
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-22 04:43:41


1 . 不要等到受伤了,才相信愿意祈祷。

2 . 放假的时候,我们不会忘记您的`。

3 . Don&#;t wait… Because you don&#;t know how long it will take

4 . 不求情意绵绵,但求天长地久。

5 . I&#;ll think of you every step of the way

6 . 量再大,哪怕十几个词,甚至是几十个词,可能还是短语。如:

7 . 无论你身在何处,无论你为何忙碌,我都会在此守候。

8 . 我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。

9 . 爱情是一方织巾,用自然编织,用幻想点缀。

10 . 哪里有爱,哪里就有希望。


1 . Wishing you peace, joy and happiness through Christmas and the coming year

2 . Let the rain of spring, the showers of summer, the freshness of autumn, and the passion of winter surround you I wish you a happy birthday and warmest wishes for your birthday

3 . 热烈的爱情是不可抑制的渴望。

4 . 爱所祈求的唯一礼物就是爱。

5 . Love is something eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essence

6 . .两者的差别是质的区别

7 . Love is a fabric that nature wove and fantasy embroidered

8 . 第二总分式提示

9 . LH: 哼,给你给你!

10 . 圣诞节转眼又到,又该迎接新的一年了。我们向你及你的亲人们致以最美好的圣诞祝福,愿你在新的一年里事业兴旺,幸福美满!


1 . , the world is big, just want to be friends with you, lonely lonely I don&#;t care, hello I am satisfied, meeting you is the happiness that god gives me Today is your birthday, and millions of thoughts come with blessings: happy birthday to you!

2 . 在这个世界上,男人最珍贵的财产就是一个女人的心。

3 . 愿你的爱乘着飞翔的白鸽,展翅高飞。

4 . Happy birthday May gladness fill your every hour on this special day

5 . 拥有你美丽的爱情,太阳就永远明媚。

6 . A cheery Christmas and the New Year hold lots of happiness for you!

7 . 词和词可以构成短语,词和短语都是结构单位,而句子不是从结构,而是从使用角度划分出来的。换句话说,词和短语是备用单位,句子是使用单位;词和短语是静态单位,句子是动态单位;词和短语之间是组合关系,词短语同句子之间是实现关系。

8 . Wishing you many future successes请多保重!

9 . 记得:友谊像醇酒,越久越浓。

10 . Love&#;s tongue is in the eyes


1 . 我会想你,在漫漫长路的每一步。

2 . The birthday boy, I wish all your hopes will be fulfilled, all the dreams will be realized, all the waiting will appear, all the efforts will be fulfilled

3 . Today is your birthday, I make a bowl of longevity noodles for you, each noodles have a happy, finally pour the happy soup juice to put on the happy Fried egg May you eat in your mouth and beauty in your heart Happy birthday!

4 . building permission 营建许可证,建筑开工许可证

5 . Don&#;t wait to have a lot, to share a bit

6 . e我想喝一

7 . Wishing you a song in your heart at Christmas and blessings all year long

8 . LH: 哦,to turn a new leaf,就是甩掉坏习惯,从头开始,

9 . 寿星佬,我祝你所有的希望都能如愿,所有的梦想都能实现,所有的等候都能出现,所有的付出都能兑现。

10 . 第一称代式提示


1 . May each hour be happy one on this special day May the day ahead be more than happy, too, as all your dreams and plans work out just right for you

2 . 分说部分,常用一个一个×的×的来称说。如:

3 . LH: 是么?我昨天刚买了一大袋你最喜欢的薯片,既然你已经走上了健康生活之路。这些薯片,就由我替你消灭吧!

4 . At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet

5 . scaffolding 脚手架

6 . Love is hard to get into, but harder to get out of

7 . It is not everyday you have a birthday, so hope you have a wonderful one May it be followed by days and weeks and months and years of happiness for you!

8 . 致以热烈的祝贺和良好的祝福,圣诞快乐,新年快乐。

9 . 初恋是永生难忘的。

10 . Don&#;t wait for pain, to believe in prayer


1 . 爱永远不会嫌晚。

2 . 岂料他居然在暗中拆自己人的台。

3 . I feel happy at times we have had angry words but these have been kissed away

4 . 世界之大,只愿和你做朋友,孤独寂寞我不在乎,你好我就心满意足,结识你是老天给我的幸福。今天是你的生日,千万个思念带着祝福:祝生日快乐!

5 . First impression of you is most lasting

6 . 不要等到失败后,才记得别人的忠告。

7 . LH: 你说,因为你一直吃垃圾食品,感觉身体状态很差,所以你要痛改前非,从今天开始吃健康食品!太好了, Larry!

8 . LH: You turned a leaf?什么意思?

9 . Let us embrace life,create life,seize today and wake up tomorrow with all fervor拥抱生活,创造生活,把握住每一个今天,让我们用全部的热忱,去唤醒明天。

10 . 你想,这一大家子,我怎么走呀。


1 . blow up 告吹;发脾气;(风雨)等发生

2 . 一个小小的问候,是我对朋友无限的挂念;一句轻轻的祝福,是我对朋友真诚的眷恋;一首悠悠的心曲,是我对朋友生日的期盼;祝愿朋友生日乐欢天!

3 . bring up 培养;养育;呕吐

4 . Christmas should be a time of banked-up fines, the scent of flowers and wine, good talk, good memories and loyalties renewed But if all else is lacking - love will do

5 . 好吧,就这样定了,我明天去找你。

6 . 天天都在你身边,不用苦苦地想你,也不必酸酸地恋你,只需甜甜地爱着你!我的宝贝,生日快乐!

7 . 总的说来,十六枚金牌反映了我国体育的实际水平。

8 . b.提醒对方,引起注意。常用你看,你讲,你想,你瞧,请看,想想看。如:

9 . You don&#;t love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her 你不会因为美丽去爱一个女人,但她却会因为你的爱而变得美丽。

10 . 主谓短语他喜欢打球在我知道他喜欢打球中只作宾语。


1 . break up 破碎;结束;(士气)衰弱;(关系)破裂

2 . architecture 建筑学

3 . town planning 市政 (美作:city planning

4 . 请相信,我们的爱算数!

5 . make up 弥补;赔偿;编造;组成;虚构

6 . 愿你度过最美好的圣诞节!

7 . look up 抬头看;查阅;看望;(身体)好转

8 . Precious things are very few in this world That is the reason there is just one you 在这世上珍贵的东西总是罕有,所以这世上只有一个你。

9 . May the wonderful smell be around you, make your life full of happiness and happiness, always in the endless happy years! Happy birthday to you!

10 . An aunt who is as sweet as you should get a birthday bug or two and after that a birthday kiss Have a very happy birthday!


1 . 圣诞佳节是思念大家的时刻。

2 . A new book is like a boat steering people from a narrow stream to a vast ocean of lifeMay you brave the wind and waves in the sea of knowledge一本新书像一艘船,带领着我们从狭隘的地方,驶向生活的无限广阔的海洋,愿你能在知识的海洋中乘风破浪。

3 . Love me little and love me long

4 . 我的两个妹妹,一个是幼儿园的教师,一个是宾馆服务员。

5 . Every day is in your side, don&#;t have to think hard to miss you, don&#;t need acid to love you, just love you with sweet love! Happy birthday to my baby!

6 . LH: 我以前总是纵容你,给你买垃圾食品,现在,我也要从新来过。我发誓:以后再也不给你买这些不健康的吃的了。咱们就一起努力吧!

7 . 对于世界,你可能只是一个人,但对于某个人,你却是整个世界。

8 . 全句语调趋降,下降幅度较大,是感叹语气。

9 . 恋爱中,干傻事总是让人感到十分美妙。

10 . 啊,多好的孩子啊。哇,沈努西!




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