
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-15 18:26:31


1 . Complaints are the greatest offerings that God obtains from human beings, as wellas the most faithful prayers human beings might utter to God

2 . You will not be the same as I think you want me你会不会像我想你一样的想我。

3 . I hate you, but love you我恨着你,但也爱着你。

4 . When you were born, you&#;re crying but lookerson were smiling When you arepassing away, you&#;re smiling but lookerson are crying

5 . 在半空里娟娟的飞舞,认明了那清幽的住处,等着她来花园里探望。

6 . With the wonder of your love, the sun above always shines 拥有你美丽的爱情,太阳就永远明媚

7 . A long life may not be good enough, but a good life is long enough活得长并不见得活得好,活得好就是活得足够长。

8 . Sorry, you are not in my mind对不起,你不在我心里。

9 . 死亡教会人一切,如同考试之后公布的结果?虽然恍然大悟,但为时晚矣!

10 . The world is too dark, I am really tired---这世界太黑暗,我真的`累了。


1 . Something is out of our control, so we have to command ourselves“ saidLinghu Chong, a known character in a Chinese novel about persons adept in martialarts(武侠小说?)。 Who is, however,

2 . love without end hath no end 情绵绵,爱无边。

3 . love is a fire which burns unseen 爱情是无形燃烧的火焰。

4 . Dance years Stole many memories婆娑的岁月,偷走了多少回忆。

5 . 快乐要有悲伤作陪,雨过应该就有天晴。如果雨后还是雨,如果忧伤之后还是忧伤。请让我们从容面对这离别之后的离别。微笑地去寻找一个不可能出现的你!

6 . Even next second we did not meet, on one second we will meet即使下一秒我们没有相遇,上一秒我们也会相见。

7 . Mistake is temporary regret but missing is the forever one过错是暂时的遗憾,而错过则是永远的遗憾。

8 . i have a crush on you我对你有点动心。

9 . 望夫处,江悠悠,化为石,不回头。山头日日风复雨,行人归来石应语。

10 . 也不必筹营,也不必评论,更没有虚骄,猜意与嫌憎,只静静的坐对着一炉火,只静静的默数远巷的更。


1 . 《和平年代》里的话:当幻想和现实面对时,总是很痛苦的。要么你被痛苦击倒,要么你把痛苦踩在脚下。

2 . Learn to sorrow blind eye。学会熟视无睹对于悲伤。

3 . You don’t love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her 你不会因为美丽去爱一个女人,但她却会因为你的爱而变得美丽。

4 . Accustomed, one day已经习惯了,一个人的日子。

5 . I wouldn&#;t care success or failure, for I will only struggle ahead as long as Ihave been destined to the distance I wouldn&#;t care the difficulties around, forwhat I can leave on the earth is only their view of my back since I have beenmarching toward the orizontal

6 . Do not let dream just be your dream 别让梦想只停留在梦里。

7 . love understands love; it needs no talk 相爱的心息息相通,无需用言语倾诉。

8 . Just do not give up, Russia are then buchibuqi只要不放弃,俄们便不离不弃。

9 . Each piece of the young will be old 每段年少都会苍老。

10 . Do not base your happiness off someone else不要把你的幸福寄托在其他人身上。


1 . 人道海水深,不抵相思半。海水尚有涯,相思渺无畔。携琴上高楼,楼虚月华满。弹着相思曲,弦肠一时断。

2 . Happiness is accompanied by sorrow, and it would turn sunny after rain as wellIf rain remains after rain and sorrow remains after sorrow, please take thosefarewells easy, and turn to smilingly look for yourself who is never to appear

3 . My weakness is that I care too much 我的弱点就是太在乎了。

4 . I would kiss you right now if only you were here 如果你就在这里,我一定会马上吻你。

5 . 冬天的第一场雨轻轻柔柔地下着如丝若缕把江南水乡挥洒成了一幅水灵灵的画一首湿漉漉的诗。

6 . The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can‘t have them 失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。

7 . The sun also rises太阳照常升起。

8 . Man might think that few women fit him before his marriage, and contrarily whenthey get married

9 . 世上有很多东西是可以挽回的,譬如良知,譬如体重,但是不可挽回的东西更多,譬如旧梦,譬如岁月,譬如对一个人的感觉。


1 . one is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listeningto strange music then one day, you will find that the things you tryhard to forget are already gone 一个人总要走陌生的路,看陌生的风景,听陌生的歌,然后在某个不经意的瞬间,你会发现,原本是费尽心机想要忘记的事情真的就那么忘记了。

2 . No one takes you as the world丶 没人把你当成全世界丶

3 . 问世间情为何物?直教生死相许。

4 . i felicitate the day i found you 我庆幸我找到你的`那一天

5 . love is not a matter of counting the days it’s making the days count 爱情不是数着日子过去,它让每个日子都变得有意义。

6 . 世上的姑娘总以为自己是骄傲的公主(除了少数极丑和少数极聪明的姑娘例外)。

7 . 生命中,不断地有人离开或进入。于是,看见的,看不见了;记住的,遗忘了。生命中,不断地有得到和失落。于是,看不见的,看见了;遗忘的,记住了。 然而,看不见的,是不是就等于不存在?记住的,是不是永远不会消失?

8 . My love once a life,a time cost whole life.我的爱一生一次,一次一生。

9 . A true love is what doesn&#;t strive for busyness, for extravagance, for luxury,and moreover for hokum

10 . But if the while I think on thee, dear friend, all losses are restored, and sorrows end只要我一想起你,亲爱的`人,所有的失落和遗憾烟消云散。




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