
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-07-07 13:42:17


1 . Q: Where are the two speakers?

2 . Love warms more than a thousand fires 爱情的炽热胜过千万团的火。

3 . John: OK I’ll do that I’m going to the shops now Can I get you some medicice?

4 . I’m going to…

5 . ()as well as 和名词连用时,谓语动词和第一个名词相一致。


7 . Ihavebeeninthebusinessforthelasttenyears,andworkedasthesuperintendentinthepersonneldepartment

8 . A I am afraid so B I hope not

9 . aAre you free this afternoon/evening?

10 . 【中考范例】


1 . ---When are you going to Kumming for your holidays?

2 . aWhat can I do for you?

3 . Would you like some more…?

4 . A be B is C are D were

5 . Only ten students attended the class because all the rest were off sick

6 . A is B are C was D were

7 . No one agrees with you 没有人同意你的说法。

8 . 请求允许和应答 Asking for permission and responses

9 . aWhat day is (it today?

10 . cThank you I’ve had enough/Just a little, please


1 . 一 B B D D D D A C B BD A A B A

2 . from the moment that i wake up 从我每天早上起来的那一刻起。

3 . M: May I speak to Emily?

4 . III 听短文,选答案

5 . My shirt _____ white and my trousers _____ blue

6 . The dead is a famous person

7 . That was the room in which we had lived for ten years = That was the room

8 . To begin with, excessive use of the Internet to learn information may become an addiction in the long run Some experts say that the Internet is as addictive as alcohol, and neither is easy to go away With the help of the e-learning, more information is made available more quickly, of course But it is also true that sitting long hours in front of a computer screen, surfing for answers in an ocean of digital information, only to be drowned therein In terms of speed learning, the Internet may symbolize a giant step ahead on the information superhighway leading to anywhere In this sense, teenagers obssessed with the Internet are not very unlike getting trouble physically with drunk driving

9 . ---Yes, he does

10 . 高适的《除夜作》:“旅馆寒灯独不眠,客心何事转凄然?故乡今夜思千里,霜鬓明朝又一年。”诗的`最后两句采用“对写法”,本是自己思念千里之外的故乡亲人,却说故乡的亲人思念千里之外的自己。“霜鬓明朝又一年”,“今夜”是除夕,所以“明朝”又是一年了,由旧的一年又将“思”到新的一年,这漫漫无边的思念之苦,又要在霜鬓上增添新的白发。


1 . I feel terrible(bad

2 . A Neither; nor B Not only; but also C Both; and D A and B

3 . Iamyearsofage,andhavehadtwoyearsexperienceinmypresentpost,whichIamleavingtobettermyself

4 . The lifeboat is made from some special material这个救生艇是由某种特殊材料制成的。

5 . cThanks for the message

6 . cMaybe/Perhaps

7 . A have B has C is D are

8 . Question: What does the woman mean??

9 . A I’ve got a headache

10 . 在泛听的基础上,必须安排一定的时间进行专项综合和强化性听力训练。选择难易适度的材料,先易后难,先慢后快地进行。




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