
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-12 07:04:40


1 . attach 缚,系,结

2 . admit of 的可能,留有的余地

3 . in any case 无论如何

4 . May happiness follow you wherever you go!愿您幸福快乐,直到永远永远。

5 . We&#;ll be here after the new year

6 . call up 给…打电话;使人想起

7 . in addition to 除外

8 . concernoneselfaboutwith关心

9 . in the face of 面对着

10 . May Christmas and the New Year be filled with happiness for you


1 . 愿圣诞美景与欢乐常伴随你!

2 . May the glow of New Year candle fill your heart with peace and pleasure and make your New Year brightHave a love filled New Year!愿新年的烛光带给你祥和与喜悦,祝你新年充满爱。

3 . absence or mind 心不在焉

4 . 给你特别的祝福,愿圣诞和新年带给你无边的幸福如意。

5 . Christmas should be a time of banked-up fines, the scent of flowers and wine, good talk, good memories and loyalties renewed But if all else is lacking - love will do

6 . 圣诞快乐,恭贺新禧!

7 . allow for 考虑到,估计到

8 . believe in 相信,依赖,信仰

9 . last but one倒数第二

10 . fitting


1 . in brief 简言之

2 . Wishing you and yours a happy happy new year万事如意,合家平安。

3 . go up 上升;涨价;修建;增长

4 . 愿您在新的一年里充满快乐。

5 . 美丽的圣诞节之际,谨致我的思念与祝福。

6 . 衷心祝福来年快乐幸运!

7 . Best of luck in the year to come愿你在未来的一年里,吉星高照。

8 . come into effect开始运转;

9 . A happy New Year to you祝节日快乐,新年幸福。

10 . act on奉行,按照行动; act as扮演; act for代理


1 . In the season of joy I present my sincere wishes and kind thoughts May the kind of New Year outshine all the rest在这欢乐的时节给你我最真的祝福和亲切的思念,愿你今年的新年比往年更璀璨。

2 . behind one&#;s back背着某人

3 . buysthformoney用多少钱买

4 . Much joy to you in the upcoming year

5 . for the benefit of为了的利益

6 . answer to 适合,符合

7 . take the floor起立发言

8 . taste in 对的审美能力 tendency to sth 趋向,趋势

9 . account for 解释,说明

10 . 坚固的;坚决的;公司,商号


1 . in advance 预告,事先

2 . May the joy and warmth of Christmas fill your home with happiness愿圣诞的欢乐和温馨,带给你家无边的幸福。

4 . May the beauty and joy of Christmas remain with you throughout the new year!

5 . be absent from缺席,不在

6 . in accordance with 依照,根据

7 . come into use开始使用;

8 . to extent 在程度上

9 . 圣诞节一年只有一次,但每次来临都带来喜悦。

10 . I want to wish you longevity and health!祝财运亨通!


1 . 致圣诞贺忱与最美好的祝福!

2 . 圣诞佳节是思念大家的时刻。

3 . service to 服务,贡献 similarity between 的相似之处

4 . I&#;m glad to learn that you won first prize in the composition contest held at your schoolI&#;d like to take this opportunity to offer my congratulations on your success非常高兴得知你在学校举办的比赛中荣获一等奖,我想借此机会对你的成功表示祝贺。

5 . come up 走近;发芽;提出来; 出现(问题;建议);上楼

6 . May our golden youth radiate indelible light Grasp today! Wish you success in the College Entrance Examination!让我们黄金般的青春,放射出不可磨灭的光彩。把握现在吧!祝你高考成功!

7 . finance

8 . on no account 绝不要,无论如何不要

9 . 愿快乐随时与您同在,就如同我们与您寸步不离一般。

10 . in blossom开花 be in blossom开花 come into blossom开花




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