
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-15 20:22:34


1 . That’s very kind of you, but…

2 . ()有两部分构成的物体的名词,如glasses, shoes, trousers, chopsticks, scissors 等作主语时,谓语动词用复数。例如:

3 . () 一些只有复数形式的名词,如people, police, cattle, clothes等作主语时,谓语动词要用复数。例如:

4 . Who are League members?

5 . A It doesn’t matter B It was a pleasure

6 . ---Yes _______

7 . 她是个美女

8 . How time flies! Ten years ________ passed

9 . George Mallory was an English school teacher _______ loved climbing

10 . (对偶:句式工整,语言凝练,表意深刻,给人深刻印象。


1 . W: How about this one? It’s only five dollars

2 . = Mr Green can finish the work on time

3 . I’m sorry for/about…

4 . (年吉林市中考试题

5 . My mother likes to buy things which are made in China

6 . He got me a chair

7 . A when B where C that D on which

8 . A Thank you B Yes, I like it very much

9 . I agree (with you

10 . He has forgotten the day _______ he arrived


1 . You need (to…

2 . 【考点直击】

3 . What she said is correct

4 . 首先要充分利用好英语老师在课堂上的语言。一般的英语老师在英语课堂上

5 . A I am afraid so B I hope not

6 . ()在“There be” 句型中,谓语动词和靠近的主语一致。

7 . 形容词快走慢慢地说

8 . W: I am going to London on business Can you tell me if it rains a lot there?

9 . 短语他做的又快又好小李说得大家都笑了

10 . 在文章的开头,总领全文,开门见山,点明中心;或者设置悬念为下文埋下伏笔;在文章的结尾,总结全文,点名题旨,水到渠成;或者与开头前后呼应,突出文章主旨。


1 . A Emily is not in B The man has got a wrong number

2 . Neither the children nor the teacher knows anything about it

3 . When you feel hurt and your tears are gonna to drop Please look up and have a look at the sky once belongs to us If the sky is still vast, clouds are still clear, you shall not cry because my leave doesn&#;t take away the world that belongs to you

4 . Is everybody ready?

5 . What’s wrong?

6 . C is a number of deer D is a number of deers

7 . dHappy New Year!

8 . A His family is just like mine B They all like sports and games

9 . ---Yes, __________

10 . That’s too much/expensive, I’m afraid


1 . bring/ take/carry/fetch

2 . b焦虑 Anxiety

3 . ① 在一般疑问句的否定结构中,把副词not放在一般疑问句的主语之后。但如果用not的简略形式-n&#;t,则须将-n&#;t与一般疑问句句首的be, have,助动词或情态动词写在一起。在实际运用中,一般都采用简略式。

4 . 一般疑问句一般是指以助动词情态动词be动词或have(有)开始,通常要求以yes,或no来回答的疑问句,一般疑问句读时通常用升调。

5 . I hate people _______ talk much but do little

6 . A Don’t say that B It’s nothing


8 . C I’ve got a new bike

9 . (年北京市中考试题

10 . 不是不让你知道我的存在,只是不奢求爱情会降临到我头上,有时候想,我们是不同水域的动物,虽然我很艳羡你那个世界的美丽,但是浅水区的`我一走近,就会被深水淹死。


1 . 名词代词祖国的儿女他的书

2 . A Don’t ask me

3 . 主 谓 宾宾

4 . A I’d love to But I’m afraid I can’t

5 . ---What’s wrong with you??

6 . I have read a large part of the book, the rest is more difficult

7 . ()由连词or, either……or, neither……nor, not only…but also,等连接的并列主语,如果一个是单数,一个是复数,则谓语动词按就近一致原则,与最靠近它的主语一致。例如:

8 . A The story didn’t tell us

9 . John: OK I’ll do that I’m going to the shops now Can I get you some medicice?

10 . B Yes, I can’t


1 . ( all强调由一个个部分组成的“全部”。

2 . 二 Is knows is is do has are is are was; were

3 . where 指地点,在定语从句中作状语。例如:

4 . 约会 Making appointments

5 . Can I ask for leave tomorrow afternoon?

6 . (年江西省中考试题

7 . I feel terrible(bad

8 . ___________________________

9 . She was worried about her son all the time她总在为她的儿子担心。(修饰不可数名词)

10 . 在泛听的基础上,必须安排一定的时间进行专项综合和强化性听力训练。选择难易适度的材料,先易后难,先慢后快地进行。


1 . 我妈妈喜欢买中国产的东西。

2 . 三 翻译下列句子

3 . What did the man have to do in the morning?

4 . 刚才说的是以脸蛋来分的, 现在说的是以身材来分的 看到身材很好的女生, 女生之间彼此会说 she is well-developed 或是 well-endowed

5 . B He thinks children were happier in the past

6 . C Jack was an honest man

7 . found/ find

8 . II

9 . Question: How will the man go there?

10 . He brought me a pen


1 . My family is big one

2 . Nice/Glad to see/meet you

3 . aThere’s something wrong with…

4 . I like none of the coats 那些外套我一件都不喜欢。

5 . None of the answers is true没有一个答案是正确的。

6 . 句子结构

7 . B The same to you

8 . A It’s Friday B It’s April rd? C It’s fine today

9 . John: shall I call him and tell him you’re ill?

10 . A No bus ran in the direction

英语句子结构讲解 通俗易懂英语句子扩充讲解



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