
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-11 01:16:05


1 . , you should take you up again and again, and then give you a kiss on your birthday I wish you a very happy birthday!

2 . 袅娜少女羞,岁月无忧愁,时光静好,陪你长大

3 . 生命中的一天就是你历史上的一页。

4 . Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again

5 . , the meteor shower, I spilled your heart&#;s blessing, the river is my endless greetings to you May the drizzling rain washed your heart trouble, let the golden sun on your way In this unusual day, I do not have a thousand words, but I can only send my sincere blessing: Happy Birthday to my sister, wish the days of the future to the icing on the cake!

6 . 每天和爱人在一起说说话,看看电视,陪陪孩子和家人在一起有甜蜜的笑容这就是幸福。

7 . 一举一动,都是承诺,会被另一个人看在眼里,记在心上的。

8 . 当全世界约好一起下雨,让我们约好一起在心里放晴。

9 . Plain such as jin Until the time of quiet, and you forget in the world

10 . 我渴望的幸福是:读许多书,养几只猫狗,种很多花,和父母在一起,陪孩子们长大。


1 . 你要找的不是一个完美的人,而是一个对你而言最合适的人。

2 . "Maturity not to see how old you, but your shoulders strong enough to see multiple responsibilities 成熟不是看你的年龄有多大,而是看你的肩膀能挑起多重的责任。"

3 . 人生就是一连串的你好再见!

4 . Pretend not to care about your smile with a smile, do not care about your leaving

5 . Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know someone else and expect them to know you 在你想了解别人也想让别人了解你之前,先完善并了解自己。

6 . 也许生活本来就是一杯水。

7 . "When I was young, I admired clever people Now that I am old, I admire kind people 少时喜欢聪明人,老来喜欢仁厚人。"

8 . Memories of the past, everything is just tangled and tragedy

9 . 生命不止,奋斗不息。 -- 卡莱尔

10 . 江南风骨,天水成碧,天教心愿与身违。


1 . 爱情是盲目的。

2 . Because life is a kind of freehand brushwork, optional on the good

3 . I&#;ll think of you every step of the way

4 . The way of the time is the single car, never sell FanChengPiao 时间的路是单程车,从来不卖返程票。

5 . 生活是蜿蜒在山中的小径,坎坷不平。

6 . 只有天空没人抢得走,只要我能拾起天,它都一直陪着我!

7 . t be a woman that needs a man Be a woman a man needs 不做需要男人的女人, 而做男人需要的女人

8 . Let us run with the wind, to the pursuit of a great, sacred dream!

9 . True love never goes a smooth road

10 . 有了你,我迷失了自我。失去你,我多么希望自己再度迷失。


1 . 谁苍白了我的等待,讽刺了我的执着。

2 . , you, at one breath, run N circles on the runway of life Today, it&#;s the starting point again Tired? Rest and rest Tomorrow you will start a new circle again And my Chinese blessing, will always stand on the edge of the runway for you to cheer

3 . One world, a search A sigh, a life for a person

4 . 在爱人眼里,一千里的旅程不过一里。

5 . , wish my blessing haunts you, in your colorful life journey, in the dream that you are forever connected to spring I wish my sister: happy, happy! Happy birthday! Happy forever!

6 . Only love influence, and can realize born inspirati 只有爱情的熏陶,才能体会到与生俱来的灵感。

7 . 转身,一缕冷香远,逝雪深,笑意浅。来世你渡我,可愿?

8 . You may be out of my sight, but never out of my mind

9 . "Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain生活不是等着暴风雨过去,而是学会在风雨中跳舞。"

10 . 愿你享有期望中的全部喜悦,每一件微小的事物都能带给你甜美的感受和无穷的快乐。


1 . Make up your mind to act decidedly and take the consequences No good is ever done in this world by hesitation下定决心,果断行动,并承担后果。在这世界上犹豫不決成就不了任何事。

2 . 该坚持的时候,却放开了你的手。

3 . 生命是连续不断的死亡与复活。

4 . Peach blossom withered branches, the remnants of several petals, still like a little beat the flames

5 . 如花美眷也敌不过似水流年。

6 . This is spoiled child, do not know the people will be hurt, naive cruel

7 . 继续自己的小幸运,即使偶尔争吵暴躁,身边依然有你陪伴,一起走过我们在一起的又一年。愿我能做个更耐心的好麻麻,陪你慢慢长大,快乐成长。愿你的快乐比过去的一年更多,愿我们的生活比过去的一年更好。愿时光静好,浅笑安然。

8 . 这样被宠惯了的小孩子,不知道人心是会伤的,天真的残忍。

9 . 第一个两位数生日第一次在家庆祝,亲爱的大儿子生日快乐!虽然有时候“烦”你“怒”你,不变的是爱你!时光静好,陪你长大

10 . 遗憾是会呼吸的痛,它流在血液中来回滚动。


1 . I lied when I said I didn&#;t like you I lied when I said I didn&#;t care I lie every time I try to tell myself I will never fall for you

2 . 恒久不变的浓浓的爱,化作你发奋求知的动力,助你达到理想的彼岸。祝愿你健康永远,爱心永恒。

3 . Together through the years, because of the move will become more charming

4 . 有时候,我想消失一下,然后看看是否会有人想念我。

5 . , today is your birthday, your friend has called you a power train, please take your mobile phone on the floor Well, the song ended

6 . Experience is the father of knowledge and memory is the mother of knowledge

7 . Think of had to meet, like very dizzy, when the mind change, such as 想起当初相见,似天旋地转,当意念改变,如过往云烟。

8 . I&#;m ready to go with you for a lifetime, and ready for you to go

9 . I want someone whos afraid of losing me 我希望找到一个担心失去我的人。

10 . 陪孩子,在一起,幸福时光,美食相伴。培养孩子,不仅仅为了生命的延续,更重要的是参与一段生命成长的过程。


1 . How many Confidante sad, how many Acacia broken, leaving only the bloody Angel cry mess

2 . Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well

3 . Old together in the day, because of the presence of friends and the colorful light

4 . 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。

5 . Life is like angry birdsThere are always several pigs laughing when you lose人生就像愤怒的小鸟,当你失败时,总有几头猪在笑!

6 . Life is a journey, and one should experience it completely

7 . 妈妈需要休息一会儿,你要好好照顾好自己哦。

8 . "Life is sad at times, but it is up to you to make your own life happy生活有时是令人沮丧的,但你可以努力让自己的过得开心。"

9 . 没有什么不可能!

10 . 我每天都在数着你的笑,可是你连笑的时候,都好寂寞。


1 . Life is like live telecast of a TV event There is no &#;rehearsal&#; Hence we must strive to do the best we can in everything!人生没有彩排,只有现场直播,所以每一件事都要努力做得最好!

2 . , I wish the older sister the more beautiful it is happy and happy, every day like spring always in the spring

3 . 如果现在召集原班人马让你再读一遍初中,你愿意么?

4 . 亲爱的宝贝:因为有了你,一切变得更美好,可爱的小宝宝,欢迎你来到这个美丽的世界,在这漫长的人生道路上愿你健康成长,幸福快乐。

5 . 爱是一盏永不昏暗的明灯。

6 . 岁月安稳,时光静好,陪你长大,伴你到老。

7 . Often TouLu you every bit of life, can you the same for me 每每偷录你生活的点滴,你可否一样对于我。

8 . 当属于我们的向日葵死了,那么我们还会微笑么。

9 . When I need it, I can not, give me a point of view of care

10 . "The ideals which have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully have been kindness , beauty and truth 有些理想曾为我们引过道路,并不断给我新的勇气以欣然面对人生,那些理想就是--真善美。"


1 . 狠怀念我们那时的时光,可惜这一切都成为过去。

2 . 一息若存,希望不灭。

3 . Its just that when you come back to a person, its no big deal

4 . 陪孩子在一起,他(她)开心了,你就幸福了。

5 . Business is disturbing, but idleness is the greater

6 . Laughing off annoyance and worries is a kind of calmness and relief Laughing off misunderstandings and animosities is a kind of frankness and tolerance 面对烦恼和忧愁一笑而过,是一种平和释然;面对误解和仇恨一笑而过,是一种坦然宽容。

7 . Every move, is a promise, will be another person to see in the eyes, remember in the heart of the

8 . Love is devoting himself to the whole body into, and then withdraw back a hundred thousand turn out

9 . Those who let a person to sink in things, is a good start 那些让人陷进去的东西,开始总是美好的。

10 . 能处处寻求快乐的人才是最富有的人。




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