
所属栏目:语录更新时间:2024-09-19 12:53:12


1 . 情侣间最矛盾的地方就是幻想彼此的未来,却惦记着对方的过去。

2 . It’sadeal(成交,就这么定了

3 . an earth—shaking change

4 . 肸蠁巫言报,精诚礼物余。

5 . I’mafraidyourwordswilladdfueltothefire

6 . 做人:满招损,谦受益。——出自《尚书大禹谟》

7 . 赏析:两张画像,一张就是丑丑的自己,一张就是漂亮的布兰奇小姐。我们的简爱小姐想通过对自己相貌的否定来抑制情感。不过从小说后面的发展来看,当女人爱上一个男人,任何对情感的抑制都就是徒劳的。

8 . 回首昨天,我们问心无愧,尽管太多的苦涩融进了昨日的犁铧,尽管太多的忧伤充斥着我们的心灵,尽管太多的无奈写在我们的脸上,尽管太多的精力挥洒在昨日的流程上。

9 . 祈雨结束暖风仍然吹翻了野草,太守的车马一走,相信黄神定会赐雨。

10 . 我以为“隐身”别人就找不到我了,没用的,像我这样的人,无论在哪里都像漆黑夜里的萤火虫,够鲜明够出众。


1 . 诤友者苦口婆心谏安全,顺情者投其所好隐灾祸。

2 . J’sgrandfatherisillShehastowatchhiminthehospitalaroundtheclock

3 . move at a snail’s pace

4 . Don’tbeupsetJustfollowyournose

5 . Allright!IwillfinishthereportforyouYouowemeone

6 . 有些事,明知是错的也要去坚持,因为不甘心;有些人,明知是爱的也要去放弃,因为没结局;有时候,明知路没了却还在前行,因为习惯了。

7 . 有志者事竟成:

8 . B:Thepleasure’smine

9 . Youshouldforgiveagreenhandlikehim

10 . Shoot!Ibrokemyarm


1 . 说明︰此句型意为“这(那)是什麽?这(那)是书(钢笔?)”。theenemylastyfriendwon’tevensayhellotomeTheyoftenbad-mouthedeachotherinpublic

2 . 女为悦己者容,男为悦己者穷。

3 . ThisinterviewisveryimportanttomeHopeIwon’tblowit

4 . he couldn’t be called an artist in real sense accumulate rich knowledge about …… by doing …… my horizons was broadened by the Beijing trip with ……,someone do have an edge over his competitor facing the sound conditions in China, the still throw stones at China like a blind man feeling a giant elephant the report does mind taking the trouble to do …… in a bid to do …… the key point at issue is that …… the us government must immediately put an end to do …… we also lag significantly behind coastal provinces regarded …… as nothing more than empty threats

5 . IhaveheardsomuchaboutyoufrommysisterIt’ssonicetofinallymeetyouinperson(亲自,本人

6 . 结构︰问句:What+be动词+this(that?)?

7 . Ohshoot!(糟糕,糟了

8 . 简:"它来自我的头脑,先生。"

9 . Turnbacktheclock

10 . unremitting efforts


1 . 秋日炎炎久旱不雨耽误了农事,贤良的韦使君惦念着受灾的农田。

2 . Makeendsmeet(收支相抵)

3 . Hekeepsintouchwithhisfriendsfromchildhood

4 . 舍我其谁:天生我才必有用,千金散尽还复来。——出自李白《将进酒》

5 . in the name of something is in the basic interest of …… spiritual world a variety of trees Various trees blue skies, cleaning water and beautiful surroundings regard more as …… than as …… I suggest the following action to conclude ,as any tool the internet in itself is neutral, it can be used for good and bad purposes it is up to sb to do sth step—by—step approach this thing make a new phrase in our life the market, backed by the Chinese government, will achieve development our investment in Chinese echoes the company’s strategy to adapt to the global changes put …… at a prominent place China is making every efforts to ensure steady and healthy development to secure a firm foothold in the next century Guanzhou is going all out to develop its industry it is an unstopped tide of history should strive hand in hand to do …… …… is conductive to …… make due contribution to

6 . 绳子总在磨损地方折断,事故常在薄弱环节发生。

7 . 静静地沉醉于一帘永久的幽梦,阡陌红尘,漫长的人生路程,你我走进彼此的世界,这份爱恋将如烟花般绚丽地绽放,这份情怀将如流星般璀璨地滑过时间的天穹。在所有或悲或喜的岁月里,纷飞的文字定格不老的芳华,眷恋着我今生的情愁,伴随浓浓的相思,流年沉积了浮生的纯情──人世间罕见的奇迹,心有灵犀,用心去感受情的缠绵,用心去聆听爱的絮语,一切尽在不言中。

9 . a racketing increase open one’s arm to embrace ……

10 . seeing is believing


1 . Idon’tgoDutchwhenIgooutwithgirls

2 . 良牧:“牧”为汉代州郡长官名;“良牧”就是贤良的州郡长官,这里实指韦中丞。念:即记念惦念。菑畲(zīyú资余):耕地。古代指初耕的田地。

3 . Sheisagreenhandindriving

4 . 感了到一种从未有过的奇特的自由和胜利感,仿佛撑破无形的束缚,终于争夺到了出乎意料的自由。

5 . make joint efforts

6 . ——高尔基《时钟》

7 . 翻:副词,反而之意。奉简书:指遵从韦中丞所发简牍的命令随行祈雨。

8 . foreseeable people from different walks of life overwhelming priority it is believed to have a positive impact on …… start at the threshold of the new century

9 . 赏析:借酒消愁愁更愁。

10 . Forgiveandforget(不计前嫌,冰释前嫌,不记仇


1 . it is no exaggeration to say that……

2 . new initiatives unprecedented in the history of ……

3 . 在秋日的湿雾里点燃香火,祭坛上刚摆好玉器已经曙光初露。

4 . what’s more important is that ……

5 . 世上再也没有比时钟更加冷漠的东西了:在您出生的那一刻,在您尽情地摘取青春幻梦的花朵的时刻,它都就是同样分秒不差地滴答着。

6 . Wecan’tturnbacktheclock,butwecancreatethefuture

7 . original—flavored

8 . 人长得漂亮不如活得漂亮!

9 . ThisisarareopportunityDon’tblowit

10 . ——张抗抗《牡丹的拒绝》


1 . Imeanit

2 . You’regoingtoofar!Howcanyousaythattoyourboss

3 . 有志者,事竟成,破釜沉舟,百二秦关终属楚,

4 . A:How’syourexam?

5 . 简:"就是的,先生。"

6 . we are moving in the direction of …… our long—cherished dreams of prosperity and dignity are increasingly tangible in real life it is unthinkable that …… so long as they do not cease to develop this lethal wea

7 . increase(reduce by …… to ……

8 . Takeforgranted(把当做理所当然

9 . 面对孤独:莫愁前路无知己,天下谁人不识君。——出自高适《别董大》

10 . 焚香秋雾湿,奠玉晓光初。


1 . 时间好比一把锋利的小刀,如果用得不恰当,会在美丽的面孔上刻下深深的纹路,使旺盛的青春月复一月,年复一年的消磨掉。

2 . 路见不平一声吼,吼完继续往前走。

3 . in the shadow of……

4 . 有钱的捧个钱场,没钱的回家取点钱来捧个钱场。

5 . 奠玉:祭奠神所使用的玉器。晓光:即曙光。

6 . 闭上眼睛,我看到了我的前途……

7 . keep rubbing salt to ……

8 . YoursushilooksgoodCanIhaveabite?

9 . 山谷出口处的溪流清凉洁净,丛林中黄神祠旁的古树枝叶稀疏。

10 . Ifyoutellherthebadnews,youwillonlyaddfueltothefire




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