
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-13 19:00:08


1 . Some things are doomed, even if they are not willing, they can only bear On the way, do not be afraid of silence and loneliness, only they will be together with us Good night

2 . 天上的星星都在眨着眼睛,月亮在跳跃着思绪不眠的夜里,有个不眠的我在想你晚安亲爱的梦里要有我无论是好或是坏,至少能证明你的心里有个我!

3 . Cry me a sad river

4 . 【I like you most in the scenery of all things】

5 . some are to teach us, some to comfort us, some to share and some to love

6 . 我是王子你所眷恋的王子。

7 . 我才发现当初我向你表明心声的时候是我的爱最热烈的。

8 . 我一直忘不了她因为她对我那么重要。

9 . Something is out of our control, so we have to command ourselves

10 . 朝起朝落的日子,总有一个笑,可以伴着黑夜进入梦乡,进入没有虚假的世界,晚安,世界!你好,明天!


1 . I die, i want you to perish, the life of the chaotic Love hurt

2 . Always in the deepest despair, saw the most beautiful scenery

3 . 分别时假装的微笑,是最后的告别曲。

4 . love comes to me, i have to release a warm embrace

5 . Speak sugared words, for the left ear

6 . Happiness is time precipitation, smile is the lonely sad

7 . 世界上最珍贵的,是得不到和已失去。

8 . 友谊靠真实和忠诚来巩固

9 . 夜深了,你睡没呢?愿皎皎明月,月光洒满窗前;繁星点点,伴你微笑入眠;轻轻祝福,送你一夜香甜。朋友,晚安!

10 . 如果一切都是戏。我们何必演的那么逼真。


1 . With you, the long night is not sleepless, you are accompanied, the sky is no longer alone You are the warmth of my warm memories, the sails on the road of my life Good night night

2 . I wold like to give you a prison(我愿为你画地为牢)

3 . Many things we know, but pretended not to know

4 . 会见面的再等等,等春天的温柔长满枝头。

5 . 工作的事放一边,忧愁的事别去想,烦恼的事扔掉它,压力的心放平了,睡觉的事最重要,愿你今夜安然入睡,好梦不断。晚安。

6 . 听说有很多小笨蛋在夜晚偷偷用被子擦眼泪。

7 . 每次在甜蜜的幸福中,听见残忍的再见。

8 . do you like or don&#;t love me, i here and do not yield

9 . Don’t let the sadness of your past and the fear of your future ruin the happiness of your present.

10 . I want to be your sun around you。[我想做你的太阳陪伴在你身旁。]


1 . 一定要好好吃饭,好好睡觉,不管当下多难过,吃饱了睡足了,才有精神反抗一切糟糕。

2 . The truth is that you left。[事实是你已经离开了]

3 . There is a kind of flowing safety in the body, called blood There is a kind of flowing safety in life It is called time There is a bright light in the greeting It&#;s called good night, dear, I wish you good dreams and good night

4 . 梦想的路上:即使看不到希望,看不到未来,也要相信自己的选择不会错,自己的梦想不会错!

5 . Love will be presumptuous, but love will overcome

6 . 手机没电了,等不到妹妹的短信了。妹是不是和我一样遗憾呢?但希望妹妹也能感觉到我,嘿嘿。向你道晚安了,乖宝贝好梦!明天见。

7 . 深知你是梦,怎敢贸然去触碰

8 . Laugh eyes and lie face (会笑的眼和说谎的脸)

9 . sweet talk,is rea dy for the left ear

10 . 有些事情本身我们无法控制,只好控制自己。


1 . 永远不要对任何事感到后悔,因为它曾经一度就是你想要的。后悔也没用,要么忘记要么努力。

2 . 在这美好的夜晚,夜空的繁星代表我温馨的祝福,窗外皎洁的月色洒在你身上,替你洗去一天的劳累,愿你今夜有一个甜蜜的梦境!

3 . 我在这个世界上,走走停停,寻寻觅觅,就是为了和你相遇。

4 . Time profound rather than shallow, please don&#;t used to mourn rather than miss

5 . Every time in sweet happiness, hear the cruel goodbye

6 . Tell me you are mine I’ll be yours through all the years, till the end of time请告诉我你是我的。岁岁年年,我都属于你,永远永远。

7 . A quiet appreciation of the night scene, the noise of the zero; slowly drink a cup of milk, will be busy to zero; clear the pain of memory, the pressure to zero At night, the blessing is upgraded, and the trouble is zero Good night, wish you have a good dream!

8 . 或许我们应该懂得,有时候一些光会熄灭,然后,另一些光会被点亮。

9 . And lonely again

10 . Who are not who, after all, we will only be our own




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