
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2023-09-20 17:00:26


1 . 山路曲折盘旋,但毕竟朝着顶峰延伸。

2 . Who has deceiv&#;d thee so oft as thy self?

3 . As long as there is nothing to know, we should always learn Little Seneca

4 . 如果你能多做善事,你会比王子还要幸福。

5 . If the compasses feet moving, forever also cannot draw a circle

6 . Very often a change of self is needed more than a change of scene 改变自己往往改变更为需要。

7 . 苦难显才华,好运藏天知。

8 . We must keep in mind that we have a limited time to study Time is limited, not only because life is short, even as numerous personnel -- Spencer

9 . This bottomless, Mo Panghuang - News

10 . if you want to be happy, make yourself useful让自己做一个有用的人,这样才能获得幸福。It is no use doing what you like; you have got to like what you do 不能爱哪行才干哪行,要干哪行爱哪行。


1 . 学习英语的名言:学习外语并不难,学习外语就像交朋友一样,朋友是越交越熟的,天天见面,朋友之间就亲密无间了。——高士其

2 . A true great man will neither trample on a worm,nor sneak to an emperpor

3 . 我们应该赞美岩石的坚定。我们应该学习岩石的坚定。我们应该对革命有着坚强的信念。——陶铸

4 . 如果你想攀登高峰,切莫把彩虹当作梯子。

5 . remedy for 补救,解决 reply to sb/sth 对的回答

6 . Talent like natural plants, need pruning by study -- Bacon

7 . 没有激流就称不上勇进,没有山峰则谈不上攀登。

8 . The future truly outstanding enterprises, will be able to try to make all sectors of personnel dedicated, and have the ability to continue to learn the organization -- Peter Senge

9 . 在寻求真理的长河中,唯有学习,不断地学习,勤奋地学习,有创造性地学习,才能越重山跨峻岭。——华罗庚

10 . Two heads are better than one 三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。


1 . Cowardly people will only come to a standstill, recklessly person can lead to Shaoshen, only the real brave man to carry the world before one

2 . Thirst after desert,not reward

3 . 人要独立生活,学习有用的技艺。——凯德

4 . To sensible men, every day is a day of reckoning -JWGardner对聪明人来说,每一天的时间都是要精打细算的。(wwwyuwenmicom

5 . Learning is like a mothers general love, it is pure and gentle joy to feed their children, if it requires additional remuneration, it may be a sin -- Balzac

6 . 自欺是世上最易之事。

7 . Lofty ideals are grown in the mountain flowers on the If you want it, diligence is a climbing rope

8 . Busy collecting bees, not in front of people talk with eloquence忙于采集的蜜蜂,无暇在人前高谈阔论。

9 . 每年根除一恶习,恶根亦会成完人。

10 . The situation is constantly changing, to make their own ideas to adapt to the new situation, you have to learn -- Mao Zedong


1 . The force of the wind tests the strength of the grass 疾风知劲草。

2 . Life is a language, it conveys some truth to us; if we learn it in another way, we will not be able to survive -- Schopenhauer

3 . An old man in a house is a good sign

4 . And a little later you added:

5 . 善待他人,即是最善待自己。

6 . Childrens mind is sensitive, it is to accept everything good and open If teachers induce children to learn from the good examples and encourage them to imitate all good behaviors, then all the shortcomings of the child will not suffer the pain and trauma to gradually disappear -- Sue Home Linsky

7 . 若做了不应做之事,则必然会听见不愿听之语。

8 . If the fear of front and rocks, life can only ever be a backwater

9 . 读书和学习是在别人思想和知识的帮助下,建立起自己的思想和知识。——普希金

10 . Natural abilities are like natural plants that need pruning by study。 (Francis Bacon, British philosopher


1 . Learning, learning, and learning! Learn and then know the problem -- Lenin

2 . Do me the favour to deny me at once

3 . We want to cheer up, study hard Here, three words, a name, a hard, a called function, must keep up your spirits, work hard -- Mao Zedong

4 . To become laborers moralintellectual physical good, physical exercise is very important Health is the study and future work of the Exercise can cure all diseases, can make people healthy, quick minded, contribute to learning -- Wu Gengmin

5 . No success in life merely happens 人生中没有什么成功是纯粹偶然得来的`。

6 . As long as you are willing to learn, you will be able to learn -- Lenin

7 . The mountain turns around, but towards the peak extension

8 . 行善者,人人铭记之。

9 . 力成文学:努力学习,勤奋工作,让青春更加光彩。——王光美

10 . Let thy vices die before thee


1 . 当心,当心!行骗而无所畏惧者,也将无所顾虑。

2 . CeasmcomStudy hard, work hard, make youth more glorious -- Wang Guangmei

3 . 渴求美德而非奖赏。

4 . 礼貌是一种语言。它的规则与实行,主要要从观察,从那些有教养的人们举止上去学习。——洛克

5 . If students study in school, the result is that they will not create anything, then his life is always copied and copied -- Lev Tolstoy

6 . Relax! be patient and enjoy yourself learning foreign languages should be fun 放松点!要有耐性,并让自己快乐!学习外语应该是乐趣无穷的。

7 . Learning this matter does not care if there is no one to teach you, the most important thing is that you have no consciousness and perseverance -- Farber

8 . In nature there are no groundless talk, the earth will not form

9 . 只有创造,才是真正的享受,只有拚搏,才是充实的生活。

10 . Warrior stroke Jingtao hack flow without sinking, coward in be in smooth water will drown


1 . Reading is the best learning Following the idea of a great man is one of the most interesting -- Pushkin

2 . At the peak of the climber, not intoxicated in a step along the way志在峰巅的攀登者,不会陶醉在沿途的某个脚印之中。

3 . There is no man so bad,but he secretly respects the good

4 . 活着就要学习,学习不是为了活着。——培根

5 . 要在座的人都停止了说话的时候,有了机会,方才可以谦逊地把问题提出,向人学习。——约翰·洛克

6 . 我们的事业就是学习再学习,努力积累更多的知识,因为有了知识,社会就会有长足的进步,人类的未来幸福就在于此。——契诃夫

7 . If the school can not give students more successful experience in the classroom, they will be both in the school and also in the school are completely refused to learn and end -- Lindgren

8 . 天才不能使人不必工作,不能代替劳动。要发展天才,必须长时间地学习和高度紧张地工作。人越有天才,他面临的`任务也就越复杂,越重要。——阿·斯米尔诺夫

9 . supplement to sth 补充,增刊 sympathy for 对的同情

10 . Chinese overseas students academic achievement often than American students learn together much better, but ten years later, scientific research is less than other people more, the reason is that American students thinking active, hands-on ability and creative spirit strong -- Chen Ning Yang


1 . In order to succeed in life, the young people must learn to be independent, to eradicate the obstacles in the ambush, to nurture him in the family, so that he has an independent personality recognized by the people -- Dale Carnegie

2 . A good beginning is half of success, but if you do not have a good start, we try a bad start, because of a bad start to start a lot better than never好的开始是成功 的一半,但是如果没有好的开始,我们不妨试试一个坏 的开始,因为一个坏的开始要比永远没有开始好多了。

3 . Histories make men wise; poems witty; the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend。 (Francis Bacon, British philosopher

4 . Interest in the content of the knowledge may become a learning motivation - Zankov

5 . 构成我们学习最大障碍的是已知的东西,而不是未知的东西。——贝尔纳

6 . “You know—one loves the sunset, when one is so sad…”

7 . 为了成功地生活,少年人必须学习自立,铲除埋伏各处的障碍,在家庭要教养他,使他具有为人所认可的独立人格。——戴尔·卡耐基

8 . Busy collecting bees, not in front of people talk with eloquence

9 . trust in 对的信赖,信任 wish for 欲望,愿望

10 . 自然界没有风风雨雨,大地就不会春华秋实。




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