
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2023-12-30 21:37:32


1 . youth is to prepare the material, want to build a bridge to the moon, or on the ground and two palaces or temples middle age, finally decided to put up a shed

2 . The world can be changed by man&#;s endeavor, and that this endeavor can lead to something new and better No man can sever the bonds that unite him to his society simply by averting his eyes He must ever be receptive and sensitive to the new ; and have sufficient courage and skill to novel facts and to deal with them (Franklin Roosevelt , American President

3 . 今天,给一个陌生人送上你的微笑吧。很可能,这是他一天中见到的唯一的阳光。

4 . 所谓伟大的事业,就是要让自己的梦想成真。——王小波

5 . 听说,鱼的的记忆只有秒钟,看见,转身,遗忘。

6 . Time is the only antidote 时间是唯一的解药

7 . dreams don’t abandon a painstaking pursuit of the people, as long as you never stop pursuing, you will bathe in the brilliance of the dream

8 . Nobody cheers at the time we have to learn to give yourself cheering,clapping in time nobody we have to learn to give yourself applause。

9 . 一辈子,有多少真心话,是以玩笑的方式说了出去?

10 . Truth needs no color。真理不需要打扮。


1 . “梦想有两扇门,”在奥德修斯结束了十年的漂泊后,潘尼洛对他说,“一扇是号角制成,一扇是象牙制成。通过精雕细缕的象牙门得梦想不过是一场会归于无的海市蜃楼的童话;而那些通过磨砺的号角门的梦想才会成为真实,为人所见。”

2 . 不要只因一次失败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的。(英国剧作家 莎士比亚w

3 . Miss, not wrong, but too

4 . 在许愿时,必须要深信不疑。如果你不相信自己有能力让愿望成真,你的愿望就会飞走,再也看不见。但那正说明了最重要的一点。如果你所希望的是有可能实现得了的,那么你有可能会不惜一切地去实现它。最大的魔力不在于许愿,而在于去做。

5 . 岁月悠悠,衰微只及肌肤;热忱抛却,颓唐必至灵魂。

6 . 理想是需要的,是我们前进的方向,现实有了理想的指导才有前途;反过来,也必须从现实的努力中才能实现理想。——周恩来

7 . 理想是力量的泉源智慧的摇篮冲锋的战旗斩棘的利剑。

8 . 梦想不抛弃苦心追求的人,只要不停止追求,你们会沐浴在梦想的光辉之中。——佚名

9 . 最适合你的颜色,才是世界上最美的颜色。

10 . 忍耐是痛苦的,但它的果实是甜蜜的。(法国思想家 卢梭 J J


1 . 学历代表过去,财力代表现在,学习力代表将来。

2 . 年轻人的可敬之处在于勇气和远大前程。(王小波

3 . The best friend is on temperament like each other, mind communicate with each other, each other in the world, career goals of people -- Zhou Hanhui

4 . 梦想正是因为不能够触手可及,才让人为之疯狂。——羽泉

5 . 世界如一面镜子:皱眉视之,它也皱眉看你;笑着对它,它也笑着看你——HLSamuel

6 . Elegance is the only beauty that never fades

7 . the only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today (franklin roosevelt, american president

8 . Wealth is the test of a man&#;s character。财富是对一个人品格的试金石。

9 . 只要瞄准了大方向,坚持不懈地做下去,才能够扫除挡在梦想前面的障碍,实现美好的人生蓝图。

10 . 别小看任何人,越不起眼的人,往往会做些让人想不到的事。


1 . The world is like a mirror; frown at it and it frowns at you; smile and it smiles too

2 . 太容易的路,可能根本就不能带你去任何地方。

3 . 没有引发任何行动的思想都不是思想而是梦想。——马丁

4 . 迎着阳光开放的花朵才美丽,伴着革命理想的爱情才甜蜜。——莫贵英

5 . 人的一生就是这样,先把人生变成一个科学的梦,然后再把梦变成现实。——法国

6 . 要想成就伟业,除了梦想,必须行动。——佚名

7 . Memories like to go to a date with you, you will think of me? Would you miss me?

8 . i want to bring out the secrets of nature and apply them for the happiness of man i don&#;t know of any better service to offer for the short time we are in the world (thomas edison, american inventor

9 . Instead of thinking about how beautiful the sacrifice, it is better to think about how to live beautifully to the last minute

10 . 没有目标的一生注定碌碌无为,确定一个目标吧。——RPeters


1 . 一直以来,成就大事的人都是大梦想家。 —奥里森&#;马登

2 . 一个实现梦想的人,就是一个成功的人。——佚名

3 . Time always save the best for last时间总是把最好的人留到最后

4 . Learn to change life, learn to taste the vicissitudes of life, be no regrets, no regrets the passage of time

5 . most of the time, our rich pocket, but poor head; we have a dream, but the lack of thought

6 . don&#;t part with your illusions when they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live (mark twain, american writer

7 . One world, a bodhi

8 . 错过,不是错了,而是过了。

9 . 有梦者事竟成。——沃特

10 . 时间只是过客,自己才是主人。过程和结果,都由自己承受。


1 . If the boat of your dream doesn&#;t come to you, swim to it

2 . The world won&#;t care about your self-esteem People will see only what you do Never too much emphasis on self-esteem before you have accomplished nothing

3 . Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity。

4 . 青春不是年华,而是心境。

5 . To apply the ideal to the real thing, there is a civilization

6 . Man errs so long as he strives (Johan Wolfgang Goethe , German poet and dramatist

7 . 你的生活深度取决于你对年幼者的呵护,对年长者的同情,对奋斗者的怜悯体恤,对弱者及强者的包容。因为生命中总有一天你会发现其中每一个角色你都扮演过。(乔治·华盛顿)

8 . 梦想绝不是梦,两者之间的差别通常都有一段非常值得人们深思的距离。——古龙

9 . 花朵预兆着果实,少女梦想着爱情。

10 . 没有什么会永远,也没有什么会很久,找个借口,谁都可以先走。




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