
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-04 09:04:13


1 . 满招损,谦受益pride hurts,modesty benefits。

2 . "…be equal to+被比对象"如:A dingle day is equal to twenty years In strength, he is equal to me

3 . Next to the Yangtze, the Yellow River is the second longest river in our country

4 . 元钱不多,次课真多!

5 . 没有付出,就没有收获no pain, no gain。

6 . "AA"Film 十四岁以下禁看电影

7 . Hands Off 请勿用手摸

8 . 应聘者须勇于挑重担。

9 . Women"s/Ladies/Ladies" Room女厕所

10 . 进步告诉世界,快乐约会未来。


1 . think twice before acting。三思而后行。

2 . The head teacher of our class is MrZhang我们的班主任是张老师。

3 . She is the most active girl in our class You&#;re the one who writes the most correctly

4 . 进口部 import department

5 . 一元一课的梦想,元课的品牌。

6 . bar 酒巴

7 . 天生我才必有用every man has his price。

8 . Dear as are father and mother, the motherland is still dearer

9 . [注] 如果表示"因…而更…" 可用句型 the+比较级+for (或because, as等词,

10 . travel agency 旅行社


1 . FF 快进

2 . 找出每个句型中的主要成分,并理解主要成分和次要成分(例如定语,状语,补语等之间的关系。

3 . Young,bright,energetic with strong career-ambition年轻聪明精力充沛,并有很强的事业心。

4 . No Smoking 禁止吸烟

5 . closed 下班打烊(注:同)

6 . Danger 危险

7 . [注] 注意本句型可省略被比对象, 如: Better be with the dead Better let the furnace cool a bit

8 . 用of 引出的短语表示范围: Of all the writers of the time Lu Shun enjoyed the greatest popularity among the people

9 . I had as soon you broke his neck as his finger

10 . The enemy rots with every passing day, while for us things are getting better daily


1 . 哪里有压迫,哪里就有反抗where theres oppression theres resistance。

2 . 翻译科技英语中结构复杂的句子,首先应对句子结构进行语法分析,理清各结构层次的隶属关系。译者分析句子结构可采取以下步骤:

3 . 胜者为王,败者为寇losers are always in the wrong。

4 . 金钱不是万能的money is not everything。

5 . Push 推

6 . 产品开发部 product development department

7 . Lost and Found 失物招领处

8 . In point of strength, he is second to none (second to none独一无二

9 . Cafe 咖啡馆小餐馆

10 . Mature, self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills


1 . no cycling in the school校内禁止骑车

2 . EMS (邮政)特快专递

3 . 有良好的管理艺术和组织能力

4 . occupied (厕所有人

5 . 十块钱,给孩子一个成才的机会!

6 . I will say this, that the best shot in existence could not have done it more beautifully

7 . MAN: 生产日期:年月日

8 . Guard against Damp 防潮

9 . You can do anything if you really want to That&#;s the spirit!

10 . 有很强的领悟力和理解力,思维开阔敏捷,能够很快适应不同环境。


1 . Vacant (厕所无人

2 . Good mo-rning(afternoon, evening,class(everyone,students 同学们,早晨好。 We also have some other interesting subjects: Music, Fine Arts, Physical Education,etc我们还有一些其它的有趣的课程:音乐美术体育等等。

3 . shooting prohibited 禁止打猎

4 . my journey is long and winding, i will keep on exploring my way far and wide。路漫漫其修远兮,我将上下而求索。

5 . [注] 其他如first, leave…for或两个独立分句等也可表示择比, 如: He said he would resign first

6 . The situation of the enemy cannot compare with ours

7 . 有获取成功的坚定决心。

8 . [附注] 表示等比的还有以下一些方式:

9 . lost time is never found again。光阴一去不复返。

10 . 一元一课的英语,又快又好的格莱斯。


1 . buses only 只准公共汽车通过

2 . Information 问讯处

3 . office hours 办公时间

4 . 趁热打铁strike while the iron is hot。

5 . He is as tall as I (am This window is just as wide as that one

6 . 时不我待time and tide wait no man。

7 . EMS (邮政特快专递

8 . Women“s/Ladies/Ladies” Room女厕所

9 . 祸兮福所依,福兮祸所伏all the evils to be considered with the good, that is in them, and with that worse attends them。

10 . I would (had as lief join the Eighth Route Army as anything


1 . if you don`t keep your dreams alive, you won`t have your dreams any longer (不让梦想燃烧 怎能让梦想永存)

2 . 幼儿英语早培训,十元八课好决定!

3 . 举止优雅个人性格好。

4 . never put off until tomorrow what may be done today。今日事今日毕。

5 . This is just as good an example as the other Does John work as hard as Henry?

6 . ================================================= 公司企业部门:

7 . safety first 安全第一

8 . Stop 关闭

9 . make your whole years plan in the spring and the whole days plan in the morning。一年之计在于春,一天之计在于晨。

10 . Beware of Pickpocket 谨防扒手


1 . No Bills 不准张贴

2 . 有情人终成眷属all shall be well,jack shall have jill。

3 . On 打开 ( 放

4 . here 此处插入

5 . Wise men love truth, whereas fools shun it

6 . 企划部 planning department

7 . 眼见为实seeing is believing。

8 . For Use Only in Case of Fire 灭火专用

9 . 安全警示:

10 . China&#;s women, no less than men, are participating in all kinds of work in the socialist construction of their country




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