
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2023-11-28 05:14:51


1 . May my love deeply experience, would you feel my endless thoughts, wish you a merry Christmas and happy every day

2 . 祝您圣诞快乐,您的全体学生敬上。

3 . Wish my smile clear off the sky, of all days希望我的笑可以晴朗所有的天。

4 . Gods determine what you&#;re going to be人生的奋斗目标决定你将成为怎样的人

5 . Life is not all roses人生并不是康庄大道

6 . Happy a little bit more every day, happy a little bit more, is the best return

7 . Much joy to you in the up coming yearmay the warmest wishes, happy thoughts and friendly greetings come at christmas and stay with you all the year through 让温馨的祝愿幸福的思念和友好的祝福,在圣诞佳节来到你身边,伴你左右。

8 . 要有最朴素的生活和最遥远的梦想,即使明天天寒地冻,路远马亡。

9 . It&#;s not like that这句话是用来辟谣的。当对方误会了一件事的来龙去脉,你就可以跟他/她说It&#;s not like that“不是那样的。”当然随着语气及情境的不同,It&#;s not like that这句话也有可能是你用来死撑的一句话。

10 . 只要一个人还有追求,他就没有老。直到后悔取代了梦想,一个人才算老。


1 . Wishing you and your family a very merry Christmas

2 . Most of people are looking forward the crystal-like love—pure without any defect However the truth is most people are having the glass-like love

3 . Those troubles, always linger那些烦恼,永远挥之不去。

4 . 再也等不到你的一句晚安

5 . 愿你度过最美好的圣诞节!

6 . In the holidays, there is no place like home

7 . He that respects not is not respected 欲受人敬,要先敬人。

8 . 。

9 . 我爱你我爱你却已经过期了,因为我再也不说 晚安

10 . The one you share the joys and hardships with,


1 . Christmas greeting you who is thought about all the best wishes, I wish a Christmas and a happy New Year

2 . From small beginning come great things(伟大始于渺小。)

3 . When you have no good cards in your hand, the only way to win is to break the rules of the game

4 . 始终思念你,捎来圣诞佳节最美好的祝福,祝圣诞吉祥,新年如意。

5 . Acting as if nothing borne in mind is the best revengeIt&#;s all for myself to live better

6 . 圣诞佳节是思念大家的时刻。

7 . May you have the best christmas ever 愿你度过最美好的圣诞节!

8 . i don’t know whether i really love you, but i know i cannot lose you if the earth is going to be destroyed i want to tell you that you are the only one i want to see

9 . 愿圣诞美景与欢乐常伴随你!

10 . 许多人向往水晶般的 爱情,晶莹剔透没有瑕疵。但更多人拥有的是玻璃般的爱情。


1 . 晚安不重要,重要的是谁说的

2 . 错过一个人最可怕的方式就是坐在他/她的身旁,你却知道永远都不会拥有他/她。

3 . Some pain can not tell until you can slowly forget

4 . I love to be the one you always think of,

5 . Thinking of you and wishing you a beautiful Christmas season

6 . We won&#;t forget you this holiday season

7 . 什么也瞒不过恋人的眼睛

8 . 早安早安早早心安 晚安晚安晚晚难安

9 . A heart that loves is always young

10 . A man&#;s best friends are his ten fingers人最好的朋友是自己的十个手指


1 . Hope all your christmas dreams come true! 愿你所有的圣诞梦想都成真!

2 . 只有钟声响起,愿我的祝福化作飞翔的天使,飞向你的窗口,圣诞快乐!

3 . 如果再也见不到你 那么祝你早安午安晚安

4 . Here is wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a New Year bright with joy and success

5 . love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you

6 . 如果爱不疯狂就不是爱了。

7 . Before Liang Zhuge coming out, he didnt have experience in leading the army! why i should have experience when look for a job诸葛亮出山前,也没带过兵!凭啥我就要工作经验

8 . Actions speak louder than words(行动比语言更响亮。)

9 . No matter the ending is perfect or not, you cannot disappear from my world

10 . Other men live to eat, while I eat to live别人为食而生存,然后我为生存而食


1 . 我的世界不允许你的消失,不管结局是否完美。

2 . 你还没收到礼物吗?那就快去睡吧!你的饱嗝声吓着圣诞老人了。

3 . 纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。

4 . May the bright and festive glow of christmas candle warm the days all the year through Hoping you will have a wonderful time enjoying christmas day and wishing you a new year that is happy in every way 愿明亮喜庆的圣诞烛光温暖一年中的每个日日夜夜,祝你欢欢喜喜度圣诞,高高兴兴过新年!

5 . How can I forget the bitterne you gave me 你给的痛,要我怎么忘

6 . The end of the prelude is no longer two saying 结束的前奏是两个人不再有话说

7 . In love folly is always sweet

8 . 失眠不要紧总会在某一个翻身之后睡着的~晚安~

9 . I don&#;t know what to say…I was just thinking of her a lot at that moment

10 . Do not waste your new tears for the old sorrow ——不要为旧的悲伤,浪费新的眼泪。


1 . i am too happy to stand faint!

2 . All things in their being are good for something天生我才必有用

3 . Thanks to you I am finally thinking about me感谢你让我最后为自己着想。

4 . When the words “I love you” were said by you for the first time, my world blossoms

5 . Best wishes for you and your loved ones best wishes for the New Year

6 . 我多想做你时刻思念的人。

7 . The wise never marry, And when they marry they become otherwise聪明人都是未婚的,结婚的人很难再聪明起来。

8 . 一段不被接受的爱情,需要的不是伤心,而是 时间,一段可以用来遗忘的时间。一颗被深深伤了的心,需要的不是同情,而是明白。

9 . 让友情变成爱情不是件容易的事,而让爱情变成友情却更困难。

10 . 物是人非。经典爱情


1 . 没有人拥有完美的生活。每个人都有自己的问题。只是有的人知道如何完美地处理罢了。

2 . 英雄联盟的解释:LOL=Lure Over Love诱惑人的东西毁掉了感情

3 . 心痛是上天的庇佑。这是上天用他的方式让你意识到他从错误的人手里将你救赎。

4 . 夏末的雨停后,空气里没有传来春末雨的清新感。

5 . 不要浪费时间敲一堵墙,你无法将其变做一扇门。

6 . To keep someone around you is not love; love is to let the one u love go freely

7 . Wishing you a song in your heart at Christmas and blessings all year long

8 . 我大好的一个人,凭什么跑到别人的生命里去当插曲。

9 . Have the most simple life and the most distant dream, even if very cold tomorrow, far-road crash

10 . 我想和你在一起,却也只是想想而已了。


1 . You And I Were Meant To Be你和我早已命中注定。

2 . Wish to meet my angle again lovely girl in my dream!

3 . Start everyday with a new hope, leave bad memories behind & have faith for a better tomorrow

4 . give me five~给你一点正能量!

5 . That&#;s that 通常是接在否定句后的,意思是:就这样了,不必再多说了。这样的语气是很强烈的,通常听的人可能会不太高兴。如果心上人不停地劝说你和他一起去看足球比赛,但是你真的很不喜欢, 也许一开始你只是很客气地说 I am not interested 如果对方还是一直说个没完:What do you want me to do to change

6 . 时间是个多才多艺的表演者。它能展翅飞行,能阔步前进,能治愈创伤,能消逝而去,也能揭示真相。

7 . If a thing is worth doing it is worth doing well(如果事情值得做,就值得做好。)

8 . In such a soft and warm season, please accept my sincere blessing and deep concern for you

9 . It seems that christmas time is here once again, and it is time again to bring in the new year We wish the merriest of christmas to you and your loved ones, and we wish you happiness and prosperity in the year ahead 圣诞节转眼又到,又该迎接新的一年了。我们向你及你的亲人们致以最美好的圣诞祝福,愿你在新的一年里事业兴旺,幸福美满!

10 . Judge not from appearances人不可貌相,海不可斗量




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