
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-04 03:09:08


1 . love is not a matter of counting the days it’s making the days count 爱情不是数着日子过去,它让每个日子都变得有意义。

2 . Are there only to leave,you will never care about。

3 . 十九Best way to avoid disappointment is to not hope anybody anything避免失望的最好办法,就是不寄希望于任何人任何事。

4 . When you were born, you&#;re crying but lookerson were smiling When you arepassing away, you&#;re smiling but lookerson are crying

5 . When it has is lost,brave to give up。

6 . :if i were to fall in love,it would have to be with youyour eyes, your smile,the way you laugh,the things you say and dotake me to the places,my heart never knewso,if i were to fall in love,it would have to be with you―― ed walter如果说我已陷入情网;我的情人就是你;你的眼睛,你的微笑;你的笑脸;你说的一切,你做的一切;让我的心迷失了方向;所以,如果说我已陷入情网;我的爱人就是你。

7 . 爱情不是数着日子过去,它让每个日子都变得有意义。

8 . 我没有哭泣,只是突然学会了思念而已。

9 . 我一直深爱着你,只是你不知道而已。

10 . Wisdom appears in contradiction to itself, which is a trick life plays onphilosophy of life


1 . 智慧的代价是矛盾。这是人生对人生观开的玩笑。

2 . 多希望你曾注意过我。

3 . No one takes you as the world丶 没人把你当成全世界丶

4 . Your smiling at me is my daily dose of magic你嫣然的微笑是我每日享受到的魅力。

5 . :you mean the world to me你对我来说是最重要的结婚浪漫语句英文

6 . Each piece of the young will be old 每段年少都会苍老。

7 . I have been sleeping all alone我一直孤独入眠

8 . Graduated from unspeakable joy and sadness 毕业了 说不出的喜悦和苦涩

9 . You are warm and backlighting你是温暖逆光而来

10 . In fact,there are a lot of feelings are about you,but you never noticed。


1 . 当你放弃了对自己未来的控制,你就能拥有更多的幸福。

2 . 对不起,我忘了,你已经不再需要我了。

3 . It&#;s true that we have been leading a difficult life, for we need not only to beunder various external pressures, but also to be in the face of internalperplexitiesYou would be affected by the warmth of life if someone gives you aunderstanding look during your bitter struggleEven a mere glance would make youmoved and inpired

4 . Sorry,I forgot。You don’t need me anymore。

5 . The other side of the flowers, love will fade away

6 . Happiness is a journey,not a destination幸福是一个旅程,而不是终点。

7 . 令狐冲说“有些事情本身我们无法控制,只好控制自己。” 可是,他算什么!

8 . A true love is what doesn&#;t strive for busyness, for extravagance, for luxury,and moreover for hokum

9 . your kiss still burns on my lips, everyday of mine is so beautiful 你的吻还在我的唇上发烫,从此我的日子变得如此美丽。

10 . Time has faded from the memory 时光,淡忘了回忆。


1 . Can you just not miss me while I am still loving you?(趁我还爱你,你可不可以不要错过我?

2 . 久伴是多久?葬在身边够不够。

3 . Some people will never be forgotten while some are always substitutes。

4 . With my strong I give myself to the world 待我强大我给自己天下

5 . One person you loved is not love 万千宠爱也不及你一人疼爱

6 . 谁是谁的劫,谁又是谁的救赎。

7 . :for worldyou only be a person,but for meyou are the world对于世界你只是一个人,但对于我你是整个世界

8 . Don’t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。

9 . Do not let dream just be your dream 别让梦想只停留在梦里。

10 . love is something eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essence 爱是永恒的,外表可能改变,但本质永远不变。


1 . Whn the words "I love you" were said by you for the first time, my world blossoms 第一次听到你对我说"我爱你",我的世界一瞬间鲜花绽开。

2 . First love is unforgettable all one is life初恋是永生难忘的。

3 . Between us are only separated by one step,and I can not move you。

4 . So many menso many mind 人心各不同

5 . Guard your life。守护你一辈子

6 . 十八Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。

7 . I do not want to be strong 我不想坚强

8 . 三Love is not a matter of counting the days It&#;s making the days count爱情不是数着日子过去,它让每个日子都变得有意义。

9 . 我不去想是否能够成功,既然选择了远方,便只顾风雨兼程;我不去想,身后会不会袭来寒风冷雨,既然目标是地平线,留给世界的只能是背影。

10 . I still love, only less than with persistent 我还爱着,只是少了非在一起的执着


1 . The status quo 安于现状。

2 . You are my lover when I have love 当我有了爱时,你便是我的爱人

3 . Remember,at least you have me。

4 . I also want to know what I think。

5 . You will not be the same as I think you want me。

6 . Like the outcome after an exam, death makes us aware of anything, That is, it&#;stoo late to take a tumble

7 . From that you would get angry with your friends, we can conclude you sitll careabout the friendship between you

8 . :love is a lamp, while friendship is the shadow when the lamp is off,you will find the shadow everywhere friend is who can give youstrength at last 爱情是灯,友情是影子,当灯灭了,你会发现你的周围都是影子

9 . love is a fabric that nature wove and fantasy embroidered 爱情是一方织巾,用自然编织,用幻想点缀。

10 . 你若不离不弃我必生死相依。


1 . 二In love folly is always sweet恋爱中,干傻事总是让人感到十分美妙。

2 . 我有你,就够了。

3 . The world is too dark, I am really tired---这世界太黑暗,我真的`累了。

4 . You will not be the same as I think you want me你会不会像我想你一样的想我。

5 . I am still concerned about the left,you do not see my time。

6 . You see what you believe 一个人相信什么,就会看见什么。

7 . 离开后我依旧在关注,看到了你不需要我的时光。

8 . 你会不会像我想你一样的想我。

9 . You never appear in my life

10 . Memories can not feed my 回忆养不活我




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