
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2023-10-19 18:35:40


1 . It’s not the men in your life that counts, it’s the life in your men并不是你生活中的男人有价值,而是你与男人在一起的生活。

2 . :一个人的旅途,一片叶子乱舞出的单调,没有准确的节奏,乐章依旧循环着,泯灭着模糊又清晰的记忆。

3 . "Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered,or you will never grow up 你不尝试着做些能力之外的事情,就永远无法成长。"

4 . east or west, home is best(东好西好,还是家里最好。

5 . "The two of us watched the snow fall gently around the penguin in the snow globe The penguin was alone in there, I thought, and I worried for him When I told my father this, he" "said," ” Don&#;t w or "ry, Susie; he has a nice life He&#;s trapped in a perfect world” ——Alice Sebold 《The Lovely Bones》"

6 . 人们相信拥有计算机技术可以获得更多工作或提升的机会。

7 . You can’t change the past过去的事是不可以改变的。

8 . misfortunes tell us what fortune is(不经灾祸不知福。

9 . 不是把对方留在自己身边才叫爱,能放手让所爱的人离开,也是爱的一种

10 . Don&#;t let a bad day make you feel like you have a bad life


1 . Learning to ignore things is one of the great paths to inner peace 学会忽略是通向内在平静的一条大路。

2 . I&#;m strong because I know my weaknesses I&#;m wise because I&#;ve been foolish I laugh because I&#;ve known sadness

3 . In your life, there will at least one time that you forget yourself for someone, asking for no result, no company, no ownership nor love Just ask for meeting you in my most beautiful years 一生至少该有一次,为了某个人而忘了自己,不求有结果,不求同行,不求曾经拥有,甚至不求你爱我。只求在我最美的年华里,遇到你。

4 . Never let the demands of tomorrow interfere with the pleasures and excitement of today永远别让明天的期待,影响你享受今天的时光。

5 . Walk with your head high Look confident and be proud of who you are走路要抬头,透出自信,为自己自豪。

6 . 我有信心,我一定会成功的。

7 . My life is not a political campaign I just write about what is on my mind I just play whatever I feel like playing Whatever is in my soul at the time is what I want to do —— Neil Yo ung

8 . You are the apple of my eye 你是我的,心中挚爱。

9 . Smoking has a great influence on our health

10 . One word frees us of all the weight and pain in lifeThat word is love


1 . 明天 未来 ,哪一个会先到。

2 . 我相信他一定能升职。

3 . Blowing out another’s candle will not make yours shine brighter吹灭别人的蜡烛并不能使你的蜡烛点得更亮。

4 . 我只想现在认真过的精采 无所谓好与坏。

5 . Eat better Run more Squat more Sleep earlier Wake up earlier Make a good breakfast Drink water Eat fruits Read books Adventure Talk less Listen more Feel deeper Love bette r Open yo ur eyes Experience life Be happy

6 . I have every confidence in my success

7 . Stupid is as stupid does蠢人做蠢事。

8 . 没有什么可担心的。

9 . "Resembles the opium poppy let human become addicted deeply, wants not to 似花般让人深深上瘾,欲罢不能。"

10 . god helps those who help themselves(天助自助者。


1 . to the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world

2 . :世界那麽大,A壑幌胍懂。

3 . 帮助需要帮助的人。

4 . 这个问题已经引起了广泛关注。

5 . I&#;m very optimistic about our chances of success

6 . :你要是愿意,我就永远爱你,你要不愿意,我就永远相思。

7 . 想念 多么古老的词。

8 . would like now to seriously indifferent room of wonderful

9 . "I heard that it is very easy to be happy, as could be diluted with time going on 据说,幸福简单到用时间就可冲淡。"

10 . Die bunte Welt, nicht zu ernst nehmen


1 . "Your time is limited, so don&#;t waste it living someone else&#;s life 人生有限,不要为别人而活。"

2 . I love you not for who you are, but for who I am before you 我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前可以是谁。

3 . I really hate sleeping without you 《six word story》

4 . :他的眼睛里,闪烁着被理想信心和勇气燃烧着的十八岁青年人特有的异彩。

5 . 谈一场恋爱 学会了忍耐 总有些意外 会让人受伤害。

6 . You are in competition with one person and one person only –yourself You are competing to be the best you can be你只和一个人在竞争,这个人就是你自己。你和自己竞争去做最好的你。

7 . 爱让人变乖 突然间开始温柔了起来,爱让人变坏 懂得了什么时候该耍赖。

8 . Only for making me want to you badly 就是因为发觉自己多么渴望想得到你 I still don&#;t know if I can control myself 我到现在还不知道是否控制得了自己 《暮光之城》

9 . "If I were to fall in love, It would have to be with you Your eyes, your smile, The way you laugh, The things you say and do Take me to the places, My heart never knew So, if I" were to fall in l "ove, It would have to be with you ——Ed Walter"

10 . A smile never goes out of style Wear yours every day! 微笑永不过时。每天都带上笑容吧!


1 . May your love soar on the wings of a dove in flight

2 . 只要你明白 珍惜爱与被爱 我愿意等待 你给我的未来。

3 . :truthneverfearsinvestigation

4 . 暗恋一个人的心情,就像是瓶中等待发芽的种子,永远不能确定未来是否是美丽的,但却真心而倔强的等待着。

5 . One of the happiest moments in life is when you find the courage to let go of what you can&#;t change 人生中最幸福的时刻之一就是你有勇气去放开那些你不能改变的事情。

6 . 没有比接受教育更重要的事

7 . 时间是如此珍贵,我们经不起浪费它。

8 . They say time flies but nothing moves slower than the time it takes to heal ——Pavana ???

9 . :独立江岸,衣单不觉寒,在晚风轻拂的霞光里,忧伤在江面上泛起粼粼波光。

10 . Sweet love you, precious, I disdained the situation with regard emperors swap


1 . 花花世界 不必当真。

2 . good company on the road is the shortest cut(行路有良伴就是捷径。

3 . This is my kingdom If I don’t fight for it, who will这是我的国土,我不为她而战斗,谁为呢?

4 . The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched They must be felt with the heart 不可见,不可触,世上最美的只可用心去感受。

5 . :网恋网恋,害得我天天失恋。

6 . 毫无疑问,我们会成功的。

7 . This issue has caused wide public concern

8 . Evaluate the good in your life

9 . the shortest answer is doing(最简单的回答就是干。[想说流利的英语吗?那么现在就开口!心动不如嘴动。]

10 . "It maybe on a train, It maybe near seaside, It maybe a painful memory, It maybe a distant way, You don&#;t know why you leave, For heart break?frightend?or something else? Or maybe" you w an t to f in d "someone, Even though there isn&#;t the one any more, But you just know, that&#;s all"


1 . Seize the day What&#;s important to you? What do you care about? What matters? Pursue that Forget the rest ——Brittany Maynard

2 . The way to love anything is to realize that it may be lost 担心失去之时,就是爱的开始。

3 . Bianguai people suddenly started a gentle love, love when people understand the deterioration of the niggling over

4 . To the world you may be one person,but to one person you may be the world对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某人,你是他的整个世界。

5 . 抽烟对我们的`健康有很大的影响。

6 . :youlovemecozi’mnotbadbutyoulovehimeventhoughhemaybeamistake你喜欢我,因为我是个不错的人,但你爱他,哪怕他是个错的人

7 . Life is short If there was ever a moment to follow your passion and do something that matters to you, that moment is now生命苦短,如果你有一个机会跟随自己的激情去做你认为重要的事,那么这个机会就是现在。

8 . You should do what your heart tells you 人就应该随心所欲。

9 . In this world, only those men who really feel happy can give women happiness在这个世界上,只有真正快乐的男人,才能带给女人真正的快乐。

10 . 我敢肯定我们会赢。


1 . So precious is time that we can’t afford to waste it

2 . I&#;m full of optimism for the future

3 . Don`t listen to what other say about you, lead you own life不要听别人怎么说你,走自己的路。

4 . :海上生明月,天涯共此时

5 . "Average is knowing that you don&#;t receive respect, you earn it, and you aren&#;t given the opportunity, you fight for it, and everyone tries to tell you differently, they are lying" 《gr ad uation s pe ech》

6 . Was fr eine verpassen, das alte Wort

7 . 我对你有信心。

8 . 一切都会好起来的。

9 . 多为自己制定一些易实现的短期目标,努力实现它们。

10 . Your work is bound to be successful




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