
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-13 23:12:11


1 . To seize the opportunity to walk in front of the people, Nive out of ten will be successful。

2 . Let us put forward the concerns, in advance of the thinking and plan!

3 . You have to believe in yourself That;s the secret of success人必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀。

4 . Strong faith will win strong people, and then make them stronger。

5 . 昆仑纵有千丈雪,我亦誓把昆仑截。

6 . money doesn’t grow on trees钱不是从天上掉下来的。

7 . The good seaman is known in bad weather惊涛骇浪,方显英雄本色。

8 . 我喜欢这样的时刻:我抓到你正在看我,你笑了,然后害羞地别过脸去。

9 . Albert Einstein: Logic will get you from A to B Imagination will take you everywhere爱因斯坦:逻辑会带你从A点到达B点,想象力将把你带到任何地方。

10 . 不放弃就有成功的机会。


1 . How much truth of heart in one’s life is told in a joke?

2 . 要得到真正的快乐,我们只需拥有三样东西:有想做的事,有值得爱的人,有美丽的梦。

3 . no pain, no gain天下事没有不劳而获的东西。

4 . Don&#;t aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally如果你想要成功,不要去追求成功;尽管做你自己热爱的事情并且相信它,成功自然到来。

5 . Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well任何值得做的事就值得把它做好!

6 . 做你想做的梦吧,去你想去的地方吧,成为你想成为的人吧,因为你只有一次生命,一个机会去做所有那些你想做的事。

7 . Don&#;t try so hard,the best things come when you least expect them to

8 . At the end of Chinese silver sea to shore up the top of the mountain, the peak is me。

9 . I know that my future is not just a dream。

10 . Victory won;t come to me unless I go to it胜利是不会向我们走来的,我必须自己走向胜利。


1 . The world is like a mirror: Frown at itand it frowns at you; smile, and it smiles too世界犹如一面镜子:朝它皱眉它就朝你皱眉,朝它微笑它也朝你微笑。

2 . 外在压力增加之时,就应增强内在的动力。

3 . While there is life there is hope一息若存,希望不灭。;英国谚语

4 . 当拥有已经是失去,就勇敢的放弃。

5 . Everytime you come to mind, I realize I&#;m smiling

6 . Don’t let the fear for losing keep you from trying。

7 . 你对我的一点点好,都会动摇我的决心。

8 . Fear of their own suffering, has been suffering because of their own fear。

9 . 享受简单事物的乐趣。

10 . 与其诅咒黑暗,不如燃起蜡烛。


1 . 如果别人朝你扔石头,就不要扔回去了,留着作你建高楼的基石。

2 . 做个快乐的人。那是英明智慧的一条路径。

3 . 拥有梦想只是一种智力,实现梦想才是一种能力啊。

4 . 彪悍的人生不需要解释。

5 . Diligence is the mother of good plough deep while shuggards sleep,you will have corn to sell and to keep( America

6 . 真心爱你的人永远不会放你走,不管遇到多大的困境。

7 . Nothing for nothing

8 . It&#;s never too late to mend

9 . 今朝勤学苦,明朝跃龙门。

10 . Ideal is the beacon Without ideal , there is no secure direction ; without direction , there is no life ; Leo Tolstoy , Russian writer理想是指路明灯。没有理想,就没有坚定的方向;没有方向,就没有生活。托尔斯泰 L




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