . "Close the holiday mode, and officially open the outstanding student model!" "Sorry, your configuration is too low to enable this function"


1 . "Feel as light as before the holidays" "talk" "do not write"

2 . NO:抛弃生命的人,生命也抛弃他。-------->当你抛弃生命的时候,你会感觉到空前的孤独。

3 . I was not very good at studying when I was reading, and I found that I was not very good at it after the holidays

4 . 无论在世界什么地方,钱,永远都是最有效最直接的通行证。

5 . 天道酬勤!这个世界上的东西,如果你喜欢,随便你去拿,只要你付出相应的代价

6 . Summer vacation, easy to evaporate the pressure, happy to melt the worry; Happiness dissolves disconsolate, joy weeps out helpless; Vitality dissolves the depression, passion takes the place of loneliness; Wonderful through the time, easy to cover the summer vacation I wish you a happy summer holiday, happy and happy!

7 . 我们一步一步走下去,踏踏实实地去走,永不抗拒生命交给我们的重负,才是一个勇者。到了蓦然回首的那一瞬间,生命必然给我们公平的答案和又一次乍喜的心情,那时的山和水,又回复了是山是水,而人生已然走过,是多么美好的一个秋天。---三毛

8 . During the holiday, I woke up and didn&#;t mean I got up When I go to school, I wake up and don&#;t mean I&#;m awake

10 . 生命是惟一的财富。---拉斯基


1 . 世界上总有很多人埋怨自己生不逢时,怀才不遇,得不到重用,可是,如果你真的是珍珠,究竟会有毡房出光彩的一天,埋天怨地,只是无能者的表现,这样的人也注定永远得不到重用

2 . 人就这么一生,我们应快乐地度过这辈子。只要我们不丧失对生活的信心,对理想的追求,只要您虔诚地去努力,乐观地去对待,事业上有好的机遇,就快速反应,抓住机遇,果断决策,应有超人的智慧去完成自己的人生理想,因为人生短暂,时光如剑,让我们人生的每个季节都光辉灿烂。

3 . 生命不可能有两次,但是许多人连一次也不善于度过。

4 . NO:人生苦短,珍惜生命中的每一天,珍惜生命中遇到的每一个人,要让自己快乐起来。

5 . In these days, there are not dozens of papers on hand to tell others that school holidays

6 . 生命不可能有两次,但是许多人连一次也不善于度过。---吕凯特

7 . 狼就是不畏惧生死的战士。为了生存,它们会主动攻击比自己强大数倍的敌人,哪怕自己战死,它也要为其他的同类创造出机会。在物竞天择的法则中,狼是可敬的,但也是被人们所不理解厌恶的

8 . 我总觉得,生命本身应该有一种意义,我们绝不是白白来一场的。---席慕蓉

9 . 人就这么一生,不要去过份地苛求,不要有太多的奢望。若我们苦苦追求过却还是一无所获,我们不妨这样想:既然上帝不偏爱于我,不让我鹤立鸡群,不让我出类拔萃,我又何必硬要去强求呢?别人声名显赫,而自己却平平庸庸。我们不妨这样安慰自己:该是你的,躲也躲不过;不是你的,求也求不来。我又何必要费尽心思绞尽脑汁地去占有那些原本不属于我的东西呢?金钱权力名誉都不是最重要的,最重要的还是应该善待自己,就算拥有了全世界,随着死去也会烟消云散。若我们要是这样想,我们就不会再为自己平添那些无谓的烦恼了。

10 . NO:盛年不重来,一日难再晨,及时当勉励,岁月不待人。


1 . The holiday, escaped the teacher&#;s stern look, at ease; Throw away the heavy load of schoolbag, comfortable; Without the trouble of homework, be happy; If you want to play, you can sleep Summer vacation is our happy time, good summer, happy every day Don&#;t forget to finish your homework on time!

2 . 无论任何时候,受到任何的打骂,他们的目的也是我,我希望在有生之年,可以尽我的可能,给世上最美好的给他们。

3 . Summer vacation comes, I invite you to travel, you pay; Watching a movie together, you buy a ticket; Buy a gift, you give me, what do I give you? I write a message to you, bless you happy to spend the summer holiday every day, laugh often, I just make you smile

4 . 这个世上,没有什么事情是做不到的,只看你想不想去做

5 . came to the summer vacation, happy to learn to remain on hold, don&#;t be lazy, learning attitude, can&#;t be too light, trouble kicked in, regardless of pressure, keep happy, happy every day, wish friends, good luck to tie up, happy to accompany, happy holidays, never!

6 . 人生就像奕棋,一步失误,全盘皆输。---弗洛伊德

7 . 知道吗?短短几年。可以做的事情不多,可以做有意义的也不多,我会选择,孝敬父母!

8 . 人就这么一生,没有来世。所以让我们从微笑开始!人活一辈子,开心最重要。拥有健康的体魄,在快乐的心境中做自己喜欢做的事情,安全地实现自身价值,是人生最大的幸福。

9 . In these days, it is not easy to have a holiday The qingming festival is still the light of ancestors

10 . NO:人在的时候,以为总会有机会,其实人生就是减法,见一面少一面。


1 . 生命是一去不复反返的!眼前保得了的切莫要放手;一放手,你就永远找不回来,死使你变成空人,就像那些树木落掉叶子后的空枝一样;终于愈来愈空,连你自己也凋谢了,也落了下来。---高尔斯华绥

2 . 梦想,是永远也不可能被实现的,如果只需要努力,便可将其成为现实,那就不叫做梦想了。人,可以无限的接近梦想,却无法实现,但那已经足够了,去体会自己为梦想而努力的过程,去感受其中的快乐,这样的生活才是有意义的,如果仅仅为梦想太遥远不能被实现而放弃梦想,那他只是懦弱的人,他的人生注定是失败的

3 . In this summer holiday, I always like a cup of tea, to stay alone on the balcony singing an English song, like to hear the sound of wind sneaked in my ear, like close your eyes and enjoy the feeling of the sun on my face, like imagination and memory

4 . 有时我想,要是人们把活着的每一天都看作是生命的最后一天该有多好啊!这就更能显出生命的价值。---海伦

5 . 我们都曾经以为,有些事情是不可以放手的。“我是不会放手一个人的。”其实,没有什么东西是不能放手的。时日渐远,当你回望,你会发现,你曾经以为不可以放手的东西,只是生命瞬间的一块跳板。所有的哀伤痛楚,所有不能放弃的事情,不过是生命里一个过渡,你跳过了,就可以变得更精采。失恋失意,甚至失婚,以至我们在爱情里所受的苦,都不过是一块跳板,然而令你成长。人在跳板上,最辛苦的不是跳下来那一刻,而是跳下来之前,心里的挣扎犹豫无助和患得患失,根本无法向别人倾诉。我们以为跳不过去了,闭上眼睛,鼓起勇气,却跳过了。

6 . This is my life this year summer vacation, a colorful and meaningful summer vacation, but I more hope I can this summer and winter vacation, let&#;s primary school students really fell after the "burden"

7 . 人就这么一生,要想活得轻松,活得洒脱,你就该“记住该记住的,忘记该忘记的。改变能改变的,接受不能改变的。”唯有这样,你才会活出一个富有个性的全新自我!-

8 . 尊重生命尊重他人也尊重自己的生命,是生命进程中的伴随物,也是心理健康的一个条件。---弗洛姆

9 . 生命如流水,只有在他的急流与奔向前去的时候,才美丽,才有意义。---张闻天

10 . The meaning of the holiday is, a morning that can&#;t afford to say, a night that says not to sleep, and a day to say not to go out


1 . 人生不能用短暂来形容它,一个人的人生是可以辉煌灿烂,也可以残败不堪,但我相信大多数的人都会选择前者,自古有云:死有轻于鸿毛或重于泰山,究竟是泰山还是鸿毛,那就得看你自己了,各人的价值观不同,自然会有长生与短生,朋友你考虑好了吗?

2 . NO:时间很短,天涯很远。往后的一山一水,一朝一夕,自己安静地走完。

3 . 世界上总有很多人埋怨自己生不逢时,怀才不遇,得不到重用,可是,如果你真的是珍珠,究竟会有毡房出光彩的一天,埋天怨地,只是无能者的表现,这样的人也注定永远得不到重用。

4 . 凡事淡点,自己理解就好;遇事莫急,自己做到就好;看事莫扭,理智相处就好;谈论勿燥,兼听则明就好;理性表述,置信操守就好;公共场所,勿扔垃圾就好;网友相处,尊重人格就好;言论自由,谈吐良知就好;世俗艰难,相互体谅就好;人生苦短,莫留遗憾就好。

5 . 人就这么一生,开心也是一天,不开心也是一天,干吗硬要逼着自己不开心呢?是啊,人就这么一辈子,做错事不可以重来的一辈子;碎了的心难再愈合的一辈子;过了今天就不会再有另一个今天的一辈子;一分一秒都不会再回头的一辈子,我们为什么不好好珍惜眼前,为什么还要拼命地自怨自艾,痛苦追悔呢?

6 . After the holiday, learn god to brush difficult problem, the student with outstanding achievement is brushing the homework, the student with poor result is in brush dynamic

7 . 今天就是生命,是惟一你能确知的生命。昼利用今天,使自己对某件事情感兴趣,把自己摇醒,培养一种嗜好,让热忱的风儿扫掠过你,以高昂的兴致来过今天。

8 . 这个世界上,没有什么东西是得不到的,只有抓不住而从掌心中悄然流走的。

9 . "Are you happy on holiday? "Only fast, no fun"

10 . Class is for the end of class, school is for the holiday I can&#;t imagine how I could have the courage to come to school without such a great heart


1 . The summer vacation comes, please: pick up the day as "dance" passion, relax "insides" nervous, "eclectic" activities, enjoy the "colorful" happy, feel the happiness of the "colorful"! Happy holidays!

2 . As the name implies the summer vacation to heat is false, but not all person&#;s holiday, is only the proletariat and the day of the carnival, we adults can only silently standing by and by, look at these naive face the carefree play everywhere, also, those who long to see her stay home with children all the day to catch a son everywhere, art, science, such as English around, deprived of the originally let children freedom to make decision of power

3 . 逆水行舟用力撑,一篙松劲退千寻;古云“此日足可惜”,吾辈更应惜秒阴。

4 . Summer arrived, please put down the test point of view, please abandon really unhappy, please dispel learn helpless, please keep busy tired, have the freedom of carefree, have spirit to thrive, soar with feelings of heaven and earth, a happy summer vacation!

5 . 岂能尽如人意,但求无愧我心。人生苦短,好好爱,好好珍惜身边自己爱的和爱自己的人吧。希望人们都能达到快乐生活生活快乐这个美好境界。

6 . I don&#;t want to go to school because the holidays are boring Just as I love you, I don&#;t want to let go

7 . " put down your burden, take off your tiredness, sweep away all your troubles, relax your mood, cheer up your spirit, open your heart, and give my regards to you, please don&#;t forget May you be healthy and happy during the summer holidays"

8 . 人生有两出悲剧:一是万念俱灰,另一是踌躇满志。---肖伯纳

9 . 生命的路是进步的,总是沿着无限的精神三角形的斜面向上走,什么都阻止他不得。---鲁迅

10 . 我的一生始终保持着这样一个信念生命的意义在于付出,在于给予,而不是接受,也不是在于争龋---巴金




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