
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-02-24 18:52:20


1 . No money is sad thing But the excess money sad times

2 . 尽量不要和他人争论,除非你认为结果对你很重要,而且一定要说服对方。

3 . Time is a thief he came quietly, and go after the disastrous, opportunity is the same

4 . 要记住:你是你生命的船长,走自己的路,何必在乎其它。

5 . That kind of love is only one (那种爱情叫唯一)

6 . At the appropriate time, give chance to others, it is a wise investment

7 . 我常常怀疑,未来会是什么样的,却又只能一直往前走,不停地走。

8 . 善有善因,恶有恶报,天理循环,天公地道,我曾误抓龙鸡,今日皇上抓我,实在抓得有教育意义,我对皇上的景仰之心,有如滔滔江水绵绵不绝,又有如黄河泛滥,一发不可收拾。

9 . 难道我学过如来神掌也要说给你听吗。

10 . i need you i love you i can say goodbey


1 . The road of life, to see light some, injury will be less

2 . Texte de la blonde, mais je dis

3 . 区区一陀屎值的了几个钱,何必大惊小怪。

4 . girl i want to put you all up in my room

5 . 希望,只有和勤奋作伴,才能如虎添翼。

6 . 故立志者,为学之心也;为学者,立志之事也。

7 . Learn not only means to accept the new knowledge, at the same time to correct mistakes and wrong understanding

8 . 它武功的名堂呢,称之为九天十地,菩萨摇头怕怕,劈雳金光雷电掌!一掌打出,方圆百里之内,不论人畜虾蟹跳蚤,全部都化成了飞灰!

9 . 只要你说我行,就算全天下的人都说我不行,我也不在乎!

10 . miracles happen every day奇迹每天都在发生。


1 . Your choice of road, kneeling also want beautiful smartly

2 . 我就是幼稚才有办法追你这么多年。

3 . 岁,该爱了。

4 . 但我们之间的故事,却没有因此结束。八年的喜欢,让我们之间拥有了更深刻的联系。比情人饱满,比朋友扎实。那是,羁绊。

5 . Whatever comes, I’ll love you, just as I do now Until I die无论发生什么事,我都会像现在一样爱你,直到永远。

6 . 不记得了也好,忘却也是一种幸福。

7 . 错!这并不是个普通的箱子,它是箱中之神,简称箱神!

8 . Classic also have first 。

9 . 我只看我拥有,不看我没有的。

10 . 人生本来有很多事是徒劳无功的,但我们还是依然要经历。


1 . 鸽子不要悲伤,不要放弃你的希望。

2 . Have ideal is a kind of intelligence, realize the dream is a kind of ability

3 . Tell yourself once a day, I am really good

4 . You Are Not Alone 你不是孤独的

5 . Love makes man grow up or sink down——爱情,要么让人成熟,要么让人堕落。

6 . 时间是小偷他来是悄无声息,走后损失惨重,机会也是如此。

7 . Let disadvantages become the advantages of the predecessor, don&#;t let the benefits become a source of weakness

8 . 所以说做妖就象做人一样,要有仁慈的心,有了仁慈的心,就不再是妖,是人妖。

9 . Try not to argue with people, unless you think the results are important to you, and be sure to persuade the other party

10 . 有理想只是一种智力,实现梦想才是一种能力。


1 . 不论今天发生了什么,那都已成为过去,只希望明天能够更美好。

2 . 做人生的行者,做人生的歌者,做人生的舞者,无愧,无悔,无憾!

3 . I miss you after i missed you [莪想念迩在莪错过迩之后。]

4 . If you think school teachers is too harsh, then you have to think with the boss again

5 . Stupid is as stupid does蠢人做蠢事。

6 . ℡ Naturally just leave the excuses(顺其自然只是离开的借口)

7 . On talent in, there are heavy waste v: next, and not by the knower

8 . 很多女孩子不谈恋爱,是因为她们一直在等待心中的那个张漾。

9 . Victory won&#;t come to you, you have only yourself to victory

10 . 十七岁的时候,我期待有个人,对我的左耳说甜言蜜语。


1 . 每尝过一次爱情,我都能获得无与伦比的勇气,在跌倒的时候吹拂伤口,然后重新站起。

2 . 有所成就是人生唯一的真正乐趣。

3 . Who shuts love out,in turn shall be shut out from love

4 . C I wana be with you爱你好幸福。

5 . 一个人呢一生中他可能做过很多好事他都会忘记,但等他到老的时候他真正记起来的是他做过的坏事(徐志森

6 . The sweat into a pearl, the dream into reality

7 . Not good at listening to different voices, is one of the largest ignore managers

8 . All money go my home

9 . All heroes from a young, I go to the fart (自古英雄出少年我出个去屁

10 . 其实我是一个演员。




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