
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-21 17:33:10


1 . 有一天我会忘记想你,然后我就可以把这一切当作没有来过。

2 . 有一天我会忘记想你,然后再也回忆不起当初的那份感觉。

3 . 花开有时,花落有时,无需留恋,该走的终须会走;无需苛求,该来的迟早会来。

4 . ‘财务说这个加班费不能给你报’

5 . (二十七)有些人是真傻还是情商不高,当我愿意被你们消遣时怎么说都无妨,可当我不愿意时,请闭上你那张嘴。

6 . 没人会一直喜欢你,也没人会一直讨厌你,你休想被人一直惦记。不以物喜,不以己悲。

7 . (六)男:做我女友吧,我愿意为你做任何事。女:嗯,我只要你离我远远的就可以了。

8 . 在爱情的游戏里谁先付出真心谁就是输家。

9 . 失去的东西,其实从来未曾真正地属于你,也不必惋惜。

10 . 风筝一辈子只会为一根线在天空飞翔。


1 . 和一个同事见客户,我们约好现在一个地方碰头。她打扮得很精致,我素面朝天很随意。

2 . 如果只有我离开你才能解脱,那么我愿意离开你的世界。

3 . (一)假如我们不是天蝎座,一定比现在快乐许多;假如我们不是天蝎座,不会那么执着,爱情到来的时候不用倾尽所有的去付出,爱情走的时候也不会像死般痛过;假如我们不是天蝎座,朋友也会有很多,就不会像现在这么孤独。但,我愿意,我是天蝎座。

4 . 我庆幸自己遇到的领导对我进行的是肯定试管理,并且用他温和积极的生活态度我做榜样。

5 . 就像梵高的弟弟一直觉得他能成为一个了不起的画家,梵高自己都不信一样,我自然也是不信的。

6 . 有一天我会忘记想你,忘了你我之间那些如梦般的画面。

7 . (二十八)陪伴的力量总是让我们无法想象。作为动物,领回家了就是家人。他们对我们的情感甚至更深刻,付出更多。他们对我们的生活负责了,那么我们呢?愿意在认识接受他们的那一刻起,对他们的一生也负责吗?我愿意!

8 . , the mouth is someone else&#;s life, and life is his own People who are habitually abused by their mouths should think with their left brain and right brain: why do I have to be a slave to others&#; mouths? Why do you care so much about other people&#;s ideas? As long as you get through, you have the right to be happy

9 . 不要总在过去的回忆里缠绵,不要总是想让昨天的阴雨淋湿今天的行装。昨天的太阳,晒不干今天的衣裳。

10 . 对你最初的印象,久久难以忘怀。


1 . 秋天,树叶黄了,枯了,快要脱落了。枯黄的叶子离开了枝头,在风中飞舞着,怀着对金秋季节无比眷恋的心情离去。假如我是落叶,我愿意很快地落在地上,又很快地被水溶化,然后钻进又黑又香的泥土里,尽情拥抱这些又大又小又粗又细的树根。

2 . 上天不给我的,无论我十指怎样紧扣,仍然走漏;给我的,无论过去我怎么失手,都会拥有。

3 . , the so-called love is just love it, love is nandaonvchang but I wish you love

4 . , anger, is the use of other people&#;s fault to punish their own folly The sun like gold, silver moon, happiness of life and happiness have endless enjoyment, where there is time to get angry? Get over it!

5 . , everything will be there, you don&#;t have to be amazed at zhumenjiurouchou luxury, do not have to be out laughing, like basil enterprises is clear, not to fear the head of the river is not a bad storm, like another world journey difficult bumpy! Because the cut will have!

6 . 并不是眼泪就能挽回失去并不是所有人都值得你付出。

7 . , too much dependence is not what I think, and I want to learn to be independent and want to learn to rely on myself But I can&#;t do it, maybe because I&#;m not as strong as I can imagine I&#;m really not that strong As time passed, I had too much in my heart, and I wanted to learn to rely on myself to find that love on my own

8 . , some words, suitable for rotten in the heart; some pain, suitable for silent forget! A man meets a man and depends on a bit of fate When people get along with others, they depend on sincerity Thinking of others is a kind of warmth, being missed by others is a kind of happiness The most difficult is to know each other, the most bitter is to wait, the most beautiful is happiness Fate is providence, and it is human The confidant is the tacit tacit understanding, the confidant is the perfect deep friendship

9 . 世界再大,还是遇见你;世界再小,还是丢了你。

10 . 爱情没有对错,只有愿不愿意。


1 . 生活不能等别人来安排,要自已去争取和奋斗。

2 . 尽管还不曾离开,我已对你朝思暮想!

3 . (二)我不同意你说的话,但是我愿意誓死捍卫你说话的权利。

4 . 幸福没有明天,也没有昨天,它不怀念过去,也不向往未来,它只有现在。

5 . 你不用特别漂亮,不用特别温柔,你可以生气,可以无聊,可以发脾气,因为我喜欢。

6 . 不能在一起的日子,我一秒一秒数着过。

7 . (八)我被骗了玩狼人杀老被骗我愿意相信所有人的话我不适合在这个游戏里活下去

8 . 有一天我会忘记想你,忘了当初那次相遇。

9 . , do not know how the heart should be placed, do not know where the feelings should go, only know that the heart with the falling yellow leaves, quietly sigh Along with the wind blowing repeatedly, shaking the leaves more feel the heart of love, feeling desolate, falling forever silent

10 . 最难忘的是你的微笑,当它绽开在你的脸上时,我仿佛感到拂过一阵春风,暖融融的,把我的心都溶化了。




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