
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2023-10-10 14:48:26


1 . 偶尔要回头看看,否则永远都在追寻,而不知道自己失去了 什么。

2 . 有种痛,叫做懂。There is a pain, called the understand

3 . Smile like you have never been hurt 微笑吧,像从没受过伤一样。

4 . [ 我在酒吧看到了刚才对我说晚安的你]

5 . 悲伤已经够难受了,更何况是隐藏悲伤。

6 . Love for you wander 爱为你飘渺

7 . 书上说到了年的时候男多女少,比例严重失调。可是,好日子咋总来地那么晚腻?。

8 . Judge not from appearances人不可貌相,海不可斗量

9 . 用新的希望开启每一天,释放掉不好的回忆,相信明天会更好。

10 . Don’t spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door


1 . 我的世界不允许你的消失,不管结局是否完美。

2 . 时间是个多才多艺的表演者。它能展翅飞行,能阔步前进,能治愈创伤,能消逝而去,也能揭示真相。

3 . Time is a versatile performer It flies, marches on, heals all wounds, runs out and will tell

4 . Acting as if nothing borne in mind is the best revengeIt&#;s all for myself to live better

5 . Misfortunes tell us what fortune is(不经灾祸不知福。)

6 . 我不知道该说什么,我只是突然在那一刻很想念她。

7 . Those troubles, always linger那些烦恼,永远挥之不去。

8 . Hello, September ! Please be good to me 你好,九月,请对我好一点。

9 . All things come to those who wait苍天不负有心人

10 . 谁会每天对我说晚安即使我不在


1 . 没有轰动的誓言,也没有甜蜜的语言,只有一句如约而至的晚安。——关于晚安的空间说说

2 . 下辈子你为屠夫,我做猪用我来世的血,偿还今生欠你的泪。

3 . 失眠不要紧总会在某一个翻身之后睡着的~晚安~

4 . 每个月最最悲催的就是流量还在手机坏了。

5 . Justice has long arms天网恢恢,疏而不漏

6 . 英雄联盟的解释:LOL=Lure Over Love诱惑人的东西毁掉了感情

7 . Dread is produced by a powerlessness 畏惧是软弱的`表现。

8 . To the same word, is both miss, is also missed“miss”

9 . The wise never marry, And when they marry they become otherwise聪明人都是未婚的,结婚的人很难再聪明起来。

10 . No te entristezcas, to quiero 别伤心,我爱你


1 . Pleasure and pain are the wealth of life, to escape its negative, as some of the face of courage, in fact, be able to recall a blessing

2 . 曾为了等一句晚安辗转难眠

3 . Pursue breakthroughs in your life 此时追求自我的突破

4 . give more than you planned to多多给予,不必计较

5 . Life is but a span人生苦短

6 . To lost in something you love is better than to win in something you hate

7 . Nevermind,I will find someone like you没关系,我会找到某个像你的他。

8 . To make each day count要让每一天都有所值。

9 . I don&#;t know what to say…I was just thinking of her a lot at that moment

10 . There is but one secret to sucess:never give up!成功只有一个秘诀:永不放弃!


1 . The unexamined life is not worth living混混噩噩的生活不值得过

2 . 我这倔强的小心脏满是梦想与动力

3 . He that respects not is not respected 欲受人敬,要先敬人。

4 . Love shouldn&#;t fall in love with the people, but the helpless put not hand

5 . 再等不到你温柔的说晚安。

6 . Believe that god is fair相信上帝是公平的

7 . Knowledge is power知识就是力量

8 . 人生主要的事件就是断定一个巨大的目的,并信心实现它。

9 . I will cherish every good to me, 我会珍惜身边每一个对我好的人

10 . Tell me you are mine I&#;ll be yours through all the years, till the end of time


1 . Misfortunes never come alone/single(祸不单行。)

2 . 驴子A根本听不进去。它向主人夸耀,再加点重量,自己仍然能走得很快。主人很高兴,给了它更重的任务。但是驴子B却被同样的重量累得气喘吁吁。主人狠狠踢打着它,最终,驴子B倒下了。

3 . 如果爱不疯狂就不是爱了。

4 . I love the people in the far future我爱的人他在多远的未来

5 . I know that my future is not just a dream我知道我的未来不是梦

6 . Happiness is from courage 幸福来自于勇气。

7 . When love is not madness, it is not love

8 . Although again sweet candy, also has a bitter day即使再甜的糖,也有苦的一天

9 . ignore those who try to discourage you 阴险与打击勿放心上

10 . I want to make you happy ! 我想让你幸福快乐!


1 . The rain then makeup, summer rain, summer lightning, beautiful flowers

2 . 人都有犯贱的时候,就要看你贱不贱得值得,贱不贱得开心。

3 . Do you understand the feeling of missing someone It is just like that you will spend a long hard time to turn the ice-cold water you have drunk into tears

4 . 当手里的每一张牌都是坏牌,想要赢一把的唯一办法就是打破游戏规则。

5 . 童年的裸奔是那样的豪迈以致于我天真的以为裸婚就是两个人光着屁股去结婚。

6 . 过了爱做梦的年纪,轰轰烈烈不如平静。

7 . 我买了两条金鱼,其中有一条被水淹死了我,很伤心。

8 . I love you, not just words 我爱你,不是说说而已

9 . 爱他不一定拥有他~~~~~~~·

10 . Just do it 此时应该向前冲




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