
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2023-10-13 01:09:56


1 . He nagged and complained, and reduced Louise to tears

2 . Life is too short for us to wake up in the morning with regrets人生苦短,所以每天不要带着遗憾醒来。

3 . 按照原句的逻辑关系来组织译文,而不能局限于句子的语序。

4 . 不要信赖朋友的赞扬,也不要仇敌的轻蔑放在心上。

5 . Bill fought back his tears and tried to comfort Sarah’s mother

6 . 生命苦短,你应该过得开心些。

7 . 按照原句的逻辑关系来组织译文,而不能局限于句子的自身结构和语法关系。

8 . 你的朋友有朋友,朋友的朋友又有朋友,所以要谨慎小心。

9 . A bosom friend afar brings distant land near

10 . tears roll/run down one’s cheeks 泪水顺着脸颊淌下来


1 . 思想成熟上进心强, 并具有丰富的人际关系技巧。

2 . 精力旺盛思想新潮的人。

3 . We have one weekly meeting on Monday afternoon周一我们有一节班会。

4 . A friend is never known till a man has need

5 . Excellent ability of systematical management

6 . 维持友谊需要三点∶当面尊重他,背后赞扬他,需要时帮助他。

7 . How many hours are you taking this semester? 这学期你选了多少学时的课? Can you please tell me which way to the cafeteria ? 你能告诉我去自助餐厅怎么走吗? Is anyone sitting here? 这里有人坐吗?

8 . 比尔抑制住泪水,并试图安慰桑拉的母亲。

9 . 你哭也没用,因为你不能逃学。

10 . 朋友千人尚觉少,仇敌一人犹嫌多。


1 . 真正的朋友好似两个身子长着一颗心。

2 . 兴趣广泛,喜爱英语口语音乐影视以及文学创作。

3 . 你不去面对又怎么能去改变呢。

4 . 明枪易躲,暗箭难防。

5 . 书籍如朋友,应该少而精。

6 . 来而不往非礼也。

7 . To preserve a friend three things are required: to honour him present, praise him absent, and assist him in his necessities

8 . 友谊是爱加上谅解。

9 . Friends are like fiddle-strings, they must not be screwed too tight

10 . 随着国际学术交流的日益广泛,科技英语已经受到普遍的重视,掌握一些科技英语的翻译方法是非常必要的。本从语法分析逻辑推理和专业知识的运用三个不同角度,介绍了科技英语中句子的翻译方法。掌握这些知识,对于提高译者的科技英语翻译水平将大有裨益。


1 . You cannot change what you refuse to confront。

2 . 能够独立工作。

3 . 在世无朋友,死后无证人。

4 . A near friend is better than a far-dwelling kinsman

5 . 如果是复杂句的话,译者就需要判断每个从句中所有成分的相互关系。除此之外,还需要注意每个从句的时态语气和语态。

6 . 患难见真友。

7 . 那首老歌总是让我伤感得流泪。

8 . Friendship cannot stand always on one side

9 . Books, like friends, should be few and well chosen

10 . A friend in need is a friend indeed


1 . 放手不代表放弃,不代表你输了。那只代表你知道在那一刻你该放手了,然后继续生活。

2 . Chinese is our native language,we must learn it well汉语是我们的母语,我们必须把它学好。 This is our first Chinese class of this term 这是我们本学期第一节语文课。

3 . Joe’s eyes were watering from the smoke that filled the room

4 . 音乐声响起时,他静静地站着,泪水顺着脸颊淌下来。

5 . A ready way to lose friend is to lend him money

6 . 我赶快离开了,因为我不想在孩子们面前大哭。

7 . Friends must part

8 . 在翻译的过程中,应该把复杂的句子成分准确翻译出来,同时注意正面表达和反面表达的转化。

9 . 需要有能力及适应力强的人。

10 . 举止优雅个人性格好。


1 . A thousand friends are few, one enemy is too many

2 . I find the buildings in the campus are a bit old-fashioned 我发现校园里的建筑都很古老陈旧。 I mean what I say 我说到做到。 I mean to give you this book today, but I fo-rgot 我本来打算今天还你的书的,可是我忘了。

3 . Admonish your friends in private, praise them in public

4 . 我们生活中可以没有兄弟,但不能没有朋友。

5 . Dont cry because it is over, smile because it happened 不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。

6 . Familiar paths and old friends are the best

7 . The head teacher of our class is MrZhang我们的班主任是张老师。

8 . Strong determination to succeed

9 . 他讲完故事时,我们大多数人都已泪流满面。

10 . fallen into the trap,for you are too greedy,it&#;s not because of others&#; cunning会上当,不是因为别人太狡猾,而是因为自己太贪。


1 . For our ever-lasting friendship, send sincere blessings and warm greetings to my friends whom I miss so much一份不渝的友谊,执着千万个祝福,给我想念的朋友,温馨的问候。

2 . Better an open enemy than a false friend

3 . Be elegant and with nice personality

4 . 思想成熟有活力为人诚实。

5 . Excuse me, do you know where I can register? 对不起,能告诉我应该在哪儿注册吗?

6 . Hunger knows no friend

7 . Between friends all is common

8 . having a wide range of hobbies, including oral english, music, movies and literature

9 . A true friend is known in the day of adversity

10 . A joke never gains an enemy but often loses a friend


1 . I&#;m just a sunflower, waiting for belong to me only sunshine我只是一朵向日葵,等待属于我的唯一的阳光。

2 . Important people, less and less people left more and more important 重要的人越来越少,留下来的人越来越重要。

3 . Without a friend the world is a wilderness

4 . somebody’s eyes water(风烟雾等) 使眼睛淌眼泪

5 . 做事认真专注,有计划有条理,追求完美。

6 . Trust not the praise of a friend, nor the contempt of an enemy

7 . burst into tears 放声大哭,突然哭起来

8 . The old song always brought tears to my eyes

9 . Never let success get to your head, and never let failure get to your heart。

10 . You can learn great things from your mistakes when you aren’t busy denying them。




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