
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2023-12-12 15:28:46


1 . aesbdsth使某人做某事

2 . skill at 技巧,熟练 solution to 的解决办法

3 . 我可以用一下你的电脑吗?

4 . watchneshw观看一个节目

5 . keep in mind 记住

6 . be exposed to 面临, 受到

7 . enughstress足够的压力

8 . 做某人分内的事

9 . Although doing something might seem a wild idea, I believe that … 虽然做某事似乎狂妄,但我相信…

10 . inddingsth介意做某事


1 . trust in 对的信赖,信任 wish for 欲望,愿望

2 . exposeto使暴露于, 使受

3 . on the face of it 表面看来

4 . neitherdidI

5 . Remember you may be taken to court for not doing so, and you may be fined if you cannot prove to the court that you have been excused from wearing it 注意你如果不这么做(系安全带的话,你有可能被告上法庭,而且你有可能被处以罚款除非你能证明你有不带安全带的理由。

6 . all right 好,行;令人满意的,不错的;良好的,安然无恙的

7 . taste in 对的审美能力 tendency to sth 趋向,趋势

8 . Where can I wash my hands? (请问洗手间在哪里?

9 . bringatent带顶帐篷来

10 . What do you do for relaxation[消遣娱乐]?(你做什么消遣?


1 . From a personal perspective, I also prefer to … 从个人的角度来看,我也喜欢…

2 . exert oneself to do sth 努力,使劲

3 . acfrtablehe一个舒适的家

4 . But I do not think that this view can hold water 但我并不认为这一观点能站得住脚。

5 . at the expense of在损害情况下,以为牺牲

6 . The sooner the better (越快越好。

7 . at yet 至今

8 . passsbsth把某物传给某人

9 . in the twinkling of an eye 一眨眼,转眼间

10 . Since the examination is around the corner, I am compelled to give up doing sports 既然考试迫在眉睫,我不得不放弃做运动。


1 . as though 好像,仿佛

2 . It is time the authorities concerned took proper steps to solve the traffic problems 该是有关当局采取适当的措施来解决交通问题的时候了。

3 . With a team of colleagues at Tokyo National University, he set about measuring brain volumes of a thousand people of different ages and varying occupations 在东京国立大学的同事们的帮助下,他开始对一千来自不同职业的人群进行了大脑体积的测量。

4 . sitdwn坐下

5 . awasteftie浪费时间

6 . I just don’t get excited over the idea of … 我对…主张并不感到激动。

7 . keep out of 躲开,置身之外

8 . or so 大约,左右

9 . invitesbtapart邀请某人参加聚会

10 . I have nothing against something But … 我并不反对某事,但…


1 . and yet 可是,然而

2 . be known for 因而众所周知

3 . cever过来

5 . Some people think that … To be frank, I cannot agree with their opinion for the reasons below 一些人认为…,坦白地讲,我不赞同他们的观点,理由如下:

6 . Its a small world(世界真小!

7 . know about 了解,知道的情况

8 . keep on 继续进行,反复地做

9 . Culduplease…dsth?

10 . give expression to 表达, 表现


1 . 我必须干些活。

2 . drop to ones knees 跪下

3 . reference to 提及,参考 regard for 对的注意,尊重

4 . sharethehusewr分担家务

5 . expectof 在期望

6 . Frnewee,shedidntdanhusewrand

7 . time for you? Where are you headed [朝…方向行进]? (你要到哪里去?

8 . 我一在电视机前坐下,我妈妈就过来了。

9 . For the same reason, it matters to me that … 同样原因,我很在乎…

10 . in ones minds eye 在心目中, 在想象中


1 . shutbac大声回应

2 . I do not choose to … merely because I feel that … 我没有选择…知识因为我觉得…

3 . keep company with 和交往

4 . dependn依赖;依靠

5 . go wrong 发生故障,出毛病;出错,犯错误

6 . dchres做杂务

7 . At an individual level, I feel that … 从我个人的角度出发,我觉得…

8 . McaeverassnasIsatdwninfrnt

9 . I’m mad about Bruce Lee(我迷死李小龙了。

10 . It’s my treat[请客款待] this time(这次我请客!


1 . hangut闲逛

2 . dne’spartin(dingsth

3 . dhusewr做家务

4 . There are some people who hold that … And on the other hand, there are some other people whoargue that… Both opinions are very popular… But I cannot accept either view 有一些人认为…,然而还有另外一些人认为…。上述两种观点都很流行,但我两种观点都不能接受。

5 . up to 胜任的,适于密谋是义不容辞的,是的职责;取决于的,须由决定的;一直到;一直到,多达

6 . For these reason, I recommend that … 出于这些原因,我推荐/建议… (recommend做建议讲时,接从句要用虚拟,即谓语用(should+动词原形

7 . keep up 继续;坚持,维持

8 . what about 怎么样

9 . My answer is that … I have several reasons, and they’re good ones The first is the one that … 我的回答是…。我有几个理由而且它们是很充分的理由。第一个是…

10 . keep to oneself 保守秘密,不与人来往


1 . come into fashion开始时新;

2 . From my point of view, it is more reasonable to support the first opinion rather than the second 在我看来,支持第一种观点比支持第二种观点更有道理。

3 . The harder you work, the more progress you make 你愈努力,你愈进步。

4 . In the nationwide discussion, many people suggest that … But I argue that … 在全国范围内的讨论中,许多人提出…。但我却认为… (该句suggest引导的从句应用虚拟。

5 . so that 以便,为使;所以,因此

6 . I’m not suggesting that … 我并不是建议… (该句中suggest做建议讲要用虚拟,即(should+动词原形

7 . walawa走开

8 . CuldI+dsth?

9 . My final and perhaps my best reason for not doing something is … 我不做某事最终的,或许最好的理由是…

10 . As for me, I am on the latter part of the argument The reasons are as follows 至于我,我支持争论的后半部分。原因如下:




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