
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-28 20:10:52


1 . 我把每一样餐具都整理得井井有条。I keep every dishware organized。

2 . This is beyond comparison

3 . Jane:Will you do the dishes after the meal?

4 . 糟糕,我把钥匙锁在房子里了。Damn, I have locked the key in the house。

5 . Enjoy your meal 请慢慢享用吧。

6 . 问候并非主题,却可能决定成败。

7 . 身为一个上班汪,起早贪黑,加班都不带眨眼。那你能不眨眼的用英语说出你每天的工作中发生的一些事情吗?

8 . I have a runny nose我流鼻涕。

9 . 这些污渍怎么洗都洗不掉。These stains just won’t come out。

10 . 玩得很高兴。


1 . We’re about the same age, I think 我想我们大概年龄相仿。

2 . Do you mind my smoking? 你介意我抽烟吗?

3 . Have you got that?你明白我的意思吗?

4 . 那价钱把我吓了一跳。

5 . I&#;ll stand on my own two feet

6 . Are you free tomorrow? 你明天有空吗?

7 . Easy come,easy go 来得容易,去得快。

8 . I’d like to say a word of hearty thanks to my host and hostess, Mr And Mrs Smith, for inviting me to this Christmas party男主人和女主人史密斯先生和夫人邀请我参加那诞聚会,我想说句话以表示我衷心的感谢。

9 . Susan:Thanks for saying Do you have any ideas which necklace I should wear?

10 . G: yeah,there&#;re so many excellent candidates out there Who knows which one will make it to the final?


1 . 当我对项目有很多的想法,我就会试着去完善他们。

2 . 友好的微笑会帮助你赢得面试官的青睐。

3 . It really turns me on

4 . She went into a shop 她走进一家商店。

5 . 你太客气了。

6 . Give me a call 给我打电话。

7 . 我也会快速回复那些需要回复的邮件,短语里的动词dash off在这里指的是快速的发送或者写。

8 . He got under the boss?s skin

9 . You should maintain your demeanor, whatever the result is

10 . 面试中的细节可以展现出求职者的良好素养。


1 . 汤姆总是裹足不前。

2 . 轮到你洗碗了。It’s your turn to wash the dishes。

3 . Do you often work out? 你经常锻炼身体吗?

4 . I?m glad I kept my fingers crossed

5 . Come on!

6 . Cheer up! 高兴起来!振作起来!

7 . He is in conference 他正在开会。

8 . I&#;ll try to smooth things over

9 . Absolutely (用于答话是这样;当然是;正是如此;绝对如此。

10 . Carter:Not much, just a house party with some friends。


1 . Could I have the bill,please? 请把账单给我好吗?

2 . 别自以为是;

3 . Jane:Suppose you have to do one of the two, which do you prefer?

4 . Dont get me wrong 别误会我。

5 . Tilly broke the door and ran away 泰利破门逃跑了。

6 . Do you speak English?你会说英语吗?

7 . E: sounds funwhat else?

8 . turndown把(灯火电器等关小一点

9 . I also dash off replies to any messages that need quick responses the phrasal verb dash off means to write (and usually send something fast

10 . 不要着急,还早呢。Don’t hurry It’s still early。


1 . 快点儿,要不我们就迟到了。Hurry up, or we’ll be late。

2 .  

3 . Susan:I am on my way out to a New Year’s banquet How do I look? Is my make-up OK?

4 . I think you’ve put your finger on it

5 . Are you used to the food here? 你习惯吃这儿的饭菜吗?

6 . Can I have a day off? 我能请一天假吗?

7 . Dinner is on me晚饭我请客。

8 . 不可能!

9 . S: I&#;ll do it someday But it&#;s not the right time now I have to learn a lot by working as an employee

10 . Very well Thank you! Andyou 我很好。谢谢。你呢?


1 . It doesn&#;t work

2 . Carter:With that dress I’d say your white diamond necklace would look perfect。

3 . 餐桌布脏了。The tablecloth is dirty。

4 . Dont be so modest别这么谦虚。

5 . B: you bet it!

6 . Dont jump to conclusions 不要急于下结论。

7 . Can I take a message? 要我传话吗?

8 . Happy New Year!新年快乐!

9 . God works

10 . I don&#;t care


1 . It&#;s urgent

2 . One should love animals They are so tasty

3 . The appropriate use of polite words is necessary for an interview

4 . B: yeah, an office that runs efficiently by using nothing other than online communication technologies I pay the rent and share office services with others in the same building

5 . 被人批评真痛苦。

6 . Did you have fun?你玩得开心吗?

7 . He is now in the soup

8 . 我会留意的。

9 . If I have leftover food (food that I prepared previously and saved, then I heat it up using the microwave, stove, or oven To heat up food means to raise the temperature, to make it hot

10 . Carter:You look great Your make-up is perfect。




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